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Stay At Home For Several Days

Try making more friends and be better at school ig. Ps read this story   1 reply
30 08,2023
Kms   2 reply
30 08,2023
punch the nurse in the face right out the womb   reply
30 08,2023
Start doing softball, viola, and speed skating at a younger age. Except for speed skating, I always feel inferior when it comes to softball and orchestra because I can’t catch up to the people who have been doing it since they were 3. I’d also probably try to reach out more and make more friends this time around. Also honestly not reading mang......   1 reply
30 08,2023
I would make my mom proud and stop embarrassing myself.   reply
30 08,2023
Do I still have my knowledge? Cause Ima be a prodigy   reply
30 08,2023
like u just fresh out the womb type of restart
30 08,2023
People be madd [Answer]
✨ mushayyy_✨ 30 08,2023
Not the weirdest yet anyways Me and my friends went to the beach that day just to see a couple almost fucking near the stone like cave in broad daylight. After that we just went swimming like nothing happened lmao. Idk i feel kinda bad but also not   reply
30 08,2023
People be madd [Answer]
your local twink
30 08,2023
Someone taking a video of two dogs fucking.   1 reply
30 08,2023
Three different times I’ve accidentally witnessed people fucking in an abandoned parking lot. Two times it was people in a car, but one time it was just people fucking out in the open during the daytime. Like wtf It’s so awkward because like I’m just trying to take a shortcut to get home faster, not peep on random people.   reply
30 08,2023

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