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whatevermans answered question about gay porn i'm not kidding
i'm short on those myself

guys I finished reading mtl'ed novel yesterday and well. I advise you to wait either for manhwa updates or wook's novel translations. the mtl epub that's going around is an absolute shit. reading it is like eating from a trash can bc you got tired of waiting for delivery - you are not hungry anymore but was it really worth it? (no hate for those who distribute the machine translation link! it's just!! yk!!!)

* lies in a puddle of tears while staring expressionlessly at the ceiling * so..... atp maybe.. I should like.... start learning korean.. ....

whatevermans answered question about question
If you want I can give you a HUG
whatevermans like the answer
Girl.. FUCK them kids and FUCK you too
whatevermans created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

shaking crying throwing up rn

(thank u kaoru(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ)

whatevermans answered question about question
zerobaseone ricky twice sana ~honorable mention~ seventeen jun

*circles this page like a rabid hawk*

whatevermans created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

you know I kept reading bc of morbid curiosity but this chapter finally made me snap. this is literally a trash story. like trashy trash. i'm leaving. i regret reading so many chapters.
we all deserve better stories

thank you cosmic cats scans (╥﹏╥)/
(is it just me or MC feels more likeable when he plays the game lol???)

*crawls around in the bushes like a lizard waiting for an update*

whatevermans answered question about question
a million of secrets, you are not supposed to tell everything to your parents. and they are seriously better off not knowing some things. it's easy to confuse the desire to relieve your conscience with what's actually better for them. one secret is that I used to smoke for some time. I told dad but not mom, because she would feel horrible thinking......
whatevermans created a topic of Nan Hao & Shang Feng

it was already hysterical as it is but then author gone and done a blade runner reference

whatevermans answered question about question
new moral standards made ppl ashamed of their ships so it's pointless to ask everyone is gonna lie

hope you do well on your exams uploader-san

I don't understand Jigu's reaction since everyone knew that that face was made randomly??

(also tysm cosmic cats scans!!!!)

the first time they are having a meal at home:
MC: babe why there are three plates, who is the third one
ML: babe I'm feeding _it_ too
MC: ...
ML: it needs to eat babe

whatevermans answered question about question
bully. and also u r secretly embarrassed about being an army, that's why u r trying to make urself seem like "not like other armys"
whatevermans answered question about question
35 seconds video, watch it

thank you purplepandabear / cosmic cats scans ❀
(imma go cry now)