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NutMan created a topic of How to Be the Chosen One

I guess there at least won't be as much Vercion rape for the time being, so that's nice

NutMan answered question about question
I think it probably has a lot to do with you being older, but I kinda agree when it comes to yaoi. I've only read for like two years and I'm pretty bored with constant sex scenes and generic characters. Shonen Ai is my saving grace, because while they may be formulaic too, the author has to really on creating at least passively interesting characte......
NutMan answered question about question
I'll sometimes still see fun idol stories, but those are the ones that actually do something unique with them not just have "naive young k pop star gets seduced by dreamy k pop veteran". Like is fun because the dynamics are different and one that I haven't really seen before. ......
NutMan followed question about question

i have to say something out of my chest im just playing dont take this seriously!! OKAY SO PUT THAT actor/idol trope down!! i dislike it im so tired of it idc if they have to hide i dont care if they got found out i don’t care if they get threatened by a journalist/papz I don’t care if they’re a manager/actor relationship I’m also jk i ......

18 hours
NutMan answered question about read 1000 manga or more
So I used the wayback machine like someone else suggested and when I searched mangago, I found two captures that predate 2008 for, two from September 2004 and December 2004, and one from August 2003 showing up but was unavailable.The site was in Korean and based on the format of the business registration number for a company at the bott......
NutMan answered question about dropped a manga or webtoon
I hate how everyone has been copying Marvel's sense of humor for the past ten years. Every character has to be these wise cracking sarcastic pricks. It's like they are afraid of embracing wacky premises or being seen as "childish", so they constantly remind the viewer that they know how silly this is and therefore how adult they are, when really th......

It's few 4 or so chapters are solid and I feel do the very interesting concept justice. I think the author got too caught up on why time would repeat and the mechanics of it instead of just looking at it at face value. And I get what they wanted to do with the ending, it's just the part proceeding it was so convoluted it distracts from the meaning. That's really the perfect word for it: distracted.

NutMan answered question about question
I think the meaning of life is to live for the sake of others. I think our value as human beings come from how we effect other people's lives. If we were truly alone in life, then it'd make sense to see little purpose. But the fact that our live directly impacts others, no matter how isolated and insignificant we may feel, that is the true meaning ......
NutMan answered question about talk to yourself
Well a good bad boy can be a prick but still has a decent sense of what's right and wrong. They may make kinda douchey remarks towards women but they'll beat up a genuine creep type thing. A bad bad boy would be the one being beaten up in that scenario. The charm they may have from being a bad boy turns to just being trashy as you realize they just......
NutMan answered question about gay porn i'm not kidding
I'm no Freud but I'm pretty sure it's not just a hobby, it's more a compulsion that greatly harms the person and those around them, not exactly gardening or painting
NutMan add manga to list one shot fun


  • Author: Chanoki an
  • Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Romance / School Life
NutMan answered question about question
I rewatched Sherlock what with the Benedict Cumberbatch, and Jesus that nose dived. After they killed Moriarty, it's like they lost half their writing ability. They had like three good episodes after that, and each of them had something wrong with them.
NutMan created a topic of I Ship My Rival x Me

There's something almost charming about the way they're forced by censorship to dance around smut

NutMan answered question about question
I'm willing to stick my neck out for Killing Stalking to an extant; I don't like the rape porny elements and it's storytelling definitely needed work, especially toward the end where it just sort of unraveled, but I feel like a lot of the hate is kind of a counter action to how popular it was for a mid story and the Sangwoo fan girls. I think it ha......
NutMan asked question about question

Stories that get too much hate. They don't even have to be good, just stories that have decent elements to them.

NutMan answered question about question
Yeah that story fucking sucks ass, it's basic premise has been done a dozen times and way better. It tried to be deep and take itself seriously but all of it is so melodramatic and exaggerated, it had themes it wanted to tackle and did so in such a heavy handed way. I also read the actually good sequel, Incorrigible, before reading this and I quite......
NutMan answered question about question
You know I don't think every character has to be a "green flag", I'm fine with unlikable characters if they are at least interesting. The issue is that 80% of yaoi mcs and mls have the same exact personality and backstory, it's hard to be interested in the same trope you've seen a thousand times. That's where I just get sick of the characters, when......
NutMan answered question about question
This is easily a fake, no one here has a boyfriend