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BLues Clues created a topic of Geolson's Past

I just want someone to conk this lil rapist bish on his head so hard he gets reconfigured or sumn bc there's no other way to redeem this guy's character. "It'S nOt ThAt EaSy BrO" headass like it IS THAT EASY WYMMMMM

BLues Clues followed question about question

GUYS any slowburn recommendations?,i don't want them going at it at the first two chapters thank you(⌒▽⌒)

21 days
BLues Clues created a topic of Midnight Dweller

this bish just said, "I'm so sad you left me. Why would you do that?" TO THE GUY WHO HE'D IMPREGNATED W/O CONSENT AND THEN ALMOST SUCCEEDED IN ABORTING SAID FOETUS W/O CONSENT.

I get that he's changed like 1%, but the audacity of this man is astonishing frfr

god that was such a sadly sweet ending for these two idiot dumbasses

It's like the characters from ch 1-9 were toxic messes and then in ch 10 they magically discovered the power of friendship, empathy and communication with 0 (okay, maybe 1%) prompting and they're now healed individuals and not the dumbasses the previous chapters established???????? Wtf

calix is spoiling us rotten with the updates! Thank you sm ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

BLues Clues created a topic of Revenge Guide

leehyeon said, "cool motive, still murder. boy byeeee"

BLues Clues created a topic of Midnight Dweller

lmao idek how i expected this story to go but watching it devolve into asian twilight:breaking dawn is really taking the cake

BLues Clues created a topic of Our Companionship

it really is a cute story...except for the those 3 chapters (30-33)
I can't unsee that at all. The guy almost raped him, and the only reason it didn't go that far was because sanghwa gaslighted himself into properly explaining his feelings instead of tryna bs his way through it to salvage the friendship.
i understand eegum getting angry, heartbroken, upset, etc. over the fact that the one friend he had was essentially using him to make his friend jealous (going by the stupid excuse sanghwa gave him) but threatening rape?????? That's so outta pocket it's unbelievable.
why am i saying this here? Because this couple had the potential to get exactly where they are without that horrendous patch in the road. a literal argument could have brought the same effect to their relationship. Idk anymore man

BLues Clues created a topic of Sunshine Shower

this should have been named UV ray shower instead of sunshine shower coz the seme's toxicity is gonna give someone some kinda cancer

BLues Clues followed a list

⁃  police/detective/soldier/agent ukes
⁃  royal/warrior/wizard ukes
⁃  action/ historical/ fantasy plot
⁃  sexy ukes
⁃  manly ukes
⁃  dominant/strong ukes
⁃  buff/muscular ukes
⁃  big dick
⁃  tight hole defiled
⁃  taller ukes
⁃  childhood/school/college friends
⁃  rapist/asshole seme
⁃  older ukes & age gap
⁃  servant/slave ukes
⁃  sukes/sekes (versatiles)
⁃  uke w/ glasses (Megane)
⁃  established relationship
⁃  coworkers to lovers
⁃  enemies to lovers

10 04,2024
BLues Clues created a topic of Love Plan

on my nth reread coz this is one of my fave couple dynamic tropes. But anyway, here's something that always gets to me: when mc basically tells ml "i like you coz you're hot, hot, nice, hot, so chill, I'll always like you" (in that post panic attack sex scene), like imagine being with someone for at least 3-4 years and the best thing you can think about them is their looks???? idk

BLues Clues followed a list
BLues Clues created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Heejae: Damn, after all this time, I finally realized why i was acting like a complete loon about Sooyoung. I...liked him this whole time??? Who woulda thunk that
also Heejae: Sooyoung, why can't you understand something as obvious as me having feelings for you (even tho i just figured them out myself in like the last chapter and you are as emotionally constipated as me)??? You're so frustrating!