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WishingStarz created a topic of Boku no Hero Academia

Does that mean none of the quirks actually go back to the people and they're just lost forever? Would Ari be able to even rewind to before they lost their quirk since since it sounds like he takes the quirk as a whole?

WishingStarz created a topic of Boku no Hero Academia

Nope, United States of America's ego is way too large for it to submit to a world power. We literally fight over who's going to be our president for a couple years and then people still fight against them throughout the term. America would rather fight than bow to a world ruled by one individual.
If AFO created his own portion of the world and left America alone I could totally see them bending backwards. Lmao

WishingStarz created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

The Uke's dopey face makes it hard for me to read this. Lol. . . I have read it twice now but still. . .

WishingStarz created a topic of MR. BETA

Whoever uploaded these chapters got me interested enough to actually go to the author's patreon and subscribe!

The female lead didn't do anything to help Prince when he was getting bullied by the tutor even though she knew what was happening. She had all that time to plan something but it ends up being the prince taking action.

The story seems like it would be a great read but translation is bad and confusing.
Hopefully it gets picked up officially

Didn't think this would happen to me, but seeing their wings touch like that is HOT. Σ(っ°Д °;)っლ(´ڡ`ლ)

WishingStarz created a topic of Raising Beta

He's using the kid as a shackle or reason for the uke to stay, especially if uke ever ran away again he would still have a part of him aka the child

WishingStarz created a topic of Shuffle

From the story the one thing that makes me the angriest is the fact that this guy is burning that amount of money.

WishingStarz created a topic of 19 Days

I love that he had to put his arms around him even though it was unnecessary in the moment. He could have just handed them the key. Lol cute

WishingStarz created a topic of Hidamari ga Kikoeru

Chiba has a point, and I'm really glad the author put this in the story. The sad fact is the world is not friendly to people with disabilities so even if they're going to school with people who are extremely accommodating once they enter the work field they could be given a "culture" shock almost by how little people will help them. The point of schools and retreats like this is to help people develop their own way of coping with the world around them. And it's not just people with disabilities, people with personality traits that could cause misunderstandings also need to learn things like this.
I definitely get how it could sound like a jerk move but I fully support his method.

WishingStarz created a topic of Nothing but a number

Do people not know this?
There's different types of sexuality as well, I'm asexual but there's also demisexual and more.
My friend who's also asexual has a partner that is demisexual but they've been married for 7 years and haven't had intercourse.

WishingStarz created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I'm not a fan of the BL "raise your significant partner" trope but I think because he's a dragon and they didn't start the story with him being raised by the MC along with the flashback of him actually raising him was rather short it's very easy to get over. Lol.
I'm personally relieved because I actually really like the story.

WishingStarz created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

This chapter f****** triggered me hardcore.
My last job I was very much the rule follower and safety conscious employees, as I dealt with heavy equipment. It's not like I tattled on other coworkers but because I wasn't bending to unsafe regulations my coworkers, although it mainly was my managers then decide to make my life a living hell. I decided that I wasn't going to allow the few people who hated me dictate whether I left a job I enjoyed. I spent the next year and a half in nothing but stress and chaos and I hated it. It got so bad to the point that I looked for litigation help but because I had no audio recording of anything it was really hard to prove they were keeping me from work due to them not liking how safety conscious I was. People with that kind of mindset just piss me off and I want to punch them all on the f****** face. He literally says he does a good job so there's nothing he could do, that's exactly what happened with me so they decided just to make it extremely hard for me to even work.
It got so bad that I got suicidal and had to go to therapy and take medication. I started having panic attacks when I would think of work It was just so bad I ended up finally quitting even though it really felt like I let them win.

WishingStarz created a topic of Sunshine Shower

And I'm hating the Seme more and more, Fucking narcissistic dick.
Uke deserve somebody way better than him.

WishingStarz created a topic of Cry Me a River

So was that the original artist drawing or uncensored/redraw dicks b/c WOW. ヾ(☆▽☆)

WishingStarz created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

How do you twist somebody's life story that hard when they're telling you how it is. Lmao