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Sexual assault played for cutesies in the first chapter? Bold move. This one 100% gonna romanticize the assault too.

Grey Goo created a topic of Absolute Threshold

It would be cool if she ever learned to do anything on her own instead of running to a man anytime she’s scared. She has all the mental fortitude of a spoiled 12 year old. Marriage or Death has a protag in a similar situation and she’s waaaay better. This one has no spine and is unbelievably dumb, tho I don’t think the author intended her to come across that way.

Grey Goo created a topic of Beta Count Has Changed

Bro really killed himself, went back in time, only to end up worse. Nothing but a baby making machine with no agency to control over his own life. What a waste. Why even start with something as serious as suicide if all you wanted to do is write porn with no emotional depth? I don’t get it.

Grey Goo created a topic of Remarried Empress

I don’t like how they made the former oppressed slave the villain. Like, none of the ruling class are opposing slavery and are perfectly happy with the twisted system they have. Why go out of the way to show how absolutely awful Rashta’s life was if she’s going to be made the evil home wrecker. What, was the former slave supposed to turn down the literal emporer when he wanted to sleep with her? Did the empress ever advocate for slaves rights? No? Then Rashta owed her no loyalty or consideration.

It feels so scummy to have the former slave be evil bc she stepped above her station, especially since Rashta becoming more unhinged and viscous is the result of isolation and manipulation by others of the ruling class. That redheaded woman who treated her like trash was actually rewarded and suffered no consequences for treating someone with no power so horribly.

I like the empress as a character, but there are no “good” people in this story. If a character exists in a story where slavery is an accepted system, and they do not at the very least, bare minimum, verbally oppose that system, then I can’t root for them. Personal opinion but the treatment of Rashta’s entire character in this feels too slimy for me to continue.

60+ chapters in and barely anything is happening. And its obvious the only reason he likes FL now is because she’s not in love with him and he’s not used to women not fawning over him. He hasn’t changed from the same person he was before she regressed. He just wants to fuck her now out of lust instead of using his dick to trick her into agreeing to live in his hellhouse, be tortured and neglected all for his plan to fail and her end up dead.

He is still that same man and has done nothing to show any character growth other than lusting after FL more openly. Had it been FLs master sent to him in the beginning, she would have went through the same things as FL in the past.

He has done nothing to prove himself a better man than he was and it’s annoying seeing FL slowly forgive him just bc he finds her hot now.

Grey Goo created a topic of Revenge Guide

Seme did not do NEARLY enough to make up for how he treated the uke. The forgiveness and get back together were way too rushed. He treated the uke like absolute shit the entire story, then they get back together after he cries? Could have done with more chapters showing the seme actually work on his behavior and earn forgiveness. Hot characters, meh story.

Grey Goo created a topic of Formless

Next few chapters are going to be brutal. Seme is going to purposefully force the uke into getting alcohol poisoning. Also, if you’re expecting a redemption arc, don’t. It just gets worse for uke. After uke’s brother shows up and is trash, uke gets kidnapped and gangsters try to harvest his and his mom’s organs. Seme knows he was kidnapped but is still angry the uke “left” him. So seme breaks his leg, confines him, and uses the gangsters taking his mother as leverage for more control over uke. Eventually the uke just accepts his fate and lowkey mind breaks. There is no happy ending for uke. He will forever live the rest of his life in fear of the seme’s violence.

Grey Goo created a topic of Profundis

Bro shut up. “If only he wasn’t a guide” like the only reason he went through hell was because of your treatment, the only reason he hates you all is because you all treated him worse than the livestock you compared him too. Him being a guide had nothing to do with his suffering. UGH I hope he either leaves after finally giving them a piece of his mind OR does go with them into the dungeon, but sabotages them and gets them killed one by one.

But I’m betting this is just going to be his continued suffering. Does this meet the definition of torture porn? Bc that’s how it feels.

Grey Goo created a topic of Dreaming of Baby Pink

The art is so bad it’s funny.

I think all his previous snakes were killed by other clan members, that’s why he wants 19 to stay with him at all times. But that’s just a guess.

Grey Goo created a topic of Seal the Deal

He was really about to start scolding MC and defending his mother before she cut him off? Alright, throw the whole man away. She deserves a divorce and 50% assets NOW, no cheating required.

Grey Goo created a topic of Morpheus

What the heck is a technician?


Everything the MC dreams about happened to the previous hero, like really happened and only Argio remembers the previous life, or even lives, or maybe they all do and are hiding it from this hero bc they screwed up the previous one so much.

Grey Goo created a topic of My Assistant BF

And it was so nonchalant! Why even include the attempted rape if it’s not going to have an impact on the story past a few panels! No doubt if they were so comfortable drugging and raping a friend, they’ve definitely done it to other people. Just ew. I don’t like saying this, but this story is really giving me the ick with its writing.

Grey Goo created a topic of Sunny Days Ahead

But the MC really is just that dumb. He has no brain and no spine. Pretty sure you could replace him with a lamp for all the personality and agency he has. Does MC hate his sister? Is that why he’s okay with setting up a meeting between her and a rapist? Instead of telling said rapist to fuck off? Did he even tell his sister what the guy did to him or did he really just let her spend time in a foreign country with a terrible man just because he feels insecure?

Grey Goo created a topic of Visible Ray

Seme is already a red flag, he was really not going to intervene when someone was about to get raped until the guide thing happened. Though with how basic this writing already is, the author is probably going to brush that aside and it will never be brought up again.

Grey Goo created a topic of Flip the script

The way the seme is currently makes this unreadable for me, he’s just awful to the uke because he has power over him. No feelings, just pure ego. Not rooting for them to get together at all. I’ll be back if and only if there’s a groveling arc. But it’s doubtful.

Grey Goo created a topic of The Terrible Act

Not often we get an unlikeable MC/FL that has a nasty personality, and not in an entertaining way, but in “Oh you’re just a shallow bitch” kind of way. Not interested in her character so dropping this.

Grey Goo created a topic of Be, Be

Whose first reaction to waking up in a place you staunchly refused to go, that you’re completely unfamiliar with, AND right after being assaulted, is to find a random bathroom and take a bath? And refuse to put your old clothes on, mind you this is after being assaulted by a random alpha and touched by the ML while you were vulnerable, so you would rather be mostly naked in this unfamiliar place… Sometimes the author writes the MC in an almost believable way when reacting to a situation, and then other times they have the MC’s brain freeze just for the purpose of fanservice. Bc that’s what the bath scene is. It will impact the story 0 going forward.

Grey Goo created a topic of Undercover Darling

Why do authors STRUGGLE to write adult characters? This is a romance, not just BL, trope I’ve noticed. Where the only way the author knows how to write the adult MC falling for the ML (if MC is uke or woman) is by writing them with the mentality and critical thinking skills of a particularly dumb 15 year old. Like they’ll be 25+ years old but reacting to the ML’s advances, or any situation in general really, like they’re just hitting puberty. It’s so frustrating.