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whatevermans answered question about question
mine is 1 minute old i signed up by mistake. ottoke?
whatevermans answered question about question
what's even worse is people replying everywhere for no reason "stop yapping" "what are yall yapping about" etc like that's the definition of being braindead
whatevermans created a topic of Jinx

Dan's "good" memory: playing a barrel game with JK once

whatevermans answered question about let's talk about fujoshi's
art is good so ppl eat it up and then brainwash themselves into thinking it's a great read bc no one wants to admit to enjoying shit
whatevermans answered question about question
That's what I've been doing for years. no friends atm either. it's great (not necessary bc i mind having friends but i just enjoy life in general a lot and i love my own company)
whatevermans answered question about read books
leo tolstoy "resurrection". why aren't you following your own question though
whatevermans answered question about anime ships
are you drinking enough water? might be the reason
whatevermans created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

he wore fucking slippers to fucking college bye

whatevermans answered question about question
I always thought you are supposed to say "considerate" as "con-sai-de-reit" cuz of "i".......... I can't pronounce vietnamese surname "Nguyen" even after listening to it for 10 times (sorry) sometimes I confuse "s" and "th", my mind glitches into thinking they are interchangeable
whatevermans answered question about eat ass
My Guildmate Next Door !!!!!!!!!1
whatevermans created a topic of Under the Green Light

"since you are already wet we don't need lube" that's not how it works but ok....
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

whatevermans created a topic of My Junior Is Not Cute

thank you 2nd life scans !!!!!!!!!!!!!


absolutely hysterical chapter omgg. thank you cosmic cats scans!!

whatevermans answered question about question
I wish you to be guided by a shining star, I wish you to never lose a sight of it, I wish you to realize that you are guided even when you lose the sight of it, I wish you a healthy happy life, you are meant for great things (this applies to whoever randomly reads this too, you are reading it for a reason) ☆
whatevermans answered question about question
since you can't say for sure what's the true nature of 'reality' then it's wise to choose to live life like it does matter, if at the end of your experience as a 'separate self' you recognize that actually nothing ever mattered, you still had a more pleasant experience than someone who lived life like nothing mattered
whatevermans answered question about question
idk idc either way tbh (emotional intelligence is more important)

a pile of steaming garbage. mc needs to chill in a psych ward for a while

whatevermans answered question about cute promposals
why do you feel like you have to engage in it in the first place. leave small talk to ppl who like it (me)
whatevermans answered question about try to progress in life
im gonna say im sorry im leaving don't wanna work for a clown company...
whatevermans answered question about mental breakdown
if you get your comment downvoted just remember this exists (⌒▽⌒) you can't beat me so don't get sad