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Nobody answered question about eat ass
Love does not equal sex, nor does sex equal love. Sometimes you can love someone and they can love you and you will still not work as a couple. It’s ok not to be stuck at the hip. Your love story may not look like stuff in fiction, but if it works for you, then that’s ok.
Nobody created a topic of Love in Orbit

Sohan, Sohan, who cares if your dad leaves, he could go to hell for all you should care, you have Sihwa and Sihwa has said he’s not leaving you, and your boss has also shown you he cares as well as Gabin. You’re not alone anymore.
They are one of my fave couples, but honestly, these past few chapters with the dad being back, I’ve lost some of my interest.
I’m hoping the story gets back on track soon and hoping that Sarah showing up for a family reunion will be that shakeup.

Nobody created a topic of Limited Run

This special came out in Spanish first and it was uncensored, so I wondered if the special was going to be released uncensored in English too, and it was.
Now I’m wondering if or when the rest of the side stories are released are they going to be uncensored as well?

Nobody created a topic of Nerd Project

Literally in the middle of the action.
Nothing was resolved.

Nobody created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I just wanted to say something:.

If things do play out like how people are saying, damn, but they’re teenagers, and damaged ones at that.
They’re going to do and say stupid things

But I also don’t think Skylar really meant what people are saying he said (not saying he didn’t say it, only that he really doesn’t mean it).
The main reason I think that? He has a severe trauma to kissing, but he finally let Cirrus kiss him, and he was able to handle it. That means he trusts him.
Way back when Cirrus first kissed him in the early chapters, they weren’t even friends, so he was triggered. Now he trusts him enough to allow a kiss.

Even though i did think it was a bit out of left field that he suggested dating so easily when a few chapters back he was heartbroken.

Nobody created a topic of Nerd Project

I’ve seen up to 33 only.
Is 34 out already?

Nobody answered question about question
These are on the older side and the art style might be a bit off-putting, but from what I can remember, are the first BLs i ever read so here they go:
Nobody created a topic of Shutline

Personally I prefer uncensored, and the sex scenes in this series are hot af, so definitely appreciate the uncensored sex.

Thanks uploader!

Nobody created a topic of Limited Run

I just bought these chapters in Spanish since it didn’t seem like they were Being released in English, but then it went on hiatus.
Will the English releases be uncensored?

I guess we have to wait till next week to know. The Spanish releases are uncensored.

Nobody created a topic of Nerd Project

Whoo boy…
Why do I get the feeling the season will end soon?
Because this latest chapter was fire.

Nobody created a topic of Steel Under Silk

And take your revenge.
It’s only going to hurt a lot more.

In a modern day setting, falling for the guy who destroyed your family is unthinkable, but I think for that time period where everyone worked for someone else and orders were absolute, this guy was only following his orders, and it’s believable that he could fall in love with his executioner.

Nakwon wants Mokhwa to think of him, yet that’s all Mokhwa has been doing, trying to figure out wtf?
It’s like bit are thinking of the same thing, but in different contexts.

Nobody created a topic of Love in Orbit

Spoilers for chapter 34:

You abandon one kid and go ahead and pop out another? Like you couldn’t take care of one, yet you think you can do better the second time around?
I don’t care if mommy dearest left because of her shitty husband (whom she chose to begin with),how is that your kid’s fault and why have more kids later?
Do you even think of the one you left behind?

Right now my enjoyment for this series has gone down, the only silver lining is that I’m sure Sihwa will get Sohan out of this funk.

Sarah is an alien whose culture/race don’t have kids because they want to but more because they need them to fulfill a role, so as awful as she is, I can ignore her.

But Sohan’s mom is a human-who supposedly have kids because they want to, so she has no excuses.

My hypothesis is that daddy is going to try running off with Sohan’s winnings and will be intercepted by Sihwa who’ll tell him to f*ck off or else. At least that my hope.

Nobody answered question about question
BL as we think of it is mainly written by women for women. What you’re looking for is bara, which is primarily written by gay men for gay men.