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whatevermans answered question about question
No way it was about holding hands. Are you yourself conscious about it? Why? Is it weird to do so in your country?
whatevermans answered question about getting and giving gifts
so you give gifts but don't receive shit? you deserve gifts too don't worry you are not being a bad friend. when you give gifts often and don't receive anything back it's natural to start thinking "why" because that's how it's supposed to be! you give and receive! maybe not always. but they gotta give you something at least sometimes too. it's natu......
whatevermans answered question about question
your feelings are valid
whatevermans answered question about question
find whose car it was and take responsibility, you will grow as a person and wont be living with guilty conscience/in fear that punishment will find you one way or another
whatevermans answered question about question
subliminals? nothing is worthy of your suffering. don't starve yourself
whatevermans created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Somehow it keeps getting worse lmao

whatevermans created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

the new season feels so heavy on my soul (#-.-)

whatevermans answered question about question
I always want to call ppl in the nicest way possible so I get your struggle ╥﹏╥ Personally I got called "girl" so many times on this site (one time someone even called me "pookiana" lmfao), I am now immune to it/it's gotten fun, but not everyone is like that. also listing your preferences in your bio is helpful i think
whatevermans created a topic of Semantic Error

So what happened with "advance notice about mature version " ???? [insert crying emoji]

whatevermans created a topic of Under the Green Light

"scooch down my kid can't see" in a half-empty theater, really? just swap the damn seats with your little goblin

tysm Cosmic Cats Scans (=・ω・=)

whatevermans created a topic of Dress Him Up

shallow ass manga. and if someone played with my feelings like *that person* did with that bs dating stuff, they would get no second chances, screw mind games. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

whatevermans answered question about question
I like em all ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
whatevermans created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I was battling with internalized homophobia for years, so I really feel for Seyeong
(#-.-) of course we all wish that all that toxic trash that was fed to us since we were born could just fall off like dry dirt from boots, but in reality it's not that easy, sadly

whatevermans answered question about question
"Prism" comes to mind...oh and ofc "Sasameki Koto", "Maka-Maka". btw funny how just yesterday someone mentioned a post made by a gay guy asking for male BL authors recs and how he got shit for that, like what's wrong with female authors blabla. well I disliked that post too though for a dif reason, but that's not the point, the point is, looking at......
whatevermans answered question about question
i wasn't there but i know ATEEZ ate
whatevermans answered question about question
Why do all ppl around you give wet *shudders* cheek kisses?? who taught them. what;s happening ?? THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE
whatevermans answered question about question
mine is 1 minute old i signed up by mistake. ottoke?