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When I’m super busy and someone asks me a dumb question   reply
08 03,2021
uh creepypasta, fnaf, gacha, koreaboo, and stranger things im still into creepypasta and fnaf-   reply
08 03,2021
Story time [Experience]
NightmareWhisper 01 03,2021
I have issues answering unknown phone calls. Why? Because I was talking to. (Not romantically) this guy. I'll call him A. A was cool and we were friendly messaging a bit. A said he wanted to see a pic of me. I hate sending pictures of myself so I ignored A and started to talking to other guys. A made a new account and messaged me. I'll call A's f......   reply
01 03,2021
not me but its one of my classmate. so my classmate is kinda like an e boy, he had his hair barely cover his eyes. one day he brought his big ass earphone to school. instead of plugging it into his phone, he wear it as an accessory with his wire hanging in the air. cringiest is he starts playing justin bieber's music, start twitching and says some ......   reply
01 03,2021
POV [Answer]
Just Me
01 03,2021
Stay on the island lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Like what else could I do??   2 reply
01 03,2021
Used to read crazy amount of fanfic nonstop like started from 6 am till 11 pm . I have ships in almost everything i read or watch so there was and still are lots to read i still haven't stopped reading tbh and i'm not planning to but it has become much less than before   reply
01 03,2021
POV [Question]
Lumi 01 03,2021
(hello! I would like to share an idea I got from my dreams in pov form :) )
Warning it's long so if you don't want to read it please don't

You wake up on a tiny boat surrounded by nothing but ocean. It's been days since the shipwreck and not another person in sight, it's nothing but ocean as far as you can see. Hours go by and your stomach is rumbling so much it feels like it's eating itself. You curl yourself up trying your best to numb or ignore the pain. Just as those thoughts cross your mind that you won't make it out of this alive, it feels like the earth's very core starts shaking. You place both hands on the side of the boat trying to keep both the boat and yourself steady as the water slams against it. You notice that the sea animals are going crazy trying to swim away from where the ripples in the water were more dominant. Suddenly fear strikes you when you realize your boat is being pulled into those ripples and there was nothing you could do to stop it. You laid down on the boat, facing the dark sky, and closed your eyes. Right as you close your eyes the sea goes still and the earth stops shaking. You wait, completely still, for about ten minutes waiting for something to happen, but nothing happens. You decide to open your eyes and the first thing you see is a bright clear sky, as you sit up in the boat you immediately realize the island your boat is now resting on. Though you're confused your hunger over throws any rational thought and you quickly jump out of the boat, onto the soft, seemingly glowing, sand of the island. As you were going up to a tree your peripheral vision encourages you to turn back and look towards where your boat had landed. You didn't want to at first but you had a guy feeling something was very wrong. You quickly turn around and notice that the sea away from the island is still rumbling and the only patch of clear sky is right above the island the rest is still dark maybe even darker than before. Chills go up and down your spine and everything is making you feel like you need to leave, immediately. What do you do?
01 03,2021
People say that as kids they waited for their letter to Hogwarts. I thought I was a demigod and that at any moment one of my friend would turn out to be a satyr and a monster would attack me. Percy Jackson, man. It does shit to you.   2 reply
01 03,2021
Episode. I even tried to make a story...   reply
01 03,2021
Program Me has exactly what I want in GL, but I can’t pinpoint it. It’s not the art style or the BDSM or anything like that.

I think it’s the humour and the fact that it goes at a good pace? It reads like BL and some good SL, it’s not really slow and it’s funny no matter what, I think, so if you have something like that then I’ll take it!
01 03,2021

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