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Answer page 695 (456834)

about question
this just became a trauma dumping thread   1 reply
20 03,2024
how I look and the flower that I first saw. . . .   reply
20 03,2024
My hair and fav snack   reply
20 03,2024
about question
Once I saw my friends's boyfriend kissing another girl..and as she was a very good friend of mine i sent her the pic....the next day I am the one who got called out for being a bitch and well a homewrecker for some reason by the same girl. I was so confused as to why did she say all that shit to me...and she continued the shit for a few minutes. Ca......   2 reply
20 03,2024
Sappy reason here but although i think it’s because people just see me as a duff, I also think im scared of being heartbroken again. I gave my all for my last love, and yet you dont really get to expect the same love you give to come back to u I hope one day, when im stronger and more mature, I’ll be able to find love again Sadly my 2D men ......   reply
20 03,2024
about question
I've been severely abused both physically and mentally by my own parents since my whole childhood which caused some serious mental health issues in my later life. The only person I'm close to in my family is my sister and she's the only one I have. I was pretty slow as a child, had (and still have) severe ADHD which no one cared about (and still do......   2 reply
20 03,2024
too bored to entertain them   reply
20 03,2024
about question
20 03,2024
Why are most replies to this so sad im sobbing i lowk didn't want to share my lore or whtvs but sm sad replies to this thread is hurting me and I need some happy lore drop pls... Errrr this year one of the major events that happened was when I was supposed to perform as a character and this year I particularly stayed in my shell for various reason......   3 reply
20 03,2024
about question
When I was 16 I dated another girl from my class. But one day my mother found out about that. She is extremely homophobic. So she met my gf and told her not to contact me. She also made me lose contact with my other queer friends.Time to time she would come and check my phone to see whom I am talking to or where I'm going etc. She thought my friend......   1 reply
20 03,2024
about crying
20 03,2024
about question
20 03,2024
U got hacked and this is SERIOUSS. If u send me ur Credit card number i might be able to FIX me QUICK   1 reply
20 03,2024
Been in a relationship for 5 years and I broke it off ( ended pretty badly) .. Since then I really love being single.. Less over-thinking and headache HAHAHA... I prefer this kind of life more.. plus my life is full of kpop idols so not lonely at all   reply
20 03,2024
about question
He and she had a fight***   reply
20 03,2024
about question
my half-brother forced me to smoke even tho he knew that ive been hospitalized alot of times already (when i was a kid.) my biological mom was always having an affair w another guy in our neighbor, she would always leave me middle of the night js to meet up w him, shes a fucking whore. my dad didnt knew cause he was in another town. but until when ......   2 reply
20 03,2024
about question
I was SA by my cousin for so many years, and it started way back when I was 5. I thought it was normal until I reached a certain age. I never spoke about it. And I act as if I dont rememver my childhood at all when we’re talking as a family and he was there. And I hate myself because I let him do that when I was still a child and I feel sorry for......   reply
20 03,2024
about question
~Renai~ 20 03,2024
Yeah, in my case the online radio appears if I don't login to my mangago account while browsing mangas in here. After I log in to my acc, it disappears and never show up.   reply
20 03,2024
about crying
relatable   reply
20 03,2024
Guys my age like generic pretty girls and I look average + am scared of approaching guys   2 reply
20 03,2024
1. My mental illness make me not ready for relationship 2. High expectations   reply
20 03,2024

People are doing

did read all the yaoi in the world

i did this and i learned one thing.... yaoi authors need anti psychotics.

19 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

we went from wlw to mlm <3 then to besties lol

1 days
want to do question

Guys, what do you think , if your male partner cries out of pleasure , while he's pleasuring you. Is it a turnoff ?

1 days

Search thing


What is a 'thing'?

'Things' are your daily life experiences by which you get to know the world around you. Tell others about the things you did, may it be cool, sad, crazy or funny. You can also find things that you might want to do and a friend to do it with!

In all the things that you have done
Recommend the most worthwhile thing