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imma be so fr. i hate jing chen lol. he just always pissed me off

lukewarn_piss created a topic of Chainsaw Man

denji's forever stuck at the bottom layer of maslow's hierarchy of needs: physiological ones (which pertains to things such as food, water, reproduction). he's unable to mentally make the jump any higher which relates to more social or emotionally intimate since he's constantly in survival mode LMAO.

lukewarn_piss created a topic of The couple breaker

honestly i hope the bob girl gets the bag. tbh glasses girl is the byproduct victim of her schemes so she's definitely a bad person, but at the same time bob girl is definitely going to dump/trash this dude once she's done with him for money. and he totally deserves it too: if he's going to actively cheat on his fiancé of TEN YEARS then bob girl better do her worst bc that's exactly what he deserves. nuri is basically bob girl's fuckbuddy so she's not actually cheating on him since they pre-established that they're not even in love or in a serious relationship, so tbh it's not like she's hurting him. poor glasses girl though. she definitely doesn't deserve to learn her boyfriend is an undeserving shit head through such a pretty humiliating and publicly invasive manner, even if he himself deserves to be hit with this realization through his own horrible actions.

lukewarn_piss created a topic of Maru is a Puppy

this is like a nefarious version of yotsuba

i unironically dislike everyone shes encountered so far except for the dragon. i just think theyre all annoying

lukewarn_piss created a topic of Aren't You My Type

the weirdly secure feeling i have reading this knowing the most 2nd hand, embarassingly immoral bullshit that couldve happened has already happened. like now i can read on knowing that ML knows geon is a stupid piece of shit (endearing), and if ML can tolerate and even indulge him at his worst then everything's okay, bc quite literally mc cannot do anything worse than he's already had

lukewarn_piss created a topic of Dirty High

i like the setting! esp angel's house. it's like an off campus college dorm his roommates r so fun

lukewarn_piss created a topic of Catenaccio

unironically i REALLY love this MC and this entire story. i feel like "serious" try-hard and intense MCs without a comedic punch or overwhelmingly amazing talent are falling out of fashion or seen less cool or cringe. but honestly i think they have a type of charm that are often overlooked, esp when written in a way where MC isn't even good enough to have the balls he does, and i'm in LOVE with him uwu


  • Author: Morimoto Daisuke
  • Genres: Sports

idk how to say it but he's like shameless in the standard where it's like "he cheated and pulled dirt but still loses AND he isn't even an above average player," and it's like a type of shame that's actually pretty valid in some scenarios. but this is from a protag's perspective and it's SO good


  • Author: Morimoto Daisuke
  • Genres: Sports

ch50. im genuinely obsessed with this because this feels like less of a manga written for entertainment for likeability, and rather for the author's straight passion for soccer. idk how to say it but it has the same time of intensity, passion, and charisma that ao ashi has but in a different font. if anything, i think i might like this even more

isn't jing si the goddamn cultivation weirdo w a superiority complex? hope he gets fucked over

lukewarn_piss created a topic of Rugby Rumble

casually just drops 3mill yen for street food LOL. that's like 2k usd

Arin, the adopted daughter of a conglomerate family, harbors twisted affection towards her new stepm...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Josei / Drama

ch1. it's like inviting an evil entity that's not entirely human into your household. i hope it remains like this weird, unsettling oddball thriller vibe versus some weirdass family business. i also love it when rich people see mentally ill children and don't consider therapy, and instead, just puts up with their deranged vibes like lol?!

honestly. the summary made this sound super weird or incesty, but thank god that reading this i can say at least from what i got from ch 1, it's just super weird LMAOOO. girlie is like,,, an oddball, and the entire family can lowkey sense it.

lukewarn_piss created a topic of Love Interest Zone

unironically, we've seen her for like 4 panels, but that blonde girl is my FAVORITE. i love straightforward and audacious people with chic hairstyles. which is probably why i love sangwon (silverhaired dude) and the brunette girl bc they both embody that typa vibe.

Read The Indomitable Martial King [By the studio that brought you and ...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy

ch6: but so far tbh, mc seems solid asf. also i NEVER thought i'd see discussion bout colonization and colorism in like, a series of 5 panels in short comedy format in chapter 1 LMAOOOO. this is a straight action manhwa with a goofy MC who looks deceptively emo (his personality suits pink-haired MC's body, ngl)