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HRAensn created a topic of Wet Sand

I want a husband like Jo, living normally and warm sweet sex. Whew it’s probably because I’ve lived in toxic environment that I crave less toxicity. Everyone is different, I personally want Jo for myself. I won’t match well with TJ, we would be too toxic for each other if that makes sense. I prefer sweet and communicative Jo.

But for story, i don’t care who ends up with who as long as it gives good development to lead to that endgame. I hope this story doesn’t drag on with unnecessary fillers, it will have 4 seasons total.

HRAensn asked a question

The uke and seme share a bickering kinda friendship. One day when they were alone uke (directly, indirectly) confessed that he likes men. Seme is shocked but he also understands him. Noone other than seme knows in their class. They studies in same class

Later in the manga seme had to move to a different city, town but he promises uke that he'll return and wait for him. Seme after moving to a different city had a second thought and got scared of society. He then marries a woman to live a "normal" life. He never contacted uke (who remains unknown that seme is married now) but deep down seme regrets it everyday.

Unknown to the fact, uke never goes into another relationship. He continues waiting for seme but years have passed so he decided to go to the city, town seme is in and searches for him. Somehow he stumbled with semes wife who learns uke is friends with seme. So she invites him over to dinner without telling seme. Seme after work arrives home. while his wife is preparing their dinner doorbell rang. Seme went to open the door and is shocked to see uke at the doorstep. His wife tells she invited him for dinner. Seme excuses himself saying he wants to catch up and buy some ingredients to his wife he leaves with uke and outside he reminded of the past. He apologize profusely to uke. He tells him he got scared. Uke who is heartbroken puts on a smile

HRAensn created a topic of Regas

I’m on ch 15 and want to know what chapter 16 is in novel chapters

HRAensn created a topic of Dirty High

I think both have miscommunication on their parts cause Josh said he tried to call Angel the whole day, no answer. And Angel assumes stuff. I mean even if Josh did become distant, I don’t remember if he expressed how he felt and wanted to become serious. So both are dumbasses.

HRAensn created a topic of Double Trap

Does the top merge with all his personalities?
Also why do some readers say a certain personality of his is the OG? They are all the same in one. All are OGs, one person

Does ML make FL pregnant? Do they actually love each other? I mean I trust that ML loves Paulina but does Paulina?

HRAensn created a topic of Dirty High

Both are in the wrong. I mean does a person who sexually assaults another person really expect to be accepted for a serious relationship? Personally not me, but Josh (top) is too lenient. But this story is fiction and he is redeemable so idc as much.

Everyone acting like Josh is the only wrong one. Stupid as hell cause he literally communicated to Angel that he’s busy with work and he even told his boss lady in chapter 18 I think or 19, that he might be serious about Angel. He’s figuring it out, people don’t fall in love quick.

Angel wasn’t patient enough and nor was Josh I think, Josh even tried to call Angel the whole day, it says so in chapter 19 by Josh. But no answer from Angel the whole day. So both failed on the communication part, not just Josh. And both failed to tell each other they want a serious relationship.

Y’all cannot be serious with the whole blaming Josh thing. Josh is a grown man with a career, he will be busy. But hopefully they solve this soon cause Angel is definitely liking Josh romantically. Josh has had serious relationships, opposite of Angel, he doesn’t think he can be capable of making his partner stay and afraid of being left probably. So I don’t like it when readers expect him to confess right away, he’s figuring it out. People don’t fall in love quickly always. And while Angel may feel neglected, I thought Josh communicated that he’s busy and would go out for dinner later.

And seeing Angel move onto another date made Josh more upset. He doesn’t want to move into a relationship too fast I think. But this isn’t something new to Angel.

HRAensn created a topic of Baraou No Souretsu

Spoiler 3mentikned***^

That I felt more moved by Edward’s death than Buckingham? I mean they’re about equal but something about Edward’s pure love since kids make me feel so weird and sad and just agonizing.

HRAensn created a topic of Baraou No Souretsu

Henry the 6th— (Ch2) “If it’s to make you king, I would even kill god himself.”

HRAensn created a topic of Baraou No Souretsu

Before I read, please answer ;):

1. Who is the main couple? Judging by some comments, the first man of MC died? How many love interests are there?

2. Will MC love the second man/main ML? Or will still think of 1st man? Well actually I don’t think it’s wrong that he might still think of his 1st partner because he’s dead.

3. I see the names: Henry, Buckingham, Edward, and Beth.

4. Anything else I should know. And I see one comment that said Richard striked Edward? Why? And I won’t ask further than this.

Oh and does MC identify as man or woman? Both?

HRAensn created a topic of Bongchon Bride

I’m confused about this. I saw somewhere that Uke got raped by his half brother?? Why and how??? I don’t remember that when I finished reading


Everyone saying he deserves to go through this, KYS

HRAensn created a topic of Sadistic Beauty

I remember FL had a threesome I think with Wookyung and Wookyung’s other male sex buddy?

Also I read the BL sadistic beauty side story and what happened to Wookyung’s male sex buddy?The one who has tan skin I think and black hair, had a threesome with Wookyung and FL from sadistic beauty.

Hate it when there’s no mention of what happened to Wookyung’s sex buddies like is he still seeing them or what

HRAensn created a topic of Profundis


Why did MC refuse when Blondie (Shinjae) said to beg for him and he won’t have to do it with all 4?
Is it out of pride? He doesn’t want to beg? Cause if he had said okay, he could’ve avoided the sex with others. I assume it’s out of pride/dignity. Tbh I probably would’ve done the same.

But anyways I personally want Shinjae and MC together. I don’t know how to describe it but I feel like Shinjae definitely cares, the way he said to not hit MC during sex or be too rough(?), something along those lines, he’s been consistent on saving and keeping MC safe too I think. There are scenes I’ve seen and I found myself drawn to Shinjae compared to other dudes.

Chan is probably my favorite personality, I just like dudes who pretend they don’t like and then fall deeper. But I don’t like his behavior during sex but that’s just me. It’s hard to choose between him or Shinjae. But seeing ch 63, reminds me of what Chan did so I’m conflicted. (Chan and pink bitch both of them will pounce on him together, including double penetration, while MC begs them to stop. He clawed at them too but useless. And he goes crazy and loses it, screaming at the end.))

After the rape by Chan and Heesu pink bitch, Shinjae comes and sees. He tells MC to go w him to find his brother together. I’m CH 65, Shinjae says “See you later” and MC looks back with a pained expression, idk what to make of it.

Tae-in is good and probably the least psycho of them all, but he doesn’t seem to match with MC in my opinion. And don’t even talk about the crazed face dirty blonde or strawberry blonde dude.

In conclusion, all of them are ass choices because they are rapists. But if there were to be endgame, it would be Shinjae and MC. The more I read and analyze their behaviors toward MC, I feel drawn to Shinjae. And the way MC thinks about Shinjae during the time when he was kidnapped, wondering if he’d come to rescue him or not. And Shinjae later saying, “There won’t ever be another guide for me.” “Are you putting a veil on me?”

And when MC thought about him possibly liking Shinjae, he remembered what Blondie did and kinda lost it. Shinjae is ass, I’m aware. He interests me a lot since he’s aware that MC hates him for what he did to
him, so while Shinjae may love him he doesn’t expect love back from MC.

“I want you to kill me”—Shinjae ch 56

Also someone said: “Well, in a very short summary - the MC wants to forget about his brother and his shitty situation, and the ML offers him just that (an escape from reality). And basically, they both want to die together. The ML because he “loves” the MC, and the MC, because the ML has told him that he can do whatever he wants with him, so he wants to kill him, but knows that keeping him alive is the best way of “revenge”.

Also, they are both sad and lonely af, so they technically want to die, but at the same time stay together. Hope that makes sense!“

In ch 55, Shinjae told MC to call him babe during sex.
And in ch 60, MC calls out for Shinjae. Clearly shows who the endgame is.

HRAensn created a topic of Stranger

I enjoy reading when I know spoilers, if y’all don’t wanna say spoilers don’t reply.

1. Any cheating or betrayal?
2. Love triangles?
3. Trauma?
4. Why the comments saying go back home? What’s the current issue now?

HRAensn created a topic of Pearl Boy

Is the unnecessary and explicitly drawn out rape scenes. Like cmon. And revenge rape ain’t my thing ch 78. They should’ve done it to the one who cause dit

HRAensn created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

CH 18. Shizuma told Minato what he talked with his boss about. He told him what boss said, word for word. Minato was pissed about what the boss said lol: the part where the boss suggested breaking up.

But at least Minato and Shizuma seemed to have fun talking and it felt so nice to see them communicate. Shizuma isn’t a bad person, don’t think he’s hurting Minato please. Just like how Minato isn’t intentionally hurting Shizuma, Shizuma isn’t either.

He also told Minato: I’m willing to change jobs although it won’t be easy. And I quote, “There are a lot of places I can work at. But there’s only one you.” He is so patient and great at reassuring his partner, and trying to compromise. And Minato told him not to quit.

Please don’t think Minato is jealous out of nowhere. He’s admitted that he’s childish and he doesn’t want to hurt Shizuma, he said it during their communication after Minato put Shizuma on the bed out of anger.

This isn’t mine but someone stated it and I couldn’t agree more, this explains Minato’s reactions. He isn’t like this because he wants to be. His jealousy isn’t out of nowhere. Not justifying his lack of communication but Minato is redeemable and isn’t wholly a bad person or partner. And Shizuma is not even toxic, he’s the green peas:

From the Therapy Game (prequel), it was revealed that Minato's great fear is eventually becoming his mom, with her words ringing ominously in his ear when he's anxious: "You're becoming more and more like me" or "You look so much like me". Imagine what it does to a child hearing those words over and over while watching his parents' marriage crumble along with his mother's mental state. Unconsciously, maybe those words took a hold of him.

His mother was neglected and eventually left by her husband, the man who was supposed to love her, it might have instilled in Minato's subconcious that real unconditional love doesn't exist, and as his mother's reflection, he too is unworthy or undeserving of love, because everything that went wrong inside her can possibly be mirrored inside him.

As an adult, Minato thankfully has more self-awareness than his self-absorbed mother did, and he does his best to communicate when he needs time alone (he also noticed what Shizuma doesn’t want to hear, the ‘I’m so tired’ part and said he won’t say that again if it hurts him), knowing that Shizuma is not doing anything wrong and this is something he needs to solve internally.

Just my analysis, but his fear deep down is about not being good enough, not deserving of that love, and that's why his anxiety over being left by Shizuma can get very loud, and it manifests in this ugly insidious jealousy. He always looks uneasy, and despite believing in Shizuma's love, he doesn't believe in himself being worthy of having someone stay by his side unconditionally. Massive fears and self-doubt can manifest in the most self-destructive of ways that can sink you and destroy your closest relationships.

I think that's what Minato is grappling with every time he sees Shizuma smiling at other people— Shizuma is a ray of sunshine who deserves someone who won't trample that light for selfish reasons, and Minato thinks someone like himself who thinks this way isn't worthy of him, ergo this leads him to fear that Shizuma can be taken away by someone else. JEALOUSY IS USUALLY A REFLECTION OF WHAT WE LACK.

HRAensn created a topic of Non-Refundable Alpha

-Was ass. In my opinion, it was ass because:

1. UKE told SEME that he doesn’t love him even after ten years. I don’t like it when it’s one sided sorry. But then a bit before that, it shows UKE wondering if he fell for the SEME.

2. SEME said UKE keeps having unusual attraction to strangers. Clearly he’s uncomfortable with UKE laying his eyes on others.

It’s not satisfying because we didn’t get to see the babies either and the love feels one sided. I feel a bit bad for the SEME and he’s quite pathetic. Imagine changing your whole self for someone who’s not ready to commit. He got no self respect. And yeah UKE was forced into this but he didn’t even try to get out of it, he didn’t seem to take the forced marriage a big deal either, and just..went along with it.

They married and all so yeah he’s obligated to be faithful in my opinion. Otherwise he could’ve tried to get out of the marriage, go crazy and make divorce happen but nah. I’m unsatisfied.

UKE gets his slut life back.
SEME finds a partner who loves him back.

HRAensn asked a question

Seme is a green flag for the most part
Uke is a slut I think
Seme makes him marry him I think
Uke goes to bar or some pool party and is at awe looking at other men

HRAensn created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

Minato is definitely bratty and immature. And Shizuma is more patient and trying to communicate. But they finally talked it out, although to me it wasn’t enough of a discussion and they jumped to sex right after.

Both have their flaws. Hating Shizuma more than the boss is crazy mindset. Actually, hating either of the main couple is crazy. I just hate the trauma that caused Minato to be like this, and the work interrupting their dates. To me, hate is a strong word.
I wouldn’t use it so shallowly. I do think both have their flaws, and they have admitted that.

Shizuma said he doesn’t realize until he’s told, and his boundaries too, and Minato said he’s tired of being like this to Shizuma so he knows he’s wrong. And Minato admitted being childish and is apologetic.

He doesn’t want Shizuma to quit his job. But Shizuma is willing to change jobs just for Minato. But Minato doesn’t want that and even said no when Shizuma said he could be more selfish and ask him to take time off work.

Both of them are annoying me in a good and bad way lmao. Oh wait, it’s cause they’re human beings, usually humans annoy the shit out of other humans.