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ADateWithDeathFan asked a question

I cant quite remember how it goes, she might have been reincarnated but i dont think so. But the plotline is that they are in this village, she is the heroine and the ml is the hero and he is sent off to the capital for whatever reason (I think their dating? Or were promisng each other to get married sfter he gets back idk) they weren’t nobels or anything.

And shes been stuck in this sorta timeloop where he comes back with another woman and doesnt like her anymore, a whole bunch of stuff happens she leaves idk what she does after she leaves but I think it gets revealed that he was manipulated or cursed or smthing and they break it and end up together again.

ADateWithDeathFan asked a question

I cant quite remember how it goes, she might have been reincarnated but i dont think so. But the plotline is that they are in this village, she is the heroine and the ml is the hero and he is sent off to the capital for whatever reason (I think their dating? Or were promisng each other to get married sfter he gets back idk) they weren’t nobels or anything.

And shes been stuck in this sorta timeloop where he comes back with another woman and doesnt like her anymore, a whole bunch of stuff happens she leaves idk what she does after she leaves but I think it gets revealed that he was manipulated or cursed or smthing and they break it and end up together again.

Holy made me think about how much manga/manhwa I consume and how painful it’ll be to move to another website and find all of them again.. mangago please never shut down
ADateWithDeathFan asked question about question

I want to start loosing some weight and building a little bit of muscle but I dont want to go to the gym. Im really self conscious and I think I would have a panic attack if I did go. I know most of the people there wont judge me but I hate being perceived and even thinking about peoples eyes on me makes me panic. I do have a Exercise bike but I ca......

ADateWithDeathFan asked a question

I cant quite remember how it goes, she might have been reincarnated? Im not sure. But the plotline is that she is the heroine and the ml is the hero and he is sent off to the capital for whatever reason (I think their dating? Or were promisng each other to get married sfter he gets back idk)

And shes been stuck in this sorta timeloop where he comes back with another woman and doesnt like her anymore, a whole bunch of stuff happens she leaves idk what she does after she leaves but I think it gets revealed that he was manipulated or cursed or smthing and they break it and end up together again.

ADateWithDeathFan answered question about question
My original username was a nickname + injars. But I use that for alot of my accounts so I realised if anybody i knew found me on here they would know lol! So i changed it to a game I really like, but you can do this with anything. You could do quotes (fair warning though you could find it cringey later lol) or it could just be a random object. Mil......
ADateWithDeathFan followed question about read 1000 manga or more

Who hate/dislike bottom? I dont mind if they're not the main cp, side couple story are on top fr

9 days
ADateWithDeathFan followed question about question

IMPO NOTE: I READ IT ON MYREADINGMANGA, NOT MANGAGO SO IT MIGHT NOT BE HERE. GENRES: It's a supernatural BL, I think it was also a slice of life and comedy but I'm not sure. I don't remember if there was any yaoi scenes or not. PLOT: MC and ML start off as strangers. MC is connected to the ML by a curse; their lives are basically connected where ......

11 days
ADateWithDeathFan asked question about question

Like my friend sent me hers cause I was going to use it as a reference, I HAVE NOTHING TO PUT DOWN. IVE DONE NO VOLUNTEER WORK BESIDES THAT ONE TIME AT MY SCHOOLS UNIFORM SHOP BUT LIKE I WASNT REALLY DOING ANYTHING IMPORTANT. I have no experience with cash registers, im REALLY bad socially. I can act but it isnt always perfect. My friend is alrea......

ADateWithDeathFan asked a question

From what I remember last reading it was unfinished, a young boy (?) reincarnates into a fantasy world. He wasnt like teenage years he was younger, he has this beast with him i cant remember what type of animal but he runs into this group and they tell him to run away but he calms them down somehow and explains their friends.

ADateWithDeathFan answered question about question
In my opinion not necessarily because people do stick to one genre with other genres but I would recommend branching out a little more if this does apply to you.
ADateWithDeathFan answered question about question
from what I know hearing stories floating about the internet, they actually do happen. Most ofc are exposed and they get separated and the teacher gets in a heap of shit (deserved) but Some get married after the students graduate (Most end up in divorce), they still date but break up after awhile or they just end up going separate ways after gradua......
ADateWithDeathFan asked a question

something like this for my friend, she likes the ancient aspect to it aswell as like concubines n stuff, aswell as the war/acceptable violence??

ADateWithDeathFan answered question about question
I am a stardew valley sebastian addict, I would like for you to print out all these stickers just because

Loved it, but near the end I wont lie I was just mindlessly scrolling not really reading anything cause I just wanted to be done with this..

ADateWithDeathFan answered question about school is stressful
I think I got maybeee 5-7 in a math test out of i think 28 questions? But too be fair, almost the whole class failed.. I still passed though cause I did good on an assignment which also contributed to our grade tehe
ADateWithDeathFan asked a question

I think their childhood friends? Im not sure. I don’t remember much abiut the story or the characters other than this one scene. I think uke was named haru? Or that was a shortened verison of the name.

I think they are highschool students, there somewhere and i think uke asks seme why he likes him or if he would like him if he was a girl and seme goes no. He likes uke because he is uke and gender doesnt matter and he classifies uke as a whole different gender i think?? It was really confusing.

If you know anything like this pleasepleaseplease send me the link

ADateWithDeathFan like the answer
Currently, my hair is genetically straight What i wanna look like, my hair with volume(?) and i wanna have bangs too XD also good ahh outfit lol