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gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Serious Joke

it wasn't the kid's fault that his parents were shitty humans!! seungha saying that he STILL doesn't regret saying all that shit to the kid is not okay. telling someone that they should've just died after they had a traumatic experience is a shitty move; he should've told the parents that, not their kid.
i hope seungha's parents told him that it was wrong of him to do that. he's still a teen so it's somewhat understandable that he doesn't know better but i hope he learns to be a bit more empathetic.

this was... okay? like, not "never been done before", "makes me want to keep reading it" type but compared to the amount of toxic romance manhwas, it's pretty good. it just felt a teeeensy bit boring, ordinary, but that's okay. the main characters' interactions with their friends and family was really fun to see so i wish there was some of that in the side stories too (totally not looking for excuse to see more of their interactions)

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

yaes, go on dates, repel his worries (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of My Damned XXX


did he just slit his wrist and pour his blood into the goblet with a splash?!?!? (⊙…⊙ )

i don't understand how ppl can be light sleepers (teach me your ways!!) i sleep like a log (if i'm not stressed out) and i'd probably keep sleeping even if there was an earthquake at my place

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Worth the Wait

sometimes, when my sister visits, i wish she'd stay forever... but then we start fighting for the remote and steal each other's snacks

i recognize the hair... please don't imitate irl jigu
it would've been fine if he was a celebrity but choosing avatars based on strangers or acquaintances is just no

i'm getting yd flashbacks (⊙…⊙ )

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Serious Joke

if you can't handle the consequences, why commit the crime? bc it's funny to see criminals getting scared and panicky when someone retaliates against them or when they get caught. like, you have the gall to do this but you're scared of getting caught for it? pathetic.

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Jinx

you're gonna kick him to the curb? our potato?? good luck with not falling for him

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Jinx

can y'all take this to the forums instead? why are you guys arguing about completely unrelated things on the comment section of a manhwa?? ( ?_?)

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Worth the Wait

i'm speechless O_O

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Turning

is the old guy duke diarca? bc if so, i imagined him to look a bit gruff (think pierro from genshin impact)

DO NOT BRUSH YOUR TEETH RIGHT AFTER PUKING!!! puke is acidic so the abrasion from the toothbrush while it's vulnerable from the acids is NOT GOOD for your teeth (you could deal with temporary tooth sensitivity). instead, gargle some water to neutralize the acids and wait for 10-15 mins before you brush your teeth.