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Grey Goo created a topic of Nasty Fever

I’ll be back in 2 years, might actually be back to the present by then.

Grey Goo created a topic of Corrosive

Read the raws and this depicts one of the most brutal rapes I’ve ever read. Anyone looking for non-toxic should go now. It’s gonna be really bad.

Grey Goo created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

But this is starting to come off less like slowburn and more like 1 character being forcefully dragged across concrete by another toward the ending. 69 chapters and how much development have we really got? MC is annoying not because of his personality, but because every 5 chapters he regresses and goes against any development with ML he’s had.(Also the fact that ML destroyed MC’s first clan got revealed and nothing really came of it? Or am I missing something?) I’m just getting tired of the same pattern repeating itself. ML annoys MC, MC pushes ML away, ML acts sincere and vulnerable, MC is moved… until the next morning when we’re back at square one. Rinse and repeat.

Now this is just my opinion, nothing wrong with enjoying the story. It’s just not doing it for me anymore character wise.

If this ends without any kind of revenge against the father, this whole thing would have been a waste of time. If MC had a brain he would have recorded the father admitting to discriminating and what he did to MC’s mother and released that.

Grey Goo created a topic of Moonlight

Age gap does not automatI ally equal grooming/pedo. The crown prince is blackmailing/threatening MC. Even if he is older, he is still a victim. Older people can be victims, younger people can be perpetrators. Context is key. Now if the argument is meant toward the author for including this underage/adult trope, that I could understand more.

Grey Goo created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

She is so self-centered and clearly doesn’t care about Doyeon beyond basic niceties or how Doyeon can make her feel better about herself. Someone else commented how Jinju has never done anything to make her life better and they’re right. She’s a perpetual self-made victim. Doyeon deserves better and I hope end game is her starting to value herself and finding a partner who genuinely cares for her. Maybe the Professor.

Also they let the sister off WAY too easy in this. She deserved such a beat down after setting up another woman to be trafficked and rped.

Grey Goo created a topic of Ittoke!!

Gay Romance Mangaka not making their gay romance characters homophobic challenge: Impossible

Their boob to waist ratio is bordering on One Piece levels of ridiculous.

Grey Goo created a topic of Profundis

Here I was hoping MC would leave after his brother died, but now he suddenly cares about the psycho who ruined his life? What a waste, here I was hoping they would actually have to work for his affections. Nope, it’s just been gifted bc this went a brain broke direction for MC.

MC has no brain (or spine) and ML has no heart. They’re not even entertainingly bad characters, just frustrating ones. I keep reading in hope MC finally snaps out of his delusions, but no, it keeps getting worse. He’s really willingly sleeping next to his grapeist because of a scary movie? It’s like the author heard someone say “I’ll never blame the victim” and took that as a challenge.

Grey Goo created a topic of The Alpha's Circumstances

If they’ll cheat WITH you they’ll cheat ON you.

Apparently all this alpha needs is a sweet scent and suddenly he can’t control his dick. The fact that he gets a happy ending and the beta gets nothing but misery from here on out makes me think this whole thing was the author justifying cheating by writing a “cheaters win” story. How anyone could want the main “couple” to end up happy together is beyond me. This story does not have a satisfying narrative… well, if you’re morally opposed to cheating on a loving partner, that is.

Grey Goo created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Very worried that by the end of this we’re going to lose Ian to Brian. Like Ian will inherit the memories and become more like Brian. It’s the only outcome that justifies this thousand year flashback. But also I would hate it because I prefer Ian over Brian, and him getting the memories and becoming more like Brian would invalidate his entire existence. His deepest insecurities coming true. I feel bad for him because the story, maybe inadvertently, is really coming across like yeah. No one truly cares about you Ian. They only care about Brian and the ML never would have cared for Ian if not for him being a reincarnation. No one cares for Ian, just his ability to become Brian.

Wasn’t a fan of how the ML decided to prove his faithfulness to the MC by just removing himself from temptations. Like he bought a remote cabin in the woods far away from society, of course he wasn’t going to cheat. Would have preferred him prove it by being a consistent partner in an environment were he could easily fall into old habits and CHOOSE not to. Rather than being somewhat forced based on location. Also could have done with a side story of MC not trusting ML bc he really has no reason to.

I don’t like how the husband’s “friend” just gets away with cheating. When the story revolves around the pain of betrayal, the author decided to use his infidelity as a comedic gag? Would have been better if at the very end his wife left him or at least was told. Also didn’t like how the friends lowkey were encouraging the pregnant woman to stay with her verbally abusive husband who would go on violent tirades around the house. What’s the lesson there? Stay with your abuser and HOPE he’ll change? There was a lot of mixed messaging in this, but I liked the main couple.

Grey Goo created a topic of Shiori's Diary

This was all just the husband’s elaborate plan to get his wife to go along with his cuck fetish.

Grey Goo created a topic of Macguffin

Uke might as well have said “I’m only 1 week from retirement, what could possibly go wrong?” I sense tragedy.

Grey Goo created a topic of Seal the Deal

He’s the one who proposed a contract. If he actually wanted to make her happy, he would have done something to shut his harpy of a mother up. She’s the worst. It wouldn’t surprise me if she threw herself down the stairs to stop FL from leaving. And the ML is so petty from being in a situation of his own creation. I hope after this the FL stops obeying the mother in law and starts letting that family have it. She has no reason to hold back anymore.

Cop sees a woman (omega) in trouble and immediately takes advantage of his position of power to sexually assault her with 0 repercussions. The woman even tries to apologize and clear up the “misunderstanding” for daring to be at a host club in the first place. I’m surprised the cop didn’t also remark on what she was wearing as a reason for the assault.

No amnesia plot. Please I’m begging. And if our boy Woowon survives this, I can bet he’s about to have all freedoms taken away by Seo-an, we might even get a mini confinement arc… Also I want them to switch. If there was ever a more perfect couple for it….

Grey Goo created a topic of The Foul

The people hating on Jahan just hate complex characters, also will simp over the literal rapists and abusers in the story bc “hot”. Jahan’s mother SOLD him to pedos ever since he was a child (remember the rant about his mother suffering the same WITH him), he was raised to sell himself and never learned a healthy way of coping. It’s understandable and tragic that he has a sex addiction, but tries to do better for MC’s sake, though failing at times because it’s all he’s ever known. He is the only one in the story who genuinely cares about MC and has no ulterior motives. They even point out he could leave this life of poverty now, but doesn’t because he cares about MC and doesn’t want to leave him alone. Jahan has been the MC’s only source of happiness and companionship for nearly 10 years, the goal of them going to Korea together and starting a farm likely being a major reason MC stopped his suicidal ideations. And what, people hate Jahan, the literal victim of pedohelia, because he’s “slutty”? Because he suffers from an addiction brought on by years of childhood abuse? Grow up. The “slutty” comments really prove you’re not mature enough to read this kind of story yet.