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Im fine with spoilers, I want to know where she is

ADateWithDeathFan created a topic of Paljae

“You can take care of it by shaking it up and down vigorously” made me think of playing the Maracas wtf do you mean shaking it up and down, is it he going to whip it out and start waving it around like a wand?

ADateWithDeathFan followed question about question

say you have a friend who has never read bl before ask you for bl manhwa recommendations,, what would you give them to read??

31 03,2024
ADateWithDeathFan answered question about question
Well, ill give plot based one first lol! Dont want them to just dive straight into the depths of porn no plot. Would gradually give more nsfw if they do end up liking stories with nsfw in them. (Nsfw scenes but ofc, mostly plot.)
ADateWithDeathFan answered question about question
I accidentally sipped some beer my dad had, it looked alot like the solo fizzy drinks. I just wanted some fizzy drink but instead I got some bitter ass liquid instead.
The worst ones are the people who comment “Game is game!” Or “Its bubblegum pink” ON A LITERAL VIDEO OF A TODDLER. Theres these cute videos of this toddler in a bunny hoodie and it makes me SO angry that all the comments are Game is Game. “Its a joke!” A FUCKING UNFUNNY JOKE. Pedophilia is not a joke, it is gross and horrific. Also, fo......
Ignoring the question, with the way you wrote this I assume your either A) dyslexic, B) extremely tired while writing or C) Really young because what???
ADateWithDeathFan created a topic of Hare-kon

Can I blame her? No. Do I still hate her with everything I have and wished she stayed gone? Yes.

I know lolita obviously wears a wig, but does punk girl wear a wig when she isnt in her punk style? Or does she wear a wig for that punk style Bc i have hair like that (not quite but really similar) and all of it doesnt fit in a ponytail bc of the shorter layers it like comes out. Her shorter layers all seem to fit in there?? Unless the layers near her face are longer but it doesnt seem to look that way. Aswell as : her hair is longer when its in a ponytail?? Idk about you but when I had long hair it got shorter when I put it in one.

ADateWithDeathFan answered question about question
I could buy a house for like 800k near my area which my family has had their eye on, then the rest idk. I could get driving lessons for me and my brother, a cheap car for me and my brother then split whats left between my mum and dad so they can pay off their loans.
ADateWithDeathFan answered question about being single
Omg fr! They also dress very bland to me, like im sick of it…. Give me a punk w red hair who wears different coloured contacts. Or an over the top brightly dressed (but it looks nice) mc with crazy coloured hair! His style doesnt even have to be important to the story, not everything has to have a meaning beyond that they just like it. I just wan......
ADateWithDeathFan asked a question

It was full colour im pretty sure, a bl no smut shown but it was implied? Mc is blonde and love interest has black hair. Blonde mc has like 4 sibling I think and they live in an apartment.

Blonde mc gets bullied (???) in highschool and I think he turns to black haired love interest bc black hair is a delinquent. Black hair says there is 3 rules to being a delinquent and only gives blonde hair two of the three before moving away for some reason? Then they meet at college and some stuff happens and the third rule turns out to be smthing like “Do whatever you want” or smthing.

Please help me find this!

ADateWithDeathFan answered question about using mangago
Lord im so scared of people thinking im gatekeeping shit, i just actually have a horrible memory and half the clothes I own are given to me by other people
ADateWithDeathFan followed a list
ADateWithDeathFan answered question about question
I have alot of weird dreams but I cant really remember them after I wake up, all I remember is that they were strange and borderline nightmares lol. One I do remember from when i was younger bc it was a repeating dream (I had it like three nights in a row) I was walking to the park? there were these children there and I was just sitting on the gra......
ADateWithDeathFan asked a question

Anything like these, idc if its straight or not. (VERY HEAVY ON THE CROSS DRESSING ELEMENT FOR CUTE REASONS. OR THEY JUST ENJOY IT AND EITHER PARTY DOESNT MIND.) (I love crossdressing shit so much for some reason…)

I cant find any of my gl stuff atm and ive mind blanked, basically anything sickeningly sweet for that type of stuff.

Thanks in advance!

ADateWithDeathFan answered question about not having a boyfriend
I have soo much to say about this topic but im horrible at putting my thoughts into words and I know im going to get flamed for it by fetishers so I better not but oh well, here I go! I literally crawl into my own skin whenever I hear that word, it makes me cringe so much. Why are you calling yourself that Just say you like romance in most/all g......
ADateWithDeathFan answered question about question
I used to roleplay in a haikyuu discord server acouple years ago with a whole bunch of other people. Me and another person originally created it but the owner deleted it and I and some other friends had to create a new one. It eventually expanded and these I can’t remember how many but I think it was three joined and we noticed over time that the......
ADateWithDeathFan like question

Anyone have a yaoi where the Seme is a victim to bullying but he’s a masochist and the uke is the bully who’s not sadistic but grows to be sadistic (I’m just looking for recs)

ADateWithDeathFan followed a goer
17 03,2024