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I know the first sex with the gangster was before they dated. But every time Uke makes a mistake will he fuck with the other gang members while dating his boyfriend?

HRAensn asked a question

It’s around 20 something chapters only and finished. The uke sells his body (forced signed a contract with blondie dude), almost every chapter is him getting railed. He meets blondie’s brother who has brown hair, they get along but don’t start dating till the very end.

I remember one of the sex scenes was him at work tied up in red rope hung up, his legs spread and he got raped by blondie. And more. Uke cums immediately too. Later, brown hair ML goes to his brother’s work place and peeks into one of the rooms and sees Uke getting it with a group of guys for his work.

HRAensn created a topic of Wet Sand

This comment section is as bad as Love or Hate BL’s comment section back then. One side is hating on TJ, and the other is hating on Jo and bringing up the ch 52 scene without spoiler tags. I need mangago to turn off this comment section hehe.

Ian and TJ’s relationship is codependent, I hope you know what that means. It doesn’t exactly mean they can’t be together in the future but it isn’t healthy either. In codependent relationships, there tends to be a severe imbalance of power. Often, one person may be giving much more time, energy and focus to the other person, who consciously or unconsciously takes advantage of the situation in order to maximize their needs and desires.

And TJ has said that he knows he’s using Ian’s guilt to make him stay, etc. Or was that Ian? Nah, I think it was TJ. TJ also caused Ian’s injury although I don’t think it was on purpose (can’t remember), iirc Ian was told to be brought to him (power imbalance), and Ian eventually agreed. But then he tripped or something, and got his leg broken.

I do believe Ian still holds lingering feelings towards TJ but he isn’t aware of it—and Jo is, and unless TJ has development and there’s progress in their relationship—I can’t expect much from them. Nor can I be too hopeful of a possible future. So I won’t be too happy if they get together with unresolved issues.

I don’t think Jo is boring either. At first yeah he is normal, still is, but we can see his thoughts getting more intense gradually. And the questionable scene in chapter 52 where Ian passed out and he came on his face. But I won’t be mad if Ian won’t be in the next chapter. Sure it was wrong but it wasn’t horrible imo, at least it isn’t compared to what Ian has probably seen and gone through in the gang world.

All three main leads are still redeemable. None of them are or should be labeled as: Green Flag, Yellow Flag, Red Flag. That’s a very vague term if you ask me.

Meanwhile, the moment we see Jo, the story has progressed. So he’s definitely like a catalyst and probably would help them fix their issues, well I don’t mean he fix it for them but somehow make them progress. I hope nobody bashes the author for who the endgame would be in S3’s reveal.

Found out he’s the ML and boy am I glad. He seems like a good guy, just severely abused and he tries to suppress his emotions. And I saw season 1 finale, I loved that chapter out of all honestly. I just love seeing two abuse victims find each other in the darkness.

I see many hate the ML and I’m like what?? Just cause he’s albino and pretty? Crazy. He was definitely creepy in vibes but I guess that’s what the author wanted to portray(?). I wonder if they made him like that on purpose to show his emotionless doll like self. But once he stopped holding back too much, he looked alive. So basically he hasn’t done nothing wrong, just being put against Atil, but he was smart enough to figure it out while Atil is eating all the bait.

To anyone who's weirded out by how "mature" fjord is being. There's a study which found that children who are exposed to violence tend to age faster or reached puberty faster. And this boy is very much abused and manipulated by his mom throughout his childhood. He was even beaten to death in the first timeline.

He's already able to tell what is the truth and which one is his mother's manipulation. Atil might be brought up in a more loving environment than Fiord, although it was still shitty environment for Atil, Fiord’s environment was just him being used his whole life.

Notice how Atil didn't have the same critical thinking, and still saw Fjord as an enemy based on what he was either thought to believe or his own thinking and or prejudice. Upon Fjord meeting Atil the first time and seeing Atil face to face, he realized that Atil is just a boy like him, he didn’t believe Atil could be doing all those horrible things to him or his family. Fjord was 8 or 10 when he figured out this.

I love the ML, idc what anyone else says. He’s a little odd but I blame his abusive parents.

HRAensn created a topic of The count's intruders

While I think Rania was the most vulnerable and suffered a lot, I also think the blondie suffered and especially after a war he fought that he had to go to.

Some forget that this was a political marriage, Rania never expressed that she liked blondie so blondie didn’t have much emotional attachment and didn’t think much either. Not trying to justify this or that of both of them but they’re human beings.

Both have a huge case of miscommunication. It’s not just one party or another. Both were wrong at times. I can’t hate the blondie tbh, same for Rania. Both did wrong stuff and involved an innocent child.

HRAensn created a topic of momichupa oppabu osu time

Does seme or uke sleep around?

HRAensn asked a question

Searching for this Yaoi I lost. The Seme is a sex worker and one of his co worker w black hair teases uke and how seme doesn’t like him I think.

Uke goes to seme’s workplace and sees him doing it with black hair coworker who’s crossdressed. He is supportive of the seme but icky when seeing it happen at first.

He runs off and seme catches him, angry at him for being at his workplace.

HRAensn created a topic of ENNEAD

Every character here is at least flawed. You can’t be flawless. Y’all act like Set didn’t just try to rape Horus either in S1 and tried to kill him I think. And let’s not forget he also murdered innocents. And while Horus lacks boundaries, he isn’t the worst lmao. I kinda pity Horus cause why do you love a man who doesn’t like you? Well until recently but yeah.

He’s tried to understand Set out of all tbh. And he’s been by Set’s side for a while. He’s such a simp and I’m here for it. There are two rape scenes between Horus and Set, one is NOT CANON and the other was Horus being controlled by the goddess of destruction, Sekhmet.

Prior to the rape in chapter 36 or somewhere around 30s range, SET TRIED TO RAPE HORUS and before that he cut off Sekhmet’s hand so out of revenge, she turned it against him and controlled Horus to rape him back. If it wasn’t for Sekhmet, Horus would’ve been raped. But I doubt y’all would care.

In conclusion, Horus isn’t the worst character. He’s just frustrated someone he loves isn’t looking back at him (well until recently and he got too overjoyed and sexually assaulted but stopped). They’re gods so I can’t really apply the same human morals.

And about him separating Anubis and Set, I think it kinda makes sense(?). Horus sees Anubis as competition because just like how Horus likes Set no matter what, Set loves his son no matter what and how hateful Anubis is towards him.

And Anubis tried to bring Set to the underworld so I’m glad Horus did step in. He is sometimes too overprotective but at the same time, he has that foreign god rapist around and Anubis who’s tied to the first rapist Osiris.

HRAensn created a topic of Sissy

FUCK THIS PIECE OF SHIT EVERY TIME I REMEMBER HE CHEWTED ON CH 37 or 38, I’m pissed and sad for Uke. And the uke is dumb as shit for not leaving that crack of a man

HRAensn created a topic of Work Love Balance

Why did he even accept the number and didn’t even say he has a partner already? I hope this doesn’t lead to a cheating arc. This is all unnecessary tbh. I swear if the uke keeps sticking around that new dude, I’m calling it that he’ll eventually be kissed by that new dude and he’ll be like: omg I can’t tell ML.

I’ve seen it happen too much. And if it’s gonna be a love triangle again, can they at least switch it up? It’s always the bottoms with another love interest. Can’t we have ones where the bottoms have love rivals?

At the same time I don’t think he’d cheat cause look how much of a simp he is. And plus if he did, he just proved Seme’s words right: that he will be with others while wit him or some shit he said.

HRAensn asked a question

So basically the dude went to get massage and he later dated the masseur I think, and dude went away for a trip for work, and the masseur while they were dating had sex with a client for some reason?

Then the masseur also thought dude had sex with another masseur he hired, so he went to see him in another city, arrived at his hotel and asked if he did anything with the masseur.

HRAensn created a topic of Double Trap

Why do everyone treat like the one hyung is two hyungs? He just have two personalities, doesn’t mean he’s different, he’s bottling one side of him up to the point the one he’s bottled up is unleashing at night.

Both are Yura Hyung. I got a bit annoyed at MC for taking advantage of the second personality tbh, he gave into his temptations. I mean I get where he’s coming from but yeah.

HRAensn created a topic of Heat and Run

Does Seme or uke cheat or sleep around

HRAensn created a topic of Double Trap

The two people ML are both same right?

HRAensn created a topic of Dirty High

How many of y’all think what Angel did is sexual assault to Josh? Or isn’t? (Ch3 I think and from there on) I see some debates on websites that Angel did assault, and others saying no because didn’t because Josh didn’t say no. And some saying that just because he didn’t say no doesn’t mean he wasn’t comfortable and Angel jumped onto him, touched his thighs.

Even the translator said it isn’t sexual assault so I’m conflicted.

Sorry I’m bringing up past sexual assault but I wanted to hear y’all’s thoughts. And this current drama, eh.

HRAensn created a topic of Bound to Be

1. Any cheating or betrayal?
2. Any love triangle?
3. Sleeping around? Who?
4. Anything else I should know? I read author’s other stories and I ain’t a big fan of uke kissing other dudes or stuff like that w others who isn’t ML. Just my taste.

HRAensn created a topic of Max Mojave's Case

Does Seme or uke sleep with anyone else

Does the MC have sex with other people other than ML? Or are the ghosts all one person? Thank you.
And can you tell me why the gangbang happened? It was in chapter 39 or 40?? Why are there so many same Ml? I just skipped to that chapter. I’ll read once someone tells me this lol

HRAensn created a topic of Boss Bitch Baby

Does uke or seme sleep around in the main story? Or have sex with anyone else other than each other?

And in the side story, I heard the uke cheats on seme by literally fucking other semes in the ass? Or they aren’t in a relationship at that time?

What chapter is the seme getting hit on by this one other dude in the bathroom, it was early in the chapters I think, like under chapter 60 I think(??).

And then uke finds out and gets upset or something. But they weren’t even in a relationship at the time.