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Wasn't the mc a working adult from our times before he got isekaid into this story? Then HWHY is this guy more immature and idiotic than the horny ass ml????? who is a legit teenager who thinks with his dick?????????
"Gee, this horny guy keeps shoving his dick into me every chance he gets...but he's totally gonna fall for my bestie and he just accidentally keeps slipping into my ass. What a perfect gentleman this guy is" ???? Wtf man, where are your brains??
I'm so done with this story.

BLues Clues created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

death flag??????? for mommy dearest???????? pls say no

BLues Clues created a topic of Period

bro i read "I lo-" and thought he was gonna say "I lost" like a reference to their last game and also about their time together coz of the approaching police (i thought the sirens tipped him off) but a failed confession makes so much more sense lmao

BLues Clues created a topic of Jueun

sir??????? take several seats (in the room of a psychiatric facility coz you are fucked in the head)

Also, I can't believe this creep's justification was: "When I was a kid, this kid was acting clingy around me coz he's an orphaned child, and I decided that was gonna be my descent into madness. Also, I KNOW HE IS A CHILD, but he acted like a brat and I decided to become yakuza stalker creep"

BLues Clues created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Was the black haired guy a pro at brainwashing people into liking him? Coz he is stinkin garbage. Blond guy's been pining over THIS trash bag for so long?

BLues Clues created a topic of A Tree Without Roots


BLues Clues followed question about discord server

Since I asked about the worst red flags/black flags the other day. Now i need something to help me gain faith in Bl authors again. In your opinion, who is the greenest top of all time and if u can; plz give top 5 green flags with story names

02 01,2024

B r u h

That has to be the lamest conflict ever.

"Wah wah my partner just told my clearly psychopathic ex that we aren't an item. Ik this is to safeguard me in this extremely perilous job where PR is everything and dating is usually frowned upon, but he actually had the gall to make it sound believeable???? Screw him! I'm gonna take off with my psycho ex who obv means to do harm to me!"

BLues Clues created a topic of PASSION

Taeui, I hope you enjoyed the life you lived coz it looks like it's about to end now. Been a real pleasure knowing you. *"I will remember you" bgm plays during this advance eulogy*

BLues Clues created a topic of Salty Lust

"Why do you have an erection?"
Bro??? When does Asperier NOT have a hard on?

BLues Clues followed question about question

Any youtube/tiktok content creators you recommend ? Could be that their content is wholesome or funny, or educational etc

18 12,2023

There were times I was annoyed/concerned about Ian's Other Woman behavior, but tbh it'd have been weird if he wasn't like that. The characters are so well-fleshed out, with all their imperfections, it felt so real. I also love how diverse the characters are, specifically the noses. I don't see many authors drawing different nose types. The outfits are also pretty believable, none of those weird 21st C x Ancient times outfits that are so common in period manhwas.

The princess plot twist genuinely got me, that was masterful storytelling right there.

I also obviously want a lot more of their happy ending in Nersia, and I'm happy they all got their happy endings (including Teresa(???) getting to kill Rothsilde)

The last story was the cutest ♡♡ Maika is so adorable~ ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

BLues Clues created a topic of Hanayome Wa Oku-san

wait how are they planning to pay for the soiled dress now? Why did seme say "this one is okay"?? Are they gonna just keep that crusty dress back on the rack????? I'm invested in this now.

BLues Clues created a topic of Love Plan

I absolutely adore this type of crying manipulative puppy seme. He's a total green red flag (as someone else mentioned in the comments)
Please give me suggestions of manga/manhwas with this type of character (i'm already reading dawn of the dragon)

BLues Clues created a topic of Man's Best Boyfriend

I'm kinda invested in his solitary space journey flashback lmao

BLues Clues created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

The art is pretty nice, but Ian just looks like the Wolverine decided to get a fringe to me and i can't unsee it enough to take the story seriously