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Answer page 695 (456884)

Because I'm too fucking amazing that no one fits my standard. (It's probably because I'm really weird and loud)   reply
20 03,2024
I’m aromantic   reply
20 03,2024
alright you have to listen to me very closely on this..... you purchase a speaker then whenever you are in close proximity of this person, please the most attracting, most rizziest song there is. This person will begin to associate you with this song, in turn associating you with being attractive (which you're not but exposure therapy will help) T......   2 reply
20 03,2024
When you're not sure yet if they are into you, the safe bet is going out for a drink or to eat. When I was in high school or college, we would go to the cafeteria together for example but even outside of the workplace/school it's still doable, just go to a restaurant (even if it's not a fancy one, who cares) or a cafe is a pretty good spot as well.......   reply
20 03,2024
I am a pretty attractive college student but all the guys I date broke up with me because my intentions didn’t match theirs. They just wanted to hookup while I want a slow paced relationship.   reply
20 03,2024
I'm 22 and been single since birth. I feel like wanting to be in a relationship at your age is normal like I also felt that way before and did experience falling in love but now looking back I don't regret not dating the person I was in love with because we had so many shits going on and we weren't what each other needed. Now I'm not even on a rush......   reply
20 03,2024
1) I feel no romantic interest in the people in around me and only see them as acquaintance, sure there are some I’m close to that I’d flirt with or spoil with gifts but it’s never something serious and I feel only affection but not romantic interest. 2) I did had a fast crush on someone only to not see them anymore and when I tried talking ......   reply
20 03,2024
about question
My skin was relatively clear for all my life but suddenly around 6 months ago I started getting a LOT of acne like it was terrible. Honestly it was really debilitating to my confidence. Still, I got various skincare stuff and got to work to try and see what worked. This is what I'm using right now(my face is basically clear of acne although I still......   reply
20 03,2024
Me personally i would kabedon them to the wall and then read out a poem detailing about how mesmerizing their eyes is written with by yours truly while biting on a single stalk of fresh handpicked rose   4 reply
20 03,2024
me personally, I waited until I was old enough to go on dating apps. it's way easier to ask someone out on a date when you know they're attracted to you. I'd get to know them a little bit over text and then ask if they wanna go on a coffee/boba date. or get dinner.   4 reply
20 03,2024
well--   reply
20 03,2024
I didn't read half of that but let's just say this: It's ok to be single at your age, you don't need to look at what other people say or want or do. Just go with the flow, you got time sis. Same goes for when you're in a relationship, take your time and don't let your expectations ruin the moment.   reply
20 03,2024
from a 25 year old- you're fine. 17 is young, don't stress about it and just have fun, I promise you it'll happen.   reply
20 03,2024
about question
Why are you asking everyone if you did anything wrong like do you think people are gonna say you might be wrong for cutting of contacts with your two faced friend ? Or are you just looking for validation and sympathy   1 reply
20 03,2024
I'm about 24 and never dated   reply
20 03,2024
I'm not entirely sorry, but I literally zoned out halfway through what you said because the way you type is just so.. weird?? Like, you type like you are 10 years old. But babes, I don't think it's a good idea to just share your age on the internet so freely, especially on a site like this? Like I know the pain of being single for a long time, but ......   reply
20 03,2024
mangago is the most random place you could've put this girl   reply
20 03,2024
about question
A person can pretend for 5? 15? Years??? Good thing you blocked her, but I think you should've cross checked what that guy sent you from someone else too. I mean, the guy sounds kinda wacky, what if he faked the chats to get you and your friend to break apart? Ofc this happened irl so there may be behaviour, hints, causes and effects idk about...   1 reply
20 03,2024
this type of people always acting like they are in their mid 60s when they are actually young teens and young adults that have a lot of time to experience and explore relationships. Because u dont/didn't have relationship in your teens it dont mean that u never going to ur true love   reply
20 03,2024
Girl what do you want us to do ? Put you in our prayer so you get a boyfriend ? Maybe next time put this in your diary entry rather than on the internet   1 reply
20 03,2024

People are doing

want to do make fujoshi friends

where can I buy some???

2 hours
want to do go to college

absolutely need to be a well-respected college professor right this second!!!

2 hours
did be a dumb bitch

my defining trait

2 hours

Search thing


What is a 'thing'?

'Things' are your daily life experiences by which you get to know the world around you. Tell others about the things you did, may it be cool, sad, crazy or funny. You can also find things that you might want to do and a friend to do it with!

In all the things that you have done
Recommend the most worthwhile thing