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User72 created a topic of Talk To Me

Loved everything okay but like why tf did like in college all the dude always wanted to cum on the gf face or in there mouth
Also when he was gaining weight (he looked the same to me lol) she low key fat shamed him into losing weight I was jaw dropped ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
Everything else was cute like tho

User72 asked a question

This is just me hating on rape and everything okay and if you try to justify rape in BL too I hate you too so move on.
Anyway I hate when I see people justify or forgiving the rapist in BL. Like these idiots be saying “well he’s changed or he’s gotten better and isn’t such a red flag” bitch so? Does this change the fact he raped someon? NO!! No matter if he’s gotten better or not doesn’t change the fact he forced himself on SOMEONE alike fuck. I swear everyone try to justify BL rape cus of the characters look. I swear if the character was ugly EVERYONE would be hating on the rapist. But the moment they have good looks people just pass by it like he isn’t a RAPIST. Most people now just pass by the rape and still leave comments like “omg they so cute tg” or “I can’t wait when they get married “ bitch what? You see it’s cute that he raped someon? And that someone is going out with their rapist??
They always wanna excuse the rapist behavior or if they abusive too. LIKE BITCH STOP. They full on raping their partner (sometimes they not even partners) and y’all wanna excuse that behavior and in fact enjoy it?
I swear they the reason why there’s so many BL with sa or rape now. And I absolutely hate it. I hate rape in BL. It’s so unnecessary for the plot in the BL. Like if anything I drop the BL if there’s any. Idk why there’s sooooooo much rape now. Like that shit gross

What ch is this in the novel (ch214)and can u link the novel for me too? Thank you if you can do it for me ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

User72 created a topic of Forget Cleaning!!

Why y’all only shaming the top. What abt the bottom? He tried to touch the dude while he was sleeping and he only let him move in so they could fuck aka him flirting with him. Dude basically harassing the top. He even said he could pay with his body aka sex. Also he continues to try to seduce the top. Like bro if he didn’t even get the hits that were clearly there then he should move on like damn. ALSO I’m not excusing his behavior(the top)(read the comments cus im too lazy to explain what he did)I’m just saying if you gonna shame the top shame both of them.
My opinion on things okay don’t hate cus u disagree lol also sorry abt my grammar lol

Tbh I’m not interested in the Female characters at all. I wanna see more male characters if anything. Don’t get me wrong it’s not like they’re annoying but they’re just not that interesting for me. Also there’s a chance they might fall for him so like that’s just makes me less interested too. If anything the only female character I’m really interested in is the girl with white hair that’s it. And that’s only cus I wanna know why her ending always end up in death and that’s it. I wanna see more male characters and see them make a friend ship or maybe something like rivals but that’s it. We only got to see the male characters for a little.

Guys tell me it’s a lie. They wanna kill my red hair baby??!?! Or he’s gonna get sent away while he’s sleeping. Tell me it a lie. Say it’s a lie and he lives happily on a farm. He’s a baby he doesn’t know better and he cry she can’t die!!!!

Honestly the sex scenes r so bland they just fuck not really any for play or nothing just sometimes he sucking dick. Also sometimes it’s confusing when they just randomly add characters Yk. Also why tf he fall for the top so fast like damn bruh he sticks his fingers in you and that’s all it took for him to fall for him(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Over all it’s pretty bland except for the cute baby

User72 like the answer
Sooo much to hate like marysues, incest, rape(when done right I get it, but when it isn't and it got brushed off I hate you mf), character possession you used to be a bitch but now you're amazing and omg we forgive you!!!! you're totally the same person, green flag ml/fl but bro has no personality at all like you're nothing without her/him, coercio......
User72 asked a question

Anyone remember this manhwa he like went back in after he died cus of his siblings and dad. When he went back in time someone try’s to kill him with snakes but he killed them when he was like a baby. He also had twin brothers who tried to bully him but they failed and are now scared of him?He also has other siblings but they have to like complete with each other and kill each other He has black hair and I think red eyes

User72 created a topic of Fall in Love or Die

Here are just some of the guesses that I think are gonna be happening the next couple of chapters with Mom. I think she knows that her daughter is trying to get her other daughter killed because she actually knows her personality and then she actually hates her sister, but I don’t know why she’s not doing anything. I think she does love her daughter, but I don’t know why she isn’t stopping her other daughter From treating her sister badly and everything. I think she knows her daughter is actually kidnapped or in danger idk why she isnt really doing anything but I do think she loves her daughter. Maybe she just doesn’t want her again hurt if she interferes more I don’t know. I think she still shitty mom tho. As for the male lead, his curse is still pretty unknown, but these are just some of the guesses I Think might happen I think his curse involves around girls loving him, and that they truly love him for who he is or anything. It stops his curse from like spreading, but only last for a short amount of time as shown in the recent chapter. I think that happens when they don’t love him Fast enough and his curse is like spreading. So since the main character doesn’t love him, his curse has spread and put him in a coma for short time. I think the Butler reacted like that I also think the way to stop his curse is for him to fall in love, and for both of them to love each other, so will stop. That’s also why I think he kills women because in the end, he never truly falls in love with them and just tricks them into falling in love with him and then kills them and moves onto the next girl who will fall in love with him. That’s why he said he only picks women who he thinks will fall in love with him for him. But this is my guess don’t take this 100% serious because this is what I’m just thinking is why he’s killing women and these are just my I think I’m pretty close to the plot my actually be on his curse but I don’t know
Sorry for grammar ect

Girl bye. Ik damn well she’s gonna get with her brother in the end. Not to mention even his mom knew he liked her and told him that he couldn’t marry his own sister. Why tf do they always do this shi. They grew up like siblings and now later in they’re probably gonna get together and she’s gonna have feelings for him or whatever even though they literally call each other brother and sister like that so fucking weird it doesn’t matter they don’t share blood. They grew up together as siblings and not to mention, the lead is so fucking manipulative and like you can tell, he’s such a red flag. I don’t know why they always create this type of plot and reincarnation sometimes like it’s so fucking weird. They grew up as siblings and now you want them to get together what the fuck. I’d rather she get married to someone else and his ass stay alone because what the fuck. I know how it’s going and everything so I’m not gonna continue to read this because this is weird and I know people were gonna try to justify it and say well they’re not blood well I don’t give a fuck they’re brother and sister. They grew up as siblings. It doesn’t matter if they don’t share blood she thought of him and siblings. There parents raised them TOGETHER as siblings. But I know at the end of day people are always gonna try Justify this kind of plot and call it cute or whatever.

User72 created a topic of Royal Servant

Maybe this is just me but I hated how the ML treated the MC like he fr raped him in the beginning and kept raping him and leavening marks on him and blood ect. I know it’s cus his past but that’s not an excuse for him raping the Mc multiple times. I was also annoyed the Mc wouldn’t just mind his own business Yk like when he found the pics like dude you heard all the rumors and you still couldn’t mind your business. I get it you liked him cus he found you in the past but move tf on all that pain and rape isn’t worth it. HE isn’t worth it he’s low key trash. Low key just dropped it at ch 45 cus I couldn’t keep reading it knowing the Mc wouldn’t leave the ML after all he’s done. I know some people are gonna excuse his behavior and say he’s gotten better or wtv but IDC it doesn’t change how he treated the Mc in the beginning. Also I know people are gonna say I can’t talk cus I didn’t read it all but I don’t have to cus I already know the ML trash. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Tbh it’s okay I like the Ml just hate the whole pet thing. And the collar she’s wearing To show she’s his like I get icked out cus of that. She even felt envious of his cat that passed away like wtf it’s a cat. I just wish she wasn’t treated like a “pet” cus it’s just so cringe for me lol. Although I like everything else

Bottom pissing me off. He forced himself on the high school in the first like ch I think and then wanted to marry him after. LIKE he’s a high schooler while you’re a whole adult wtf. I don’t find it cute that he forced himself on the high school and wouldn’t take no as an answer. Yea I get it there a pair but wtf the kid told him he doesn’t like him and doesn’t wanna pair with him but he won’t give up. Also I can’t get over the age gap and the fact he forced himself on the kid the first ch. (Yes he did force himself on the kid when he gave him the bj and the kid even said it scared him when he did that and he didn’t want him to touch him like that)
I DONT WANNA HEAR EXCUSES cus idk why but people always excuses Sa or rape or wtv in BL like it’s normal. I don’t care if he’s gonna better or if they’re lovers now he forced himself on a high schooler and that’s that.
( ̄へ ̄)
(Apologies for my gammer I was in a rush also this is my opinion don’t hate if you don’t agree)

User72 created a topic of The Evil Ring

Straight up sobbing when his friend died. I knew he was gonna died but I was hoping he wouldn’t. Like fuck they killed off the person who grew up with him now he’s suffering. I was sobbing too when he saw his friend arm getting eaten like fuck he was just a kid when he lost his arm. And he lost it cus it was eaten off like shit that was such a tragic way for him to lose his arm. I hope it’s not tragic Yk where they all slowly die off or whatever. I just want him to beat the bad guys and live a happy life where he doesn’t have to fight for food.

User72 created a topic of The Selfish Romance

Honestly, I don’t know why either of them want their ex back. LIKE from what I see they’re both trash?
Don’t get me wrong we don’t know what fully happening yet but SO far they seem like trash okay.
I especially hate the ML ex like she just always expect him to come back and seems quite toxic in my opinion.the ML ex more she seems cocky and seems like she would be really toxic like in a manipulated way you know. From also what the ML said she’s a liar?
The FL ex I don’t know like from the first ch I thought he was trash for staying with someone without even loving them but people are commenting that she should’ve heard him out so Idfk so far he’s trash to me.
Also about the looks of the Ex and the ML there both good looking but I’m still cheering for the ML I honestly don’t really care who’s more good looking or wtv.
Kinda seems like that one romance that I’ve read “The couple breaker” I’m getting the same vibe from it lol come just be me tho.

My opinion don’t fucking hate lol and sorry if my grammar or spelling sucks lol

User72 created a topic of The Executioner

They don’t deserve to be spared. They didn’t spare the mom and kid so why should he spare them after they killed some many people?
Hahaha isn’t that funny how they beg for their life just like the people they killed idgaf if they kids (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

User72 created a topic of Butterfly Trap

People fighting in the comments section is cracking me up.
Honestly I dislike both characters mostly the top cus you know. He fucked him while he was unconscious and there other things to add but I’m not gonna get into that you can just look at the comments on what he did if you im don’t know. Also the bottom trash bc he confess to the top just so he can fail because he couldn’t stand the thought of being second like wtf. Not to mention the top completely failed and couldn’t become a doctor cus of the Mc lying and saying he likes him. Like wtf y’all was friends but you couldn’t stand to see someone else be first other then you. Then completely ghosted the top afterwards. They both just suck okay.
Someone give me spoilers I wanna know what happens and if the bottom finds out and how he reacts And Also give me a spoiler on who is a student that has known our main character for a while crush is cause I really wanna know I think it’s the main character, but I don’t know for sure

PLEASE I hope he can just go back in time and fix all these misunderstanding and doesn’t have to fight or kill anyone anymore or fall for the king tricks I don’t know about the demon king I don’t know if he’s bad or good because I don’t know he doesn’t. He hasn’t acted like it so far as I don’t know his brother in a different timeline, you know like he goes back in time or something.

User72 created a topic of Meteor Orbit

Honestly I don’t mind who he gets with but I just don’t want it to be the blue hair dude. Like I understand he did everything in the past life for him BUT he treated like shit and always treated him less then. He also always had multiple lovers and the MC had to watch as the person he loved got with other people right in front of him. I know he’s different now but I can’t look pasted how he treated him in his last life Yk. Like I get you wanted to protect him but couldn’t you’ve been nicer? Yeah ik he didn’t want people to know he liked him or wtv but he still could’ve treated him nicer. He could treated him like an actual human being.

I kinda just want an ending where there’s different endings. That he ends up with everyone in the different endings Yk? Like if you liked one character more and wanted him to be with him you could see that happening Yk.
I know he’s probably gonna be with the blue hair tho ( ̄へ ̄)

┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Also I apologize for my bad grammar and spelling it’s not my strong suit lol