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User72 created a topic of Villainously Yours

I confused. Didn’t she die already why in the latest ch was she burned in front of everyone? Did they just moved her body? Her ex lover is that him in the last ch or just a look alike? What’s up with the green hair dude I thought he was the ml but the guy on the cover looks like her ex lover?
Idk but I loved the way she died right in front of the man who said he loved her. He looked hurt when she died so ima just guess and say he did have some feelings for her which is even better cus that means he got the only women he loved killed and now he has to suffer the guilt of that.
Also ik her dad was evil but idk if she was truly in guessing she wasn’t and that was just rumors Yk?

User72 created a topic of The Basketball Girl

Why that one bitch acting like she wasn’t the one who made that boy injured like she’s literally the whole reason he got injured in the first place now she’s acting like it’s the girls fault when it’s really her fault like she’s such a bitch that I wanna smack her. She’s acting like she’s his wife and he’s cheating on her like no he doesn’t even want she doesn’t even like you he finds you repulsing.

User72 created a topic of Stars Seeing Nightmares

I like the plot and the ML and MC don’t get me wrong it’s just like I wanna scream sometimes DONT bring him to your work. Like the bottom keeps meeting up with the ML in the dreams and sm things could go wrong with that. Thankfully he only got hurt once. He should’ve reported to the higher ups as soon as he kept meeting the same guy. Or when he thought the top was the reason why the nightmare were getting worse. Instead he tried to find out the reason for it himself which I found stupid of him. Still I like the plot overall and the couple(⊙…⊙ )

User72 created a topic of The Demon Leader's Lover

CANT bro was raped and just accepted fate. And his dad sold him off after abandoning him when he was a child and his brother is only using him so his clan doesn’t die off and the Mc, he’s nonchalant about it which is like making me angry because like what the fuck at least fight it by the same time he can’t really do anything but if it me I would’ve just ended my life instead of getting raped over and over again. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

Honestly some people may say they feel bad for the dad. Which I honestly don’t because like even though he didn’t know how becoming Dad to his daughter, he was still a dad to someone else’s kids, and now because of that the female lead had to grow up neglected, thinking that she killed her mother and that her dad didn’t love her because he never stopped those rumors that were going about even when he found out about them. He never did anything about that so that’s why so many people think he doesn’t love her because he’s never done anything to prove that he did. I honestly hate him. He has no excuse for the way the FL grew up and I loved how even the Butler says sum abt how she grew up without love. I hope she leaves and that the dad is broken hearted and that he suffers.
the brother prob loves the FL and likes to put her down.

User72 created a topic of I Became the Lousy Side Top

Am I the only who finds the MC annoying for like no reason. In my head everything got complicated bc of him. Like if he just didn’t save that guy and not taken the deal everything would’ve been okay ish. Like he knew how that mafia guy is he knew he was bad shit crazy. Ik the Ml would’ve still been in debt but they could payed for it with the money he got from him grandma or wtv and just kept paying and then killed the dad off at least they would’ve been tg . Lol ik I'm being dulu abt the part we're everything would’ve been fine but at least it would be a whole lot better then how it is now. Idk he just kept making shit more complicated and kept trynna fix things when in reality he made them worse and kept meeting shitty people. IK people r gonna disagree with me and I can understand why I don’t know why I just find him annoying. Also hated the second ML like bitch I wanna smack him. Like yes he’s fine but damn is he annoying. He that type of ML to beat the crap out of you till u love him and keep you lock up in a small room. Probably would’ve raped him too if it was 18+ plus shit cus that the type of scum he seems like. Man he’s so shitty like the MC doesn’t LOVE a you bitch move tf onnn. Like we get it you have trauma but stop creating more for other PEOPLE. Fuck the only okay one was the ML the other second MLs suck ass bro. They’re crazy asf. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

The dad is trash correct me if I’m wrong but I think she said that her 99 life so that means her dad failed her 99 times and got her killed 99 times just cus he couldn’t move on from his wife death and chose to get him and his daughter killed. I bet you his wife would be rolling in her grave rn if she saw how many times her daughter died cus of her crazy husband. He’s a different kind of crazy for having his death wife body with him. Also seems like she’s gonna end up with the same guy who killed her so I’m just drop it here. And if you disagree with me you’re blind cus u know damn well what I said is true.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

User72 asked a question

Does anyone know this reincarnation?
She has like brown hair and blue eyes and has siblings one with blond hair who her other self used to hate. Her older brother also hated her cus she used to treat the sister like trash. One time when she went out with the sister the sister got kidnapped and so she used her powers to save the sister and passed out after? And her dad tried to help so did her older brother but the Fl magic wouldn’t let anyone in till she came out with her sister and passed out? Then her dad came and finished off everything else. They don’t have a mom cus she passes. I don’t remember the name.

Seems interesting I just hope the ML isn’t the black hair kid cus that would be weird if the duke adopted her and shit or they grew up like siblings cus I’ve read some like that before (⌒▽⌒)

Gonna be honest seems like she’s already falling for him. I don’t know why she’s falling for him. He’s nice to her but so is everyone else, maybe it’s his looks. I dislike how fast she falling for him. I also don’t know why ever ML looks the same they really need to change that up.. like maybe a ML with glasses or a different hair color like green pink orange brown. Idk they all look the same. Also I would’ve quit after the bug prank or her getting hurt prank cus wtf.

User72 created a topic of The World Without You

Guys let’s be real the ML trash and the Mc was (not really anymore) letting himself just get dragged along. He really try to convince himself in the beginning that it wasn’t true and that Ml loved him. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
When in reality he was just using him. and now every time they have sex now he just loses feelings for the ML. The ML need therapy. He clearly had problems in his childhood that made him have to cope with an imaginary friend. But regardless of this, he didn’t think what would happen when he hurt the MC (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸He merely used the MC for his own satisfaction, and only at the end did he realize he loved him. He still just thought abt himself every time. He was always thinking of someone else when he was with the MC. Although ML has trauma, I hate him regardless and I might hate the MC even more if he gets back with him knowing that while they was fucking he was thinking of someone else. ( ̄へ ̄)
While they’re were together he was thinking of someone else. While saying sweet words to him he was thinking of someone else. Even while traveling he was thinking of someone else. Basically how I see it everything Ml did with the MC he was always thinking of someone else. He literally said after MC dyed his hair (now you don’t look like him) hurting MC even more.
I’m not gonna lie when I say I hope the ML doesn’t end up with the MC although ik he will. The Mc has his own problems too. He keeps running back or thinking of the ML bc he was the first to believe in him. I truly believe that if the MC parents weren’t like that and treated him well and believed in him he wouldn’t have gone back to the ML and probably wouldn’t have even met him.
People might say (but but he has trauma) so?
Now Mc has even more trauma too because of him. ML even raped him while he knocked out after sex. Even when Mc says no he still fucks him regardless. There nothing that can say to justify what he has done. Although I’m sad to see the Mc in pain cus ik he isn’t a bad person he’s just someone in pain and has trauma due to his parents and ML.i hope he becomes a great actor.I feel the same way with ML but he hurt the Mc beyond repair. I kinda just want them all to heal and follow their dream and find happiness. (Not together tho toxic)
Y’all don’t get pissed at mean k cus ik some y’all might say I took it to serious but this is just what I got from everything okay. :p
Still ima drop this tho ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

User72 created a topic of Cat in the Chrysalis

Damn I feel so bad for the dad. He died from his brother and his wife whom he probably loved remarried the same man who killed him. He even had to watch his son die multiple times. Not even after he passed could he move on. He had to see all his loved ones move on from him. Him sobbing while watching the sky broke my heart. He’s probably sad he can’t help his son anymore and that he could only watch as he died.

I wanna know why the queen married the brother and I wanna know if she knows what’s happening? Why does the dad want our ML to forgive her Even tho she married the man who killed her husband.
The brother is so fucking ugly like omg he looks like a fucking rat( the emperor) bro pretends like he’s a fucking saint. I would’ve cut his dick off if it was real. Also the dad is so fucking good lucking he has that sliver fox vibe.

User72 created a topic of Midwood

Okay I love this so far. But I want a spoiler to know who’s killing everyone and who’s copying looks. I’m so damn curious to find out who it is. I feel like it might be that one dude who was sobbing a lot, he’s mad suspicious because he wasn’t crying when he found out that girl died but then when Mc confronted him about what was happening. He started bawling all of a sudden, so I wanted to know if it’s him or someone else.

User72 created a topic of High Pulse

Idk if ima continue reading this. The Mc overthinks sm and even broke up with the ML cus he beat someon up cus the MC was abt to be sa. I don’t understand why he thought he was changing the ML for the worse like bro someone was finna sa him ofc he was gonna beat that person up. Hell I would’ve cut the person balls if that was me. He never talks to the ML abt his feels and what he’s thinking and just pushes him away ect. And no I’m not talking abt how he’s an omega I’m just saying in general. Relationships need communication if not the relationship will fall apart the fact that he’s not willing to communicate his feelings to his partner is kind of frustrating to me. He just decides on his owns that the ML hates him and is better off. Without taking into consideration abt the ML feelings which obv the Ml is gonna get hurt. Low-key I knew he was gonna be an omega kinda funny tho, because like he was thinking, he was gonna be an alpha, when he was obviously gonna be like omega. Although I understand why he’ll be overthinking about the whole omega thing. I also see the ml side of things because to him omega‘s were clingy horny people who only wanted to be with him because he was like an alpha so obviously he would have some bad experience with omegas so I don’t really fault him on anything.

My head hurts from reading this ngl
ML is stupid to expect anything from the MC like your treat him like shit and then you expect him to like u and to understand his own feelings abt it?
Man was basically dying and he kept fucking him just cus he couldn’t control his anger. ML himself said Mc lost weight and sleep yet he couldn’t understand that he was the reason for it???
Even when he was fainting he kept fucking him like bro let him rest. Mc said it hurts annd that he didn’t want it but ML kept going just cus Mc dick was hard. Like he SAID he didn’t want it annd that it hurt annd to stop. And y’all who can’t see that r blind asf and r just pretending that didn’t happened.
Bro basically raped him and now expects him to like him to tf. Mans so stupid.

User72 created a topic of Love Shuttle

Bare with me for a moment cus I don’t remember names so ima just describe them by looks and ect. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

First the main couple, yea they’re cute and I liked their story but the Mc was so stubborn and kinda stupid. The ML told the MC not to go near him when he was in his heat bc he didn’t want to hurt him but instead the Mc got mad cus he doesn’t fully understand why they can’t just fuck. Idk I kinda got pissed cus like he didn’t wanna fuck while in his heat and the MC just ignored his feelings abt that. Also was fucked up he kinda played with ML feeling for a bit in the first few chapters. (When the ML got rejected, but then the main character came back to him, asking him to go with his family and then he still got rejected and you know kind of go back-and-forth for a little bit and then the MC says he has a lover when he doesn’t)

Second couple low key dislike the doctor. He played with the brother(black hair) feelings and only when he was abt to lose him did he care. The brother(black hair) is really weak minded bc of his gross older brother. Which makes me thinks that’s the main reason he stayed with the doctor bc he thought in so part of his mind that he overreacted when he overheard the conv with his friends. Which he didn’t if anything he should’ve been more pissed and left him cus wtf. Even if he was just acting all high and mighty in front of his friends he should’ve never said that in the first place abt his lover. Also I dislike how sometimes he kinda just skips over the brother feelings yk(black hair) honestly I believe the black hair deserves better. Though ik some people might say that he did have feelings for the black hair guy but didn’t realize. But you have understand even though he didn’t realize he still hurt his his lover with his actions and his words, which isn’t fair to the black hair guy.

The GROSS brother
He clearly has many things wrong abt him. Not only did he basically bully his brother when they were younger he also tried to rape him and he did sa him. He try’s to make his brother dependent on him so he could never leave him which is really fucked up to be honest. In his sick mind they’re not brothers. He try to break his brother so that he think only he could ever love him for him. Which thankfully never worked. I think he tried to deny the fact he liked his brother so he try to shame him to make him feel as shitty as he does. The brother(black hair) now has to suffer from all that trauma he got from him brother which I hate cus wtf he’s a baby he don’t deserve that no one does. Idk why in the whole family he’s the only that’s fucked up.
(I hope his dick falls off and that he lives in that house always waiting for someone who’s never coming abt cus wtf)

Also I wanted to see how the ML Dad met but oh well

User72 created a topic of GOZE HOTARU

So far I love it I just hope her grandpa lives a long life to see how she grows up. I’ll prob sob if he dies cus he’s the only family she still has. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

User72 created a topic of Drug Devourer

Think I’m gonna drop this. I thought this was gonna be abt a MC taking drugs and such to be more powerful but now he has different powers and is a dragon and all of a sudden he’s have sm wives/wife. He doesn’t even take drugs that much anymore. I feel it’s getting further and further from the plot. Also damn like he really killed his brother/step brother without a care in this world I would understand if it was the dad but the brother didn’t really deserve that even tho he was kinda an ass but he didn’t deserve to die. The dad trash tho you can tell by the way he was acting in ch 56(i don’t remember the ch) so I understand if he like kills him or shames him. I know I’m not the only one feeling like they’re just pushing everything together trynna make it work into one plot. Also I find the wives/wife unnecessary for the plot and maybe I also dislike the whole having more then one wife thing tho ik it’s the norm for them.
Idk maybe that’s just me and my opinion on everything

User72 created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

Sobs I wished the grandpa got his dick cut up slowly so he feels more pain and got more humiliation cus I feel he didn’t suffer enough Yk but ig not all dreams come true ( ̄へ ̄)

User72 created a topic of In the Doghouse

Honestly the FL Is such a queen. Not only is she smart, beautiful she also stands up for herself and doesn’t take shit from her family. If I would her I would’ve left with the baby cousin with any money left and watch the family house fall apart. Also love the thick ML(crown prince from what I heard)
Can’t wait for more chapters