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•ERZA• created a topic of Sugar Rain

I know how important communication is, especially in a relationship. And reading this manwha made me realize it even more. Freaking couple, why can't anyone of you say what's on your mind? Even just one of you will turn your situation around. Helbert! You're assertive when it comes to other things but you always fold whenever you think he hates you. This frustrated me way beyond my imagination.

Miscommunication and misunderstanding is the main concept of this manwha, I tell you.

•ERZA• created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

I knew I said it right. It's this bitch's fault why her life is sh't. Our FL's just making sure this bish is living her pathetic life to the fullest.

•ERZA• created a topic of High Society

Some people are saying the FL is dumb for following the suspicious maid. Bruh yall gotta chill, did you already forget how that assh'le treated FL when she got exposed to those other arshowls? She knew his temper and she was afraid on what he's going to do if she will not follow the maid because the maid's reason was that that assh'le is looking for her.

Anyway, I agree to those people who commented everyone but the fl are total shits. The illustration is very beautiful but the characters except fl can go to hell, specially that so called brother. Please don't tell me he's the ML or I'm gonna flip. Wait I think it's kinda obvious he is the ml 'cause of the cover but oh my god I hope he isn't. It's like the other version of Jaekyung. I freaking hate him.

LIke a promo? A real promo? Really? It won't update anymore? Whyyy whyyyy Why does it have to be a promo? I'm hoping there'll be more of this. Like I read a lot of manwha which started with a promo chap at first then they decided to continue making the manwha. Please let it be like those manwhas.

•ERZA• created a topic of The Guy Upstairs

But then it was another manwha? I skipped it still it was 30 but it was still that dark lords confession, I got irritated so I skipped it until the current chaps to comment. Am I the only one who read it? Now I lost the interest to read it again

•ERZA• created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Cute, I say, very cute (-ㅂ-)/

Nadrika is a Mage. A powerful one at that, he awakens due to his strong desire to protect Elvia. I love it.

But...I also cant help but feel worried. What if the people in the last panel will take Nadrika away and lock hin in some mage tower because he has powers? Please don't, Nadrika is our cinnamon roll. You know, they will say if you come with us we'll help you control your magic so you will be powerful or else he might harm Elvia because he can't control his powers yet. Then he'll be away from her. Noooooo my mind is going in an entirely diff direction.

•ERZA• created a topic of Never Understand

Alright, the first few chapter it feels very wholesome and you know just some cute scenes from our handsome ml and cutesy-ugly mc. It was very good and I liked that. Most especially when they started to like each other and then they finally became a couple. Now I guess this is where it starts? It feels dark, like really. I just finished reading this and let me tell you I cried freaking hard from all those heartwrenching scenes. All in all, I can rate it to 5/10? Only because I like the first half.

All throughout the manga, the only major character who didn't change for the worst is Jaerim. I love Jaerim. It won't change, especially after reading this. Now for Yuri, I love him too, however there are just some things that I can't let go. First, the fact that he wants to be with Jaerim at first ONLY because he only feels happiness whenever they're together. Oh, that should be a good reason right? But he's treating him like a clown, and for that I just nonono. Second, he literally insulted him? Okay, it's an outburst because of what he feels at that time. But did he apologize for that? No, he just walked away, leaving Jaerim into a poor sobbing mess. Jaerim was always the one to seek him whenever something happened. Third, the girls were bullying him! He literally has bald sports, bruises all over his body and face! That should've made Yuri sus about it, thinking that bullying already happened to his friend before, he shouldve thought maybe it's happening to Jaerim too. He didn't do anything about it, it was that Hyung who helped him (but I loath that hyung too after he did THAT to him) Fourth! HE SAW HIM BEING ASSAULTED BY SOMEONE! Instead of walking away after seeing your boyfriend lying down with someone on top of him, you shouldve went to him and demanded an explaination. What wouldve happen then if that glassess guy werent there? He will just walk away then? Thinking that he's betrayed AGAIN?! your man is literally being assaulted, but he walked away. He deserve the beating. The hyung should've also gotten many too. How dare he lay a finger to someone just because his love orders him to?? How dare he do that to someone? He should've been punished too, but he wasnt. Dang. Oh whatever it was a good read but not reading it again

So...Ignis thinks Selena is a boy and he accepted it, he accepted his feelings and is even having doubts wether it's just because he loves her that's why her being a man does not matter to him or if Ignis already liked men in the first place. He's confused about his own identity that's for sure, but, he is sure about his love for Selena, and that's more important. He is ready to have a relationship with her but is trouble about how they can't be married because he believed they have the same gender, he is also worried about not having a baby and wether Selena is alright for not continuing his bloodline as the eldest 'son' of the family.

Seriously, it's already got 130+ chapters but Ignis still has no idea about Celestine's (Selena) true identity. I don't want to complain because it's still lovely however I am also very curious about what will happen to them once Ignis finds out Celestine is actually Selena. Dang, I am very very curious that's why I wanted Ignis to find out.

•ERZA• created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

First and foremost, thank you so much for uploading this!! Second, oh my ghad Jistar HAHAHAHA My man really went from break up ---> proposing to Neu LMAO I love this soo much! Really, thank you for uploading!

Kallisto! Where have you been?! You're the only one who's honest with his actions and words towards Penelope. Seriously, I know you're the ML but even without knowing it I still feel like you're truly the ML. Given that Penelope acts naturally in front of you without pretending otherwise. Now please please please, you two are a powerful couple. Please help each other!!~~

The FL (Adrien) died and how now become Blie (black haired), who is assumed to be her husband's mistress-which, by the way, I think is true? Then, there is the crown prince who might harbor some feelings for Adrien. He went to war and come back with the news of Adrien's death, hence why he suddenly rushes out to her grave and cried. I got the feeling that the blonde prince is the ML but I don't know. The story is confusing, probably because of the translation? But yeah, that's the gist of what I think I understood from reading it.

•ERZA• created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Neu be calmly breaking up with Jistar, meanwhile Jistar's mind is replaying what he said while having a breakdown lololol this is just too good

•ERZA• created a topic of Waterside Night

First of all, I wanna say THANK YOU to this great person who uploaded five chapters in one go. Please remember I love youuuuu. Second, Taeju my man, you are really greener than mother earth. I am thankful I didn't stop when you were still a red light. I love their interactions, I love Taeju's husband-ish & fatherly gestures, I love how our cute uke's now feeling emotions other than despair and fear. Third, Jeakyung, if you won't learn from Taeju, then you better just let yourself get knocked down in the ring, in front of many people-specially Dan. You really deserve to lose once, or many times to humble your attitude down. <3<3

•ERZA• created a topic of 16647

To think he needs to play in order to get his mind out of reality. I mean I know some people do that, I do too however if it's to the point where he don't want to reach the ending because the world in the game will end too is just heartbreaking. The scene of him hunched over and just staring lifelessly on the screen is also very sad. ML, please, I hope you won't hurt the boy further. He's already reaching his breaking point. I never really experienced that level of bullying which I think is something that I am happy about, it's also sad how many students are bullied to the point that they think that they should end their.... Add to the fact that his parents aint even gonna talk to him. Darn, why raise him if you won't pay attention to his needs. As a child and as your son. Money can only do so much. ML YOU BETTER HELP HIM.

And...I don't really mind age gaps (no matter how old they are) as long as the uke is legal and is old enough to think and CAN think for himself and not manipulated to do something he probably doesn't want to but just don't know any better.

•ERZA• created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Is it weird that I like this? Nah whatever.

•ERZA• created a topic of Believe My Sign

It's done??? PLEASE TELL ME THERE ARE MORE CHAPS! This is just tio good, like seriously good. The romance, the gore, the zombies the way they interact. I WANT MORE! I hope there are atleast 100 side chapters haha

•ERZA• created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I have such a high expectation after the flashbacks. Damn, i'm really dissapointed. Why does this have to happen? Can't they be happy for once?

Let all of them be the ML. This should be a reverse harem, dang im rooting for all of them. Why make my heart flutters so if they're not going to be the ML? Don't make me hope! I'm a sucker for these kind of stories