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Hitomi has a secret crush on his kind and muscular neighbor, Kamiya.Hitomi always brings him extra f...

  • Author: Pokerou
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut

Seong Yi-yul, a fierce egoist whose motto is "There is no loss in my life", gets drunk at ...

  • Author: Ohm , 옴
  • Genres: Adult / Comedy / Drama / Romance / Smut / Yaoi / Webtoons

This is the most pansexual manga ever made. How cute

OwlHead created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

I care about the side couple…
Actually, I’m more interested in them then the main couple…

Please tell me there won’t be a romance between mc and vampire girl. I wanna try reading this again but I gotta know before.

OwlHead created a topic of Night of London

Honestly I was so confused on what time period this was supposed to be set in until the later chapters. It felt weird that the outfits and all the buildings (and even the dialogue in the first translation though it was excessive) felt 1950-ish but the vampires hair was really weird. Then he randomly pulled out an iPhone and there were glass skyscrapers and I kinda just gave up. No one was really wearing particularly modern clothes until that crimson guy wore gym clothes and that was like chapter 17 but I recognize I could’ve just been being a little silly. That being said the vampire’s families’ outfits didn’t match up with the 1700s anyway if the incident was 320 years ago so maybe the author just doesn’t care that much and part of me can respect that.

OwlHead created a topic of Fight Club

It’s so hard to take the story seriously when every time I’m invested Drake appears on the screen and I crack. 10/10 would recommend, it is literally so funny.


Am I the only one that doesn’t like when they randomly just add an unrelated story to these books. Like just add the other story to its own entry on the site. It’s not a side story, hell it’s not even in the same universe, why are they fused together?

OwlHead created a topic of Yuu/Ai Line

Currently has a rating of 7.7 but it is by no means bad. It’s probably like that cause it’s super short but it’s sweet so don’t be put off.

OwlHead asked a question

Just finished translating the first 2 chapters of a yaoi but am wondering if it’s worth the effort to redraw the dicks. What are y’all’s thoughts on lightsabers and are they worth redrawing.

OwlHead created a topic of Oredakeno Senzoku Alpha

All these stories like to add homewreckers for drama but there is a super interesting conflict right in front of them. Todoroki is infertile due to him misusing medication. Otonashi may start thinking about having kids based off the conversation he had with his coworkers. Them struggling with those conflicting positions could be super interesting and could go a number of ways. Also it would be different.

OwlHead created a topic of Afterglow

Nothing against this but I feel like mc has a very toxic view on what being an internal medicine physician is. I know we story is insinuating he’s wrong but I hope there is an actual scene of him realizing that. Internal medicine physician are the ones that do check-ups and are the first to notify you when something is wrong. They work with you to form health plans and to redirect you to the correct specialist if needed meaning they must have knowledge in a number of diseases and disorders in order to quickly find someone to help you and reduce harm. They go through residency as well—so in no way is working in that field “limping and pretending to be a doctor”. They are arguably the most doctor of all the medical practitioners since they have the strongest connection with their community. Again I have full sympathy for him but it’s completely fine if he cannot be a surgeon, he can save so many lives as an internal medicine specialist and maybe that would suit him better considering his anxieties.

He said he loves aoi multiple times during his confession before revealing its as friends. He is literally so frustrating and manipulative. He is a shitty communicator and hangs out with assholes. And saying he’s friends aren’t actually assholes but only perceived that way by the insecure mc doesn’t really work because there were not enough narrative hints to show that that was in fact the case. It’s so frustrating that ml is unlikable

Maybe I’m just being an emotional wreck but idc. Seeing mc look like he’s developing body dysmorphia had me wailing. Also the ml is a loser. Why are you so spineless to be friends with someone mocking someone you care about. I genuinely feel more resentment towards you then the blondie cause why are you enabling, STAND UP

OwlHead created a topic of Formless

… this is why women always pick the bear

I need more silly couples like this that actually like each other. So many BLs just have couples destined to break up in 3 months time.

Mc just casually has fetal alcohol syndrome. Like the queen was just out here drinking wine full belly pregnant. Will this come up in the story? Probably not, but still that’s CRAZY

OwlHead created a topic of Risky Vice

While the story isn’t necessarily horrific (it’s not unique but most stories on this website are) it’s so ugly. The hands, the dicks (for the first time in my life the lightsabers saved my life), and some of the face angles. It’s heard to find the ml hot when he’s obviously bad at sex and is just not interesting at all (plus his dick is ugly). Mc is alright just a little predictable but who the hell masterbates in front of a sleeping relative, let alone a child. GO TO THE BATHROOM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON

Porn stars can be happily married and in monogamous partnerships. There are also polygamous couples and swingers. Real people exist in these dynamics and are not inherently unhappy. People set rules for their relationship and some of the rules or lack there of will not jive with you. That’s okay, why, because you are not in their relationship. I doubt you would want to insert yourself in every relationship you read about.

And for y’all saying sex work is not real work. Besides that ideology leading the criminalization and therefore no open regulation on a field prone to human trafficking (as in if your a normal sex worker and see someone being trafficked you can’t report it because you will also be arrested), you also don’t really believe that. Someone drew and wrote this erotic manga, that is sex work. In tv shows there are make out scenes / sex scenes, that is sex work. Models in bikinis, etc. It may not be having sex directly but it is created to make you feel an erotic way.

OwlHead created a topic of Jinx

If I’m old and that sick just let me die in my home. It sucks to loss a family member but we aren’t immortal, I’d rather be surrounded by my loved ones in my own home then my beloved family members grasping to avoid the inevitable. There is no peace then, only regrets :(