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User72 created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

My honest opinion abt the character.

The bottom is okay I didn’t want him to fall in love so fast bc he fell in love after the 3-4 time they met which is crazy to me. Cus for me at least it takes me a while to develop feelings for someone. So him falling in love that fast was crazy to me but it’s quiet common in Bl and sometimes in other genres. Tho I would’ve preferred if he didn’t fall so fast Yk.(could just be me)
Also glad he didn’t get into a relationship (not really) when he didn’t come out bc that would’ve been unfair to his partner bc the partner would’ve felt like the bottom was ashamed of him and ect. Overall it would’ve cause a lot of problems. ALSO to add idk why he still tried to be friends with his ex fuck buddy. That’s a red flag for me cus first off he’s seen you naked and fucked u?
Also you had feeling for him(pretty sure he did) and y’all used to fuck for years. NEVER should they get back in contact whilst he’s in a relationship bc the green hair still has feelings for him and has told him abt it. Honestly I hope the Mc just cuts him off completely but idk

Next is our top
I honestly don’t have anything to say. He’s pretty much okay except his trauma(not in a bad way bro) which I hope he can mend and eventually taste again. I feel bad for what happened to him and hopes he can eventually heal and have a happy endings.

The top mom
Honestly idk she left her kid. She knew the dad is abusive, but she still decided to leave her kid with her abuser and like I get it there could’ve been some issues like maybe she was afraid but that’s her fucking kid and she left him with an abuser who tried or almost killed him, which is really fucked up she could’ve fought for her kid or some other thing like in court or record her abuse, install cameras. There was a lot of things she could’ve done but she decided to just leave her kid which is really fucked up. I don’t know if I’m missing something on this, but this is just what I’m getting from so far maybe I miss something, I’m glad that Dad died. I wish he had more painful death but oh well we don’t get what we want. And Yes I feel bad for her and everything but imagine how the top felt his entire childhood after she left up until the point the dad died.

The side couple
Honestly I don’t see them together and it feels like the author tried to push them together and everything like they’re probably gonna get their own little side story but I don’t like them together the green hair was a bitch and low-key toxic as fuck because he was literally fucking other people while he was with the main character and the main character didn’t even know he probably had his heartbroken but he’s like you know what it’s whatever and they just decided to become buddies and then he has audacity to come back and was like I like you like I really like you bitch shut the fuck up you hoe. Overall I honestly don’t see them together at all.

The sisters
Love them I love the support they gave our MC and just how fast they supported Mc.

(Just my opinion kk don’t take it to heart and btw sorry if my spelling sucks k(⌒▽⌒)

LMAFO the dick piecing make me die looking at it. Why does he want them in anyway? LOL I hope it has a funny background

User72 created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

Okay like please listen if I was FL I would’ve stayed mad at her dad for longer cus ik he was trynna protect her if but even after her nanny died he didn’t send a letter not even flowers. Nor did he ever reach out to her after she was married off. Ik he was ashamed but still like dude she was your daughter you’ve should’ve pushed your own feelings aside and contacted her. He even made his own son not keep in contact with her making her think her brother didn’t wanna talk to her either, he never made the first move to contact her. Even in her first life she died and she never fixed their relationship bc she thought he hated/didn’t love her. All this bc he couldn’t communicate!!
lol I find the dad cute and the brother cus they like baby bunny but still I was mad at him for that though I understand where he was coming from I still would’ve preferred him contacting her. Some people may come from be after reading that lol.

I found the side couple so cute and loved the made and the knight ending too. Also love how there kids look kinda similar to the FL and the MLs kinda look like brothers (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Also IK IKIKIK people will judge me for this but the second Prince I felt bad for. His dad treated him differently from his other kids and his mom later killed herself and asked him to do it too. Although I’m not saying what he did was right I feel a bit bad just bc his childhood made him have a twisted view on love bc of what happened to him as a child. And he hated his siblings cus of his dad he probably would’ve grown up normally if his parents weren’t so shitty. Though he was a shitty person I feel bad for him and wished he could understand how love really worked but he never did.

(Don’t judge me for my OPINION okay il some people won’t and and that’s okay this is just my point of view)

User72 created a topic of Melody of the Deadwood

Okay guys this is just what I think happened.
So obv the childhood siblings liked our Mc but the girl got tricked and the boy whom was confused cus he thought he liked guys cus he has feelings for our Mc so he left our Mc so he wouldn’t be so confused anymore abt his feelings. Also he got engaged to the evil wick witch mostly cus of his family. Obv they both suck and didn’t consider the Mc feelings abt everything.
Honestly don’t know how I feel abt the grandpa and the uncle cus I get they didn’t know what was going on but at the same time I think they knew something was off. Also why didn’t they ever like send spy’s to check up on Mc or ever visit her themselves?
But they know they did her wrong and r trynna do better so that something I guess.
Obv I was hoping the evil step sister would get killed off but if not all wishes come true.
Next r the potential ML.
Idk how I feel abt the red hair and the blue hair tbh. They both just seem meh eh bleh. Not in a bad lol. Also I don’t want her to be with anyone in her little family cus I want them to stay her family and I feel if something more happens it’ll complicate things cus two of them like her already. Also I just don’t feel a real connection with anyone of the MLs yet but that probably just me.
Next is her power and her gender.
Idk why she’s hiding her gender to her new family I feel like they wouldn’t care regardless except for the two that like her already ofc. I feel like she has no real reason to hide it anymore but maybe she’s just more comfortable with that gender and just doesn’t want people to know but idk.
I kinda understand her powers in a way but also confused. Like whom did she get her power from like Ik from her family BUT who in her family? Like mother or maybe grandma?
Next is her not be able to have kids
I guessing they’re gonna heal that problem of not having to having kids and fix her body all together. Like get rid of the poison in her body that her step mom fed her.

Her “dad”
He’s trash worse than trash.
I’m guessing that dad fell in love with FL mom but didn’t see her face just her hair might I add her very blonde hair and obv the step mom found out and was jealous and lied abt it being her. Being stupid and everything the dad believed her not knowing the real women he loved died alone bc of him and that he cheated on her. BTW even if he didn’t know all, he still let EVERYONE in that “family” mistreat her and bully her any chance they got. He saw what was going on and just let it happen not caring abt his on KID. Like damn maybe he didn’t know that FL mom was the love of his life but he sure did know what was going on and how they treat her!!! So he has no excuse as a dad and I hope he rots in hell with the step mom

This is me guessing on what’s gonna happened OKAY also don’t hate on my opinion on everything and sorry abt my spelling and grammar :p

Why tf the Mc stay in contact with the guy who SA him and also let him come over at the end tf. If it wasn’t for the ML he would’ve been raped.

User72 created a topic of In the Doghouse


So the ML likes pain if she slaps him or wtv he gets hard lol that happens in the next ch him getting hard after getting slapped. I think he fell for her cus he saw the brother getting beat up by her and liked how she beat her brother in law up(not 100% sure just a guess)

User72 created a topic of Mayonaka Love Alliance

Honestly I disliked ch 4 cus he didn’t tell his bf what was happening and he forgave his friend when he literally was abt to assault him and take pictures to blackmail him with. He forgave him like what he did wasn’t a big deal. Ik people would say “but he was his friend in high school” so what? Just cus Yk someone in high school doesn’t mean they’re the same person you knew. Like I would’ve liked it better if that “friend” got his ass beat by th Bf cus wtf.

User72 created a topic of Random Target

Honestly I dislike the friend. He had many chances to confess but he chooses not to and just hopes she’ll look his way which is stupid to me cus if she hasn’t looked at u for the years u guys been friends what makes u think she’s suddenly gonna look at u. He mad petty for spilling that water on the Ml(I think he’s the Ml).
Also I hope Mc stays out of her exs life like girl he dumped u and he was an asshole abt it just cut him out of your life!
Also people r saying that the friend might be the reason for the break up which regardless I don’t like him. If he truly loved Mc I believe he could’ve communicated with her openly abt what was happening cus they were dating for like 2 year at that point he should trust her abt whatever is happening. I believe whatever it was he could’ve worked it out. Also from what the FL said he lied abt the jobs he was getting. Which maybe he was doing sum else for work but still he should’ve been honest. I believe u shouldn’t be with someone if u can’t trust them.
I dislike that pink haired bitch cus ik damn well she’s gonna start sum with the FL.

I love the Ml(I think he is) he so cute and innocent like a new baby deer type vibe. Also he looks innocent but his body is just so! Amazing lol anyway I just hope FL doesn’t cause misunderstanding, and communicate about her feelings with him because I find out those type of plots where they don’t communicate kinda annoying because you know they both have feelings for each other but they’re just not saying it.

My opinion if u don’t like just move onnnnnn lol


Does something happen with the green hair bitch cus when he gets fired he look like he was gonna kill someone’s. So like does he come back for revenge or something. If someone knows spoil if for me pls but pls but a spoiler mark for everyone else who doesn’t wanna know yet.

User72 created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Ngl this is taking forever for them just to get together. Like ima continue reading but if they’re still not tg in the next 10 ch I'm gonna drop.

User72 created a topic of Trash of the Count's Family

Anyone else love Ron like omg he’s so ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Giving sliver fox vibes

User72 created a topic of Eleceed

Bruh what’s the age gap between the chairwoman and the Mc cus yk there’s a bit of romance going between them two and I don’t want no weird age gap. Like 16-23 or wtv. Also I hoped there wasn’t any romance but there’s a bit which sucks but oh well. And I low key don’t see them to get but wtv.

User72 created a topic of The Genius Actor’s Aura

Low key idk how I feel. The male character is pretty okay I just don’t like how he trusted the fox so fast, though now he’s learned to be a bit wary. Tbh my first thought of the fox was that he was really an evil spirit or wtv ( just a guess idk) Honestly I would never trust the fox cus fox’s r known to be cunning. So idk how I feel abt the fox, I kinda feel like he’s after the Mc body Yk.

Idk why he’s helping the Mc I think he just wants his body to control ect. I think the whole wanting to see acting part was a half truth I think he wants to act now see it.
I also think he may be evil cus he kinda giving Sus Yk.
I don’t think Mc should trust him and he very wary of him.
There’s nothing really known abt him so idk all this is just a guess

Light blue hair actor
I kinda hated the blue haired in the beginning a little cus he was cocky but like he didn’t mean to be so he grew on me and I like him now cus he stands up for the Mc and doesn’t let shit slide.

Blue(dark) hair senior
I don’t like that blue hair dude that keeps trynna pull the Mc down. He’s trynna use the fact their new to acting to cover the fact that their actually good just cus he sucks. Found it hilarious when he thought the blue haired actor was there for him when he was really there for the Mc. Felt the same way with that black haired senior but he’s more like an extra background character now.

Brown hair chick
Okay so this character I kinda hated how she didn’t like how people always just thought how she used her connections or looks to get parts but she did the same shit with the Mc and called him a genius and was basically saying how he didn’t have to work hard to be good. Although she did learn and kinda grew from that which I looking forward too.

I don’t remember names I apologize sorry sorry so I just used looks ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Remember just my opinion and don’t hate cus of my opinion lol

I hope there’s no romance in this but I feel there might be a little
Also I don’t mind some spoilers abt the fox cus I wanna know if he’s evil or wtv.

User72 created a topic of WindBreaker

I love the Mc some people may say he just jumps into fight but It’s always because he wants to protect something or someone. He always been misunderstood cus of his looks but that never let that stop his need to protect the people he care abt or people in need of help. I love how they made his character and his looks. I also love how they made the other characters. They’re all different in their own way. I find him so cute when he blushes from someone being close. Also loved that one ch where the granny tricked him into carrying her.
I do have questions tho. I wanna know where his parents r. Did they abandon him? Did they die? Why didn’t anyone relate let him stay with them? What happened in his childhood. Idk so many questions left unanswered but I love it so much. I can’t wait to see how everything unfolds. I ended up getting so invested in the plot lol.

User72 created a topic of Home Five

Honestly pretty bland. I’ve seen this plot so many times. The Ml gets his heart broken by the MC so he plays him and makes him thinks he loves him just to drop him later. The Mc is stupid and fall for this act not knowing he’s getting played and genuinely thinks the Ml love/likes him. Then whoops the ML falls in love too and the Mc finds out that he was getting used and is heart broken blah blah blah the ML regrets it and is depressed when the Mc leaves but the Mc ends up forgiving him. I can already see how the ending gonna come out it’s really no different for any other BL with the same plot ect. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Damn ik she’s was always gonna end up with the black hair I just love the blonde hair sm too

User72 created a topic of The Second Lead Syndrome

Okay ima continue reading this cus I want her to end up with cane. They have an enemy lover type of relationship.
I like how their relationship is because they totally get along, so I wouldn’t understand why the blue haired would end up with her because they don’t have anything going on like no connection but if they do it’ll feel forced. But if she doesn’t end up with cane I’m completely dropping the whole thing because first off why the fuck she blushing for someone who already has a girlfriend and is her friend like how you Finna have feelings for someone who’s dating your friend.
Also the only one I feel bad for is the orange hair cus her friend likes her bf and cane whom she’s known sense childhood is hoping for her downfall in her relationship. I don’t know if I should feel bad for the blue hair dude cause he seems like a bitch too. Like how u finna date someone your friend said they liked multiple times. And just expect him to go along with it. Also why tf u blushing and thinking of someone else while u have a gf tf. But idk if she confessed to him or wtv but still he should’ve gave cane a heads up and asked if that was okay. I feel bad for cane but like he kinda give evil but I kinda understand why but he should’ve just slowly, started distancing himself from the friend group if he didn’t like the relationship like I guess he loves her, but that point just move on because she’s not looking your way.
The blue hair bitch better not dump the orange hair girl cus she supper NICE and I don’t want her to go with the FL cus that’s just fucked UPPPPPPPPP

(I don’t remember names I’m sorry my memory sucks I just remembered canes cus he fine) ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

User72 created a topic of The Second Lead Syndrome

Don’t know if anyone else had trouble with ch42 I thought it was just my wifi but some people in the comments had the same problem just look on a different site for that chヾ(☆▽☆)

User72 created a topic of Last Love of Youth

I find them both stressful. At first I thought the bottom had no real reason to break up with the top Yk which made me dislike him. Cus I hate when people break up with someone without an explanation. Although I hate how he went abt things in the break up I understand why he did it. Ofc he probably was feeling the relationship wasn’t working with the top him cus he never said “I love you “ before. Which is understandable. I just don’t like how he didn’t communicate abt what he was feelings. He just broke up with him and ghosted him without talking abt the situation and how he was feeling. Don’t get me wrong i blame the top for this misunderstanding too bc someone bond to think something if their lover never said ily. He probably never realized he never said it back or was just to embarrass to say it back. The top should’ve ran after the bottom to explain the misunderstanding but he just let him go. Overall VERY bad communication

Am I wrong for finding the uncle more interesting than the MC?
Also love the uncle design he’s soo fineee like he’s giving I would end the whole world for you.(≧∀≦)
The Mc isn’t really giving much the plot for him is pretty basic he’s probably gonna get revenge and get powerful kill all the bad guys and kill his uncle while talking to him as he speaks his last words.
(Lol just guessing cus most end up like this)