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Sazz March 28, 2024 2:40 am

It's not that he lacks empathy. Mc is emotionally numb because he suffers from trauma. He dissociates himself from any situation that could possibly make him feel any negative emotion, he copes through avoidance. Also he lives purposelessly and this is the result of his trauma as well, even if he says that's it's by choice.

As for the attorney, he's very unsettling. I don't really like the way he approached mc but i don't think he's the reason his friend committed suicide. It was unbelievably naive of mc to follow him in his car.


I TAKE EVERYTHING BACK about the attorney. He's a straight up psychopath. He's 100% the reason mc's friend most likely killed himself. The unsettling feeling checks out Jesus. Poor mc isn't going to be a smart protagonist either, considering he followed this trash in his car.

    kimuchi March 30, 2024 10:23 am

    Care to spoil?! How is he a psychopath? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Sazz March 30, 2024 1:07 pm
    Care to spoil?! How is he a psychopath? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ kimuchi

    In the novel we get to see his P.O.V. He sees everything like a system and dehumanizes others. He also lacks empathy, like your average person with antisocial personality disorder. He'll become extremely obsessed with mc but he'll be annoyed with his attraction towards him since mc for him is like a "stain" to his perfect "system". He'll purposely save mc from certain situations so that he can win him over. It's been a while since i read it so I can't really remember, but there are plenty more morally ambiguous situation that will give you the chills in the story. Go and read the comments on novel updates to get more spoilers.

    kimuchi April 3, 2024 9:11 am
    In the novel we get to see his P.O.V. He sees everything like a system and dehumanizes others. He also lacks empathy, like your average person with antisocial personality disorder. He'll become extremely obsess... Sazz

    Thanks for the summary! He seems like a well layered character(⌒▽⌒) Hopefully lacking empathy doesn't mean toxic.

    Sazz April 8, 2024 11:00 am
    Thanks for the summary! He seems like a well layered character(⌒▽⌒) Hopefully lacking empathy doesn't mean toxic. kimuchi

    Based on the novel, he unfortunately is. There's a lot of 'coercive' moments.

Sazz March 26, 2024 6:21 pm

Second ml syndrome once again...

Sazz March 26, 2024 12:21 pm

I hope the ml drops dead. Seriously.

Sazz March 23, 2024 10:07 pm

Read the spoilers, the husband is trash. Yes, he actually had this girl as his real mistress. He lusted after her body because apparently he couldn't do anything sexual with his sick wife. He promised his mistress to make her "his" after his wife died. His wife that reincarnated into the mistress' body, is going to see her husband's true colors because he's going to seek her out not even a month after her old body gets buried. He's nothing more than a dog that didn't really love his wife, he just saw her as an object, hence why he found a mistress that looks like her, one he'll be able to have sex with. He's disgusting, shallow and sick.

Sazz March 20, 2024 6:39 pm


Sazz March 7, 2024 7:17 am

I love this story and the messages it passes to the readers. It teaches us about how the world isn't black or white and how empathy is the solution to deep rooted trauma. About how the world is full of injustices and how we shouldn't immediately hate someone with a different ideology, because this is simply the result of their own experiences. The scene with the dragon made me cry because it felt to close to home. Really underated webtoon.

Sazz March 1, 2024 1:38 am

The translation is incredibly misleading, to the point it changes the plot lol. I'm tired of people doing translations when they suck at English lol

Sazz February 29, 2024 5:34 pm

Ml is a disgusting, misogynistic, rapist creep which views fl as someone he can own. No surprise here, since this is from the author "Cry, even better if you beg". I hate him to the point I'd throw a party if he got crushed by a carriage or something. Is this author allergic to decent human being? I mean, he doesn't have to be the greenest flag but making him vomit inducing isn't actually a solution.

Sazz February 29, 2024 12:53 am

I actually dislike the sister

Sazz February 28, 2024 2:20 am

Every Tomarry/Harrymort fanfiction be like:

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