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Grey Goo created a topic of An Inferior Relationship

Why include blackmail and rape if in the end it’s going to be brushed aside like it never happened??? Was this thing cancelled so the author had to wrap it up quick or something? What a waste of time.

Grey Goo created a topic of Breath

Why even have it start out, and continue for a entire volume, with rape and blackmail if the author was just going to pretend they had a normal sex buddy relationship afterward?~ The seme is a violent rapist and we were just supposed to forget? Why is it always “my rapist was nice to me one time after raping me for the tenth time… maybe they’re not such a bad guy after all” UGH. BARF.

Grey Goo created a topic of Escape, Master-nim!

The sex wasn’t satisfying and there was no story. What was the point of this?

They really pulled a “rape was the only way to save you” what trash writing. Girl NO ONE is on your side they’re ALL your enemies the forgiveness came quick with this one. Yet again, another strong FL lobotomized by trash writing and a need to force the main couple together, even if it doesn’t follow any of her previous behavior.


The author is going to pull some “the only cure to a love potion is to sleep with someone who truly loves you” to justify the rape. Barf. Let’s hope not.

Grey Goo created a topic of Escape, Master-nim!

And here I was hoping Master-nim would be the bottom.

Even if he didn’t kill her parents and is doing all this to “protect” her, what part of constantly raping her is protection? He’s still more concerned about his carnal wants than her mental stability/health. He could still act the villain without rape. Even if everything is revealed and he truly does love her, he’s still rapist trash and I BET he will never apologize for raping her. That will be glossed over and forgotten and the story will only focus on Orville’s betrayal once it’s revealed and the ML won’t have to apologize for anything but lying to her. UGH

They could have had him building sexual tension and coaxing her to consent through seduction throughout the entire story just to add to her confusion and giving proper build up to when all is revealed and she finally does, but no. Constant Rape. UGH

Are people out here really completely trusting the Duke and his family, when they’ve been shady as hell since the beginning? Like they haven’t done reprehensible shit in the past? They go out of their way to lie, hide, and scheme behind the MC’s back, and ya’ll really defending a man for something we don’t even know what is yet, how the tutor “lost everything”, just because he’s a little soft around the MC sometimes? He still lies to her like all the time. It sounds like the tutor was likely forced to give up her child, or there was again scheming by the family around it. You can like him as a character and you can like the main couple (even though the MC lost like half her brain cells after falling for the duke, as seems to always happen in these romances) but please try to understand the story and text that are outside of the romance scenes, I promise you’ll get more out of the story if you do.

Did I just completely gloss over where the top found out the bottom was just love bombing him to “manage” him better? I can’t seem to find the chapter where he found out?

Grey Goo created a topic of Jinx

I warned Potato if he didn’t wisen up, he would become the author’s next uke victim. Because that’s what ALL the ukes in this story are. Not one has or will be treated right. Cannot believe they followed the trend of having the uke be so dumb about sex, they might as well be a toddler. Potato, who is in a very male oriented sport, who has definitely been in locker rooms before, had no idea about sex between men and was so very dumb he remembered all of the events of the night and STILL thought he was the one who needed to apologize?

*throws hands in the air* I’m done. There’s no saving this contrived, unnecessary SA writing. This could have so easily been consensual. Just make Potato curious about why the horse did those things with Dan and have this new seme offer to show him. Like come on, ugh!

Up to ch6 and cannot think of a single reason to keep reading this. Characters? Ass. Writing? Trash. Smut? Subpar.

Why make the MC someone who is familiar and used to sex if she still acts like a swayed virgin anytime the ML looks at her? Why did the author go out of their way to excuse and romanticize the ML lying to the FL and trying to make it sound like her not bringing up sex while dating was the same as him lying about EVERYTHING regarding himself? Take the smut out and you have a typical FL who lets a man walk all over her and doesn’t respect herself in anyway. Oh I think you cheated on me? Let’s have sex!

Add the smut, and you have a FL who lets a man’s dick control her. What a waste of time.

Grey Goo created a topic of Be, Be

Nope. He should not have forgiven his mom. She lied about something so major for so many years AND was getting paid for it? Saying “You shouldn’t be ashamed of being an omega” while also lying to him about his trait well into his adulthood, a potentially life ruining lie, and the lowkey defending the crown prince who jumped the MC when he was alone? Also admitting the imperial family just wants to use her son as a baby machine and still going along with them, accepting their money, making no actual effort to educate or protect her son, and encouraging him to “use” them, aka let them use HIM??

I don’t trust her, she either is an expert manipulator, or so stupidly negligent I’m surprised MC survived so long without her trading him away to a man with a van full of puppies.

Grey Goo created a topic of Liebling!

Taehoon looked worse and worse physique wise as the story went on. His size was big and beefy in a cute way in the beginning, and him not being a small guy, above average even, really showed just how MASSIVE Leopoldo is… but as the story continued, Taehoon just kept getting wider and wider, his proportions changed and not in a good way, they didn’t match his face. His physique started to resemble Leopold’s, only being shorter.

This is very nitpciky considering the myriad of other issues the story was plagued with writing wise (that I won’t go into here, maybe later with a series retrospective), but it always bothered me. Taehoon looked way better in earlier chapters when he was beefy but still soft, but that’s just my opinion/preference.

The story is centered around the POV of the FL, but we are still privy to things she is not as readers. WE saw that suspicious smirk of the ex fiancé, she did not, we saw art of the princess and hints of the crown prince, she did not. The FL has known her ex-fiancé for a long time and has been given no outward reason to doubt him. She’s not naive, that would be her immediately believing anything the ML says at this point. She’s going off all the available information she has, and with everything she has seen and experienced— it points to the ML. We as the readers know to expect some kind of twist, but I commend her for not immediately giving up or even killing herself. The ML has done NOTHING to warrant her believing him or even thinking he might be a halfway decent person. Their first meeting was her seeing him with a bloody sword in front of her parents in their burning house, the second was him blackmailing her into sleeping with him, aka raping her.

The ex-fiancé is obviously suspicious, but after the blatant rape and abuse of power the ML has been displaying toward the FL, also the total lack of regard for her feelings or emotional state despite claiming to “love” her… I’m only rooting for the FL to kill everyone and live happily alone. Going to need some MAJOR groveling from ML to even tease the idea of wanting them together.


This is probably the most casually I’ve seen a rape brushed off in a yaoi, and that’s saying something.

Grey Goo created a topic of I Didn't Mean It

They really just glossed over the fact that the seme had been raping the uke in his sleep for the past two years, huh? Why even add that if it contributed nothing more than a hand wave in the story?

Grey Goo created a topic of Undercover Darling

As soon as he whipped out his badge in that bathroom, I had to look away from the screen. No wonder the chief doesn’t want the MC to ever do anything but patrol, he’s way too dumb to handle anything more arduous. What could have possibly made the MC think revealing to a confirmed gangster that he’s a cop who snuck into the club… is what I would have said if the MC was capable of thinking. 2 chapters in and we’ve already confirmed there’s no way he passed the written portion of the police exam; he must have had an in with the local force, was given an exception for his inability to read a room.

Grey Goo created a topic of Jinx

Guess he still “loves” that horse and genuinely sees nothing wrong with how he was treated? I mean is the author trying to gaslight the readers into thinking the horse was actually ever good to Kim or ever saw him as anything other than a fleshlight? It left such a nasty taste in my mouth how after everything, it’s still Kim apologizing and THANKING that horse for how he was treated up to this point. I don’t know if I have ever seen such s spineless, stupid, no-self-respect having MC before.

Honestly can’t care about what happens to him after this because there was ZERO character growth from anyone this entire season. The horse after finding out Kim left, just blamed Kim, didn’t reflect on his actions at all, and all he could think about was the last time he “used” Kim. And Kim thinks how he was treated was just fine, if anything he was treated “well”… as he was being used as a literal sex object. The horse won’t even need to apologize to get Kim back. Just say “who said you could quit” and Kim will come back, crawling and thinking the horse is just so generous. You know he would, this is a very likely scenario.

Can’t even be excited for a season 2 after this. UGH

Grey Goo created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

Bruh, he literally framed her for murder, leading her to be locked in prison, only so he could pretend to save her. He goes WAY beyond tsundere. Abandoning her after the miscarriage was the final straw. He is in no way a good spouse and his needs and wants have ALWAYS come before hers. He’s selfish, manipulative, and doesn’t care about hurting or humiliating her if it serves his ends. He was in no way a good spouse and her “sticking” by him would lead to no character growth what with the power imbalance.

Him essentially getting dumped by her and experiencing her loss, and now needing to work all over again for her affection, her now fully aware of how twisted he is, is likely the only way he was ever going to learn and grow to be an actually halfway decent partner. People have got to stop downplaying how awful he was just because he’s hot.

Grey Goo created a topic of Formless

It’s actually a decent translation and I think they do a good job showing just how crazy Kangwoo is and how he’s slowly stripping Heewon of his autonomy. Also I don’t ever think the relationship gets “better”, just Heewon gets better at reading Kangwoo’s moods and obeys more frequently, less verbal resistance. This will never, ever, be a consensual, healthy relationship. The threat of violence is ALWAYS there.