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Pawn's experience ( All 0 )

Pawn's answer ( All 2 )

about question
For me it feels like manwha are more optimized when it comes to being read online, so they look good on a screen. A lot of manga scans don't look that great to me on screen, or at least not as good as physical manga looks, even with someone really putting in effort on their uploads. So I read manwhas online like 100x more.   reply
04 05,2024
Idk if its controversial but crazy as hell murder husbands? Taming the Tiger style where they're both a. totally into each other and b. willing to kill everyone who comes between them and or might come between them and or looked at their partner the wrong way while crossing the street XD   reply
04 04,2024

Pawn's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did survived suicide

tried numerous times and i still failed, might just jump next

2 hours
did survived suicide

0/10 not recommend
Seriously tho... It got me into therapy and it somehow helped but I still don't wish for others to experience the same

6 hours
want to do survived suicide

covid was crazy

6 hours