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BLues Clues created a topic of Concubine Walkthrough

The ending was so poignant and impactful bc it wasn't over the top or ooc, the sorta open ending is also really nice. Like they resolved the couple's fate (HEA) and give some clues on how the couple ruled the empire, but with none of the typical villainess drama mc glorification. The scifi aspect and the artstyle really makes makes this manhwa stand out. I loved reading every bit of this manhwa and i'm sad to bid goodbye to all the characters

Also, baekryun was such a wild card damn

Dammit i just wanted these two clueless idiots to muddle through the plot and maybe become besties and/or lovers and overthrow the plot without even knowing it, but that dumbass green tea bitch ruined everything

BLues Clues created a topic of Night Song

The art is so goddamn immaculate i cannot.
Also Jaeshin's one obtuse dummy lmao

"I also could be-"
COULD be?? babe you're 100% of the damn charts. Yall are made for each other fr

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ALL are obsessed and possessive already but sometimes even more so:
(exceptions marked w/ )

NON BL ➺ #135-end

 Personality twist/Yandere/Mental issues
 Honeyed behavior (worryingly so)

 WARNING! may contain spoilers...

Part 2

Tags: Yandere
10 12,2023
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BLues Clues created a topic of Smyrna & Capri
BLues Clues created a topic of Haru No Noroi

The characters are well-rounded and unique and human, like it felt REAL. Haru's struggles with her disease, her jealousy and love for her sister and her unrequited loved for Tougo are so realistic. The guilt Natsumi felt, the codependent bond she had with her sister, her dysfunctional family situation are so well portrayed. Tougo's character isn't as well etched out bc it's in Natsumi's POV, but we can figure it out somewhat from the clues given in the manga. The stepmom is a unconventional take on the other woman, and made for an interesting addition to the manga.

This author really knows how to portray interesting and unconventional characters (read Raise No Tanin Ga Ii too if you haven't!) and spins convincing and compelling stories that honour these characters. 1000/10 recommended!

The art, the aesthetic, the character depth, the plot, everything is a hit with this manga. I was sucked into this manga from the very first panel. OG Tsukasa has my heart bro like this lil bb had to deal with such massive emotions and he doesn't even regret a bit of it. this manga is absolutely one of my favorites and I can't wait to see how it all goes down

was the author playing illegal bingo in the first chapter? The friend encouraged the mc to invade the ml's privacy and get photos of his dirty secrets, and in actuality pimped his friend (mc) out to the ml. The mc agreed to the whole trespassing and spying thing, and ended up getting raped by the ml. then the ml takes videos of them doing the do, and blackmails the mc. then the friend and ml just...laugh it off like they didn't commit serious crimes. AND THE MC JUST FORGIVES THEM. wtfffff?!!?

if the starting was more wholesome, this story would have been a great read

BLues Clues created a topic of Ink Painting

Holy heck, that was such a ride. It's crazy how psychotic Deborah was, like she was out to get Damien's blood by hook or crook. I wonder if this bitch was killing other innocents on the side too coz she literally said she liked killing, and with the resources of her family, it wouldn't be tough to bury any evidence that could lead back to her. I wanna know more about Ian's backstory, bc despite the fact that Damien was innocent of the allegations of killing, Damien was being unhinged in his obsession. If Ian was any normal person, he'd have freaked out or something, but this dude out here like he's equipped to handle these kindsa situations like a pro like whaaat??? also, ultimately the cat sister lucked out bc she's gonna inherit the company coz Deborah's dead now

BLues Clues created a topic of Sunshine Shower

"OMG yeongjae isn't acting like himself coz of the fever!"
Baby, this is the closest you've ever gotten to yeonjae's character, he is acting exactly like himself rn

BLues Clues created a topic of Red Mansion

THANK GOD!!! Minimart is not a minor!!!! Woohoooo

BLues Clues created a topic of Yonin no Nibiiro

that's one messed up family...
but this was a pretty good story

BLues Clues created a topic of One Roof Two Stranger

i reaaaally enjoyed this manhwa. I regret not having found this earlier. The main characters are pretty complex and believable. Best of all, it wasn't predictable, the characters left me trying to figure them out. I LOVED the banter between the main characters and the art style. The political intrigue wasn't as fleshed out, but to be fair, this is a romance webtoon and the intrigue was just a prop for the plot, not the plot itself. All in all, this is a solid manhwa, and I'll definitely be rereading it!

BLues Clues created a topic of Unfather

That ending was poetic. Everyone lost, and tbh they all deserved it. Sihyun was a grade a garbage excuse for a human, Kyunghee was a mom-con who chose the worst way to deal with his suitors, Junsik's hidden obsessiveness came out in full force after he hit one too many bumps in their relationship and dude became Sihyun 2.0. Hyunjung feels weird to me bc one minute she's all, "Imma do something for myself after all these years, so let's chase our happiness Kyunghee!" and the next minute she's all "Kyunghee???? why do you have a life of your won???? what is this behaviour pooja???" (but obv she's got nowhere near the toxicity of the guys). The only redeemable character was that unnamed friend of Kyunghee's who stuck by his side when shit hit the fan.

there was honestly no way for these characters to have any semblance of a happy ending without the author making them go OOC, so it makes sense why the author chose the everyone-dies route.

also, I'm wondering how Kyunghee justified not even trying to get his mom out of this relationship coz given the pace at which the sihyun x hyunjung "ship" was sailing, he'd have to be fucking his stepdad, who was also doing the devil's tango with his mom like what kinda mindfuckery...??

BLues Clues created a topic of Yoru no Yomeiri

i can't get over that insaaaane age gap like wtf??? the mc is an idiot, but then again, she's a (probably super sheltered) teenager whose brain is still developing, and the ml is almost 30. I get that it's to make mc's dumbassery more believable, but i just can't stomach it. Gave up after chapter 4 (looks like only the nekomata has this girl's best interests in mind from what i've read, and i hope that's not gonna be plot twisted away)

BLues Clues created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Do you're telling me heejae isn't a total lunatic and has a logical descent into madness(???)?

BLues Clues created a topic of Sunshine Shower

wait so...did yeonjae express such vitriolically homophobic views...just to show seoyoon he wasn't unusual so seoyoon would continue to confide(???) in him???
that's pretty twisted, but then again, yeonjae is one twist short of a twizzler so is it really shocking?