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Question page 13 (34760)

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ok so a guy dm me on tiktok, he wanted us to be moots, i said yes. but he asked us to be friends on discord too, i said yes too. we've only been chatting for about a week, but he confess his love for me??? even though we've only known for a week. I rejected him, but from yesterday he seems to conclude that we are dating. he started calling me babe, honey, etc. he is also 4 years older than me. i feel very uncomfortable, i want to ghost him but isn't that very bad? he started updating me about his daily life, I felt bad about ghosting him. what should i do?
21 days
about question
No, because I am sick and tired of these ignorant people on this site. I'm getting tired of people saying it's stupid and it won't stop the Genocide. OF FUCKING COURSE IT WON'T STOP A GENOCIDE BY BLOCKING CELEBRITIES. WE KNOW THIS!! I can't believe people are using this as an excuse to not participate or whatever the people who are saying this get from being this fucking stupid. I tried to be understanding, but I just kept explaining and explaining, and it shows how ignorant you guys are to this. Aren't you guys on tiktok?? Don't you guys have social media?? For those who really don't have a clue, I'll break it down:

It all started with a tiktok post from Hayley Baylee. She posted herself, standing outside the met gala this year, in a Marie Antoinette inspired dress, mouthing the words to an audio from a movie based off Marie Antoinette, using the famous quote "Let them eat cake". If you don't know who Hayley Baylee is, she's a famous tiktoker who has made millions of dollars and has gained a pretty hefty following in the past few years. On the same day, israili forces had invaded Gaza and killed thousands of people. You can imagine the anger and controversy this sparked with the millions of people on tiktok becase while celebrities were partying, there were innocent people dying. This was what sparked the #Blockout2024. But this is where people get brain dead and can't comprehend something so simple and straightforward that it's embarrassing a lot of people don't get it. This trend is used to block celebrities, influencers, corporations, companies, etc. in order to show them that we are serious about getting them to speak up for Palestine because believe it or not, big public figures like them have the power to influence people. Omg, that's so crazy. It's almost as if they call influencers for that very reason, isn't that fucking insane!?? With their influence, they can get people to donate money, actively show their support, and help share the news of Palestine. With their support, more people will want to join. The more people donate and show their support, the more families can escape from Palestine. Of course, ending a genocide would be better, but nobody has that power, so we're staring with a more possible solution: save everyone we can with the donations. With these donations, we can get them out of Palestine and into a country that won't bomb, torture, and kill them.

And if you still don't understand, it's not because our methods are pointless or meaningless, it's because you're stupid as fuck and need to educate yourself. I really don't know any other words to explain to you something so fucking simple. I'm just so heated right now because instead of arguing with me, it takes a Google search to prove that we're right. Many celebrities have spoken up, and the number of them will get higher and higher. I'm tired of people be willingly ignorant to such an important topic.

Free Palestine
21 days
- Someone “fixed” hades game Persephone by removing her cheekbone, made her arms slim, and gave her plump red lips because she looked like a man(??? Women don’t have cheekbones apparently)
-They compare the game’s Hestia to Danmachi’s Hestia and said the Japanese version is better
- Others think Hades game character designs are ugly
- Others think their “fix it” and Danmachi character design are bland and just want characters to look like anime girls who looks underage

So what do you guys think? (I’ll put some pictures down below their tweets)

First off, HOW DARE they say Hades characters are ugly??? “They’re dark skinned” “she’s fat” Bro my bisexual drive was thriving with how hot and diverse they are. Anime guys and girls are hot and all but most have the same structure and face that it kinda makes me not that interested. Second, the comparison with hades and danmachi characters are kinda stupid since I heard danmachi gods are just hiding as a human while hades gods have more inspiration in Greek mythology. Both have a spin to it but don’t say that hades characters are ugly. We have different taste but I prefer hades character designs and both are fine
21 days
about question
Switzerland won with the first ever nonbinary person, Nemo, and i'm so proud of them!!
(Ik about the boycott, but you should still suppoert the artists imo. All the.. stuff going on around Eurovision was.. god. Fuck the EBU though -a Dutch person)

What was your top 5?
21 days
I honestly think the #celebrityblocklistis a great idea, however why are we including celebrately and influencers who HAVE talked about supporting Gaza and have sent links and donated to them?

It confuses me because one of the people on the blocklist were Zendya and she openly supports Gaza and even made a post sharing a link where they can donate to charity that are helping with the cause as well.
21 days
if yall need an Eden uber or a light buddy then i gotchuuu babes
21 days
Are the covers of manwhas/mangas not popping up for you guys or is it just me??
21 days
Help this "thing" has no questions/experiences whatsoever so I feel like reviving it

I've seen many weird crushes on social media lately, like that one Colgate 360 Toothbrush from the animated commercial and I was wondering if anyone had an odd one as well?
22 days
about question
22 days
What’s ur most traumatic manga that u still reread until u lost count??

Mine is Tourou No Ori
22 days
about question
Today is the finale and I had been looking forward to it since last year... anyone else boycotting it here?
I'm so heartbroken and I need some solidarity.
22 days
about question
Because I think most of us grew up thinking, that everything has a good ending.
So, what story made you realized that that was not true?
22 days
about question
GHENSHIN PLAYERS NEEDED! We have close to none but we need more! Invite your friends too while you’re at it!

22 days
about question
Where do you guys stand on supporting Palestine?? I just wanna know, I'm not trying to start a debate or a contest, because that's not what it's about. I'm just trying to see who I'm rocking with.

If you don't already know, 'cause I know a lot of people on here may be young, Palestinians are in Gaza right now. Israelis are attacking, murdering, and torturing the people of Palestine in a war. In this genocide of the Palestinians, over thousands, over millions of people have died because of them. Families torn apart, lives lost, children parentless, miscarriages, raping, stealing, killing, hurting, torturing these innocent people.

My main source for this information is Tiktok. My fyp is FLOODED with Palestine supporters, informing all of us that we have a voice and responsibility as a human being to help Palestine with whatever you can. Like posts, repost, follow accounts, donate whatever you can if you can, etc.

Free Palestine!!
22 days
about question
Just want everyone share some thoughts on this matter
22 days
about question
I will delete that shit its so cringe i creat my first mgg acc around 2016/2017 i am in mgg for like everyday i was like asking questions here answering questions there and more shit is my answer was like im fujoshi i like yaoi so much im gonna kill myself if someone stop me reading yaoi like god damn i will kill everyone if someone bring my mgg acc back i hate yaoi now im more to shounen ai and action manhwa most shittiest memory of my life(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
22 days
about question
What's worse? Walking in on someone, who you regularly hang out with, naked. Or Someone you regularly hang out with walking in on you naked?
I kinda feel like the latter is worse imo because I don't know what they would be thinking and that would make me anxious as all hell, I couldn't wash away that fear and insecurity.
22 days
In a quiet town nestled between rolling hills and whispering trees, there lived a man named Gleen. Gleen was a gentle soul, with kind eyes that held a universe of emotions within them. He lived a simple life, working at the local bookstore, where he met Jake.

Jake was unlike anyone Gleen had ever known. He had a smile that could light up the darkest of rooms, and a laugh that danced like music in the air. They became fast friends, spending countless hours lost in conversation, sharing secrets under the moonlit sky.

But as time passed, Gleen's feelings for Jake grew deeper, blossoming into something he couldn't ignore. He found himself longing for more than just friendship, yearning for the warmth of Jake's touch and the sweetness of his lips.

So, one starry night, Gleen confessed his love to Jake, his heart pounding with fear and hope. To his surprise, Jake confessed that he felt the same way. And so, they began a secret romance, stealing moments of love in the shadows, hidden from prying eyes.

But as their love flourished, Gleen couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the depths of his heart. Jake was hesitant to take their relationship further, always insisting that it was too soon for kisses and caresses. Gleen tried to brush aside his doubts, clinging to the moments of joy they shared together.

Then, one fateful night, Gleen's phone rang at 3 am, piercing the silence of his lonely room. With trembling hands, he answered, expecting to hear Jake's voice on the other end. But it wasn't Jake. It was a woman, her words slurred with intoxication.

Confusion swirled in Gleen's mind as he listened to the woman's ramblings. And then, amidst the haze of alcohol, there were sounds that shattered Gleen's heart into a million pieces—moans of pleasure, the kind that should have been reserved for him.

The call abruptly ended, leaving Gleen trembling with fear and uncertainty. He tried to call Jake, over and over again, but each time, there was no answer. The night stretched on endlessly, filled with dread and despair.

Days turned into weeks, and still, Gleen heard nothing from Jake. His heart ached with a pain that seemed unbearable, as he clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe, Jake would come back to him.

But then, an invitation arrived in the mail—a wedding invitation. Gleen's hands shook as he read the words, his heart crumbling into dust. Jake was marrying the woman from the phone call, the one who had stolen his love away.

As Gleen stood outside the church on the day of the wedding, watching as Jake pledged his love to another, tears streamed down his face like rain. His heart shattered into irreparable pieces, the pain of lost love consuming him whole.

And as he walked away from the church, his footsteps heavy with grief, Gleen knew that he would never be whole again. For in the depths of his shattered heart, the memory of Jake would linger forever, a bittersweet reminder of a love that was never meant to be.
22 days
Literally posting for nth time, help I forgot its name it was a yaoi Japanese manga the MC was having a bit of difficult time accepting MLs feeling and there's MCs office coworker who was bit promiscuous manipulating him against the ML that he should not accept or love him as LOVE is not worth it , but then he actually falls for the 2nd ML who was MCs friend (kinda rich I guess) who himself was rejected by MC. It was the spin off of the main story starring coworker×2nd ML coworker gets character development and start to chase 2nd ML to get on his good side if anyone knows, thank u in advance.╥﹏╥
22 days
about question
so i had asked for the name of this manhwa in the questions at the bottom of the site but i received 0 responses so im asking here. i read this manhwa long back but i vaguely remember its about this girl who was a radio host (possibly?) and she was streaming a romance song then she gets teleported back in time and meets the writer and the singer of the very same song btu he hadnt written the song yet. if anyone knows the name please let me knwo the name
22 days
about question
22 days
Recommend me the best gl drama you know
22 days

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

Started my last year last week. So far so good (I already had five breakdowns)

38 minutes
did how are u guys doing in school

A lowkey student who doesn’t do any sports or any other extracurricular…

44 minutes
did question

nah idk what everyone else is saying but these were wild times frr....

15 hours

Search thing


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'Things' are your daily life experiences by which you get to know the world around you. Tell others about the things you did, may it be cool, sad, crazy or funny. You can also find things that you might want to do and a friend to do it with!

In all the things that you have done
Recommend the most worthwhile thing