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Honestly i feel so bad for her and her son, they should both run away as far as possible from those crazy psychopats

I sead it before, the emperor treats her like a pet not a wife, i mean he is literally usless to alow his sister to treat her like a POS and be like "she isn't like that" and his "you don't have to do anything", and he just keeps ignoring that she had to replace 22 people and still has the nerve to say there is no problem shows that he has 0 respect to her and thinks if she is fed and chlothed she is gonna keep waging her tail for him, he is honestly worse than those "tyrant" male leads i hope the empress will give him a good slap one day.
I really wonder what Bitchianas motive is, is she fueld by anger cause her friend died or is there another reason, i mean i would understand it if the empress was responsible for her death in that case go for it take your revenge, but she has done nothing wrong so why the hate, she burned properties of the nobles that befrended the empress, would she have done the same if someone else was the empress? she is not acting not as someone who lost a friend but as someone who lost their soulmate, and if she is acting like this because of her the best punishment would be for the friend to be utterlly disgusted by her and tell her not to use her as an exuse for her crazyness ( ̄へ ̄)

I just remebered that when she was painting for her husband that he/she was praised as a painter with the hands of God, but after the trial it's never brought up again and it seems like evryone has forgotten about that

Im just gonna say it,

He isn't handsome enough to have that kind of shitty personality

After reading Jay's POV it makes me hate Bora even more like this dude spend his entire life loving her (yea she doesen't know for how long he has loved her) but it just makes me feel sad for Jay for being dragged into this mess without knowing why, i know that the things Bora went through are not to be taken lightly but she is blaming the wrong person, it's not his fault that people fall in love with him, we can't chose who we love and i don't blame Daijin for liking him cause in her eyes she likes this single dude, i mean Bora had the chance to confess to her (and honestly she seems most reliable out of all of her friends, i mean cutting someone out of your life the moment you realize how toxic they are takes a lot of courage that many of us don't have, and she even told her that she hates it when a guy comes between friends) but she chose to stay quiet because ???? and instead of explaning her fears to Jay she only knows how to run away, and i don't know why they act like they are gonna spend the rest of their lifes together cause for all they know they could break up after a week i mean that's just how teenagers are, just imagine if Jay asked her to marry him she is gonna be like i have to do a 5 year trial period to see if any of my friends like you and if any woman that you ever interacted with has feelings for you, cause if they do i can't marry you, your thoughts are not important in this matter, honestly it fells like this is the story that the autor wanted to push be the main story, but they knew that people would drop it cause of too much drama, so they first made a sweet wholesome story to bait the readers so that we would anticipate the return of the first couple and then they punch us it the face with drama which could have been wrapped in 10-15 chapters but it's been dragged for way to long i really hope they finish in the next 5 chapters and move on cause this is getting boring ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

After reading Jay's POV it makes me hate Bora even more like this dude spend his entire life loving her (yea she doesen't know for how long he has loved her) but it just makes me feel sad for Jay for being dragged into this mess without knowing why, i know that the things Bora went through are not to be taken lightly but she is blaming the wrong person, it's not his fault that people fall in love with him, we can't chose who we love and i don't blame Daijin for liking him cause in her eyes she likes this single dude, i mean Bora had the chance to confess to her (and honestly she seems most reliable out of all of her friends, i mean cutting someone out of your life the moment you realize how toxic they are takes a lot of courage that many of us don't have, and she even told her that she hates it when a guy comes between friends) but she chose to stay quiet because ???? and instead of explaning her fears to Jay she only knows how to run away, and i don't know why they act like they are gonna spend the rest of their lifes together cause for all they know they could break up after a week i mean that's just how teenagers are, just imagine if Jay asked her to marry him she is gonna be like i have to do a 5 year trial period to see if any of my friends like you and if any woman that you ever interacted with has feelings for you, cause if they do i can't marry you, your thoughts are not important in this matter, honestly it fells like this is the story that the autor wanted to push be the main story, but they knew that people would drop it cause of too much drama, so they first made a sweet wholesome story to bait the readers so that we would anticipate the return of the first couple and then they punch us it the face with drama which could have been wrapped in 10-15 chapters but it's been dragged for way to long i really hope they finish in the next 5 chapters and move on cause this is getting boring ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

The prince is really annoying at this point, he isn't even attracted to her in a romantic way bit still want's her to stay by his side like a doll, i mean he will have to get married eventually even if it wasn't with her and she is gonna just have to deal with it, cause she missed her chance to find love cause the prince doesen't wan't his faovrite toy to be taken away from him, i mean he had his chance and he missed it, but when she isn't interested in him anymore he wan't her all of a sudden it seems he doesen't care about her he only keeps her by his side to fullfil his desire and tho spite the ML ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

It's pretty obvious that the king was jelous that he couldn't wield maguc so that's why he decided to eradicade the magicians cause if he can't have it no one can ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

Argh i was really rooting for this couple but at this point it's really frustrating, it's dragging for so long for no reason, i understand that you were hurt and it's hard to go trough the same situation again but being like "even if you like me you should go out with my friend" feels disrespectfull to Jay i really do feel sorry for him he is getting dragged into drama without knowing why and now they are making it even worse with the new guy, at this point i wish they would't end up together because honestly Bora isn't worth it, they treat it as if they are gonna stay together for the rest of their lifes but for all they know they could break up after a week i mean that's how teenage relathionships are, imagine if he asked her to marry him, she would probably be like" we have to have a 5 year trial period so i would make sure my friends wouldn't fall in love with you and if they do i can't marry you cause you should marry them your feeling be damned" it feels like this is the story that the autor wanted to give more attention to, but they knew if they relased this first people would drop it cause of the drama, so they made a sweet couple first to bait people in so they would continue reading the story anticipating the return of the main couple, also call me crazy but didn't Jay at one point say that he has a girlfriend and when Bora appeared i thought they were already in a relathionship

So Karla was meeting with Hoover, i mean they are an interesting couple, but it is a bit wierd that both are ML's siblings without being related themselfs, i can't wait for their story of how they meet and how their relathionship will develop in the future(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Honestly one of the things that annoys me in these stories is that the FL's rearly if ever apologize, and if they do it's mostly just like "oh im sorry" and it's never mentioned again, it almost fells like it didn't happen, i mean yes they may have not done the bad things but just being like "im gonna make your life better" without explanation and think that will magically make the situation be resolved, it feels really shallow, if my abuser strated acting nice and loving all of a sudden i would be scared of what would happen next maybe they are gonna use some new kind of torture you can't know, if my life is on the line i would be on my hands and knees begging for forgivness, and if they still don't feel ready to forgive me i would give them money and let them be free, cause they value their freedom more than anything ( ̄へ ̄)

WOW seeing her arrogat behaviour you would think she would have some extra special super duper power but she can only make flower petals? not even a whole flower but just the petals, yea that power is usefull as a party trick, but just as the FL sead it must be a pain to clean them, it would be a different story if she could make poisonus or medical flowers the yea you can flaunt your power, but just as the FLsead her power is the most usless of all ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Orinoko like topic of Beloved in-laws

Finally my girl decided not to tolerate anyone's BS, also love the Duke's fiancee she is sooo pretty they would make a great power couple and i can't wait to see more of their interactions (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Hahaha it's funny that she thinks that she can be an empress, no matter how much you are loved by the commoners do you think that any noble and the emperor would allow a commoner from who knows where to rule the country, and honestly why do all of "::٪٪them wan't to be empress, i mean yea you get power but also a bunch of work( i can't count all the work she has to do but it must be a looot) but at the same time i guess they would push their work onto others so she could enjoy herself she is the perfect definition of ABC.

I really hope that the prince won't suddenly fall in love with Siera

Orinoko created a topic of Beloved in-laws

Finally my girl decided not to tolerate anyone's BS, also love the Duke's fiancee she is sooo pretty they would make a great power couple and i can't wait to see more of their interactions (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Im happy that there is a story where the og FL isn't from another world but it's just a natural bitch, if she wasn't a bitch people would root for her to find a better life but now she will get stoned by everyone and am so ready for it

PS. Honestly she isn't even that pretty ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Orinoko created a topic of Ashtarte

Now that's nearing the end i realized that the story became kinda bland after the time skip yea there are imortant moment's but it's not the same as in the beggining, at some point the pace felt rushed, i mean only one ch is adressed to Amarylis death and it feels so shalow, and the reveal that the priest is evil was done with way to quickly it almost feels like it didn't happen at all, and for Ishaia i feel bad for him he really didn't have any role in the story he was only written to be in love with Ashtarte, you could take him out of the story and nothing would change that's how insignificant he is to the plot, and one thing that bothers me is that the hair of all the characters looks the same, im not an artist and drawing hair must take a lot of time but once you realize that all the charathers have the same bangs with a little different hair from behing i can't unsee it, so that' all from mr have a nice day/night ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

You know you have reached a whole now level of desparation if you put the safety of the whole empire on the line just so you can get a woman to sleep with you, honestlly at this point it's a miracle that the empire is still standing, i feel sorry for the people who live there it must be a living hell, o hope they will be safed soon ╥﹏╥ (︶︿︶)=凸

Hmm what does Niciana plan to accomplish with her little game, is she sad that her friend might get replaced and forgoten, then she should take it out on the emperor cause it was his decision to remarry, and if he had married someone else would she still treat them the same way as she does the empress, why is she so against him marring someone else i mean yea you feel bad for your friend but to use her as an exuse to not only bully an innocent person( i would understand it if the empress was responsible for her friends death, in that case go get your revenge) but you are also causing property damage to other inoccent people who don't follow you lead, that's beyond petty if i was that friend i would be so pissed off that she is using me as an exuse to do horrible things to others, and the emperor is so shitty if feels like he is letting things happen so that the emprees could only rely on him, it feels like he is treating her more like a pet rather than his wife, and the prince, honestly i don't know why the FL likes him, yea he has a pretty face but i feel that's it, his personality feels bland nothing really stands out, and the romance feels out of place it would have been better if they just become friends but i know that's not gonna happen . Well thanks for reading my little rant hope you have a nice day/night byeee