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The fool April 19, 2024 9:18 am

This is pretty interesting, but these Garten of Banban ahh spirits take me the hell out.

    The BL-Enthusiast April 19, 2024 11:35 am

    I cant unsee it now.

    Blissy April 19, 2024 12:05 pm

    HELPPP I knew they looked familiar

    your nanny April 19, 2024 5:36 pm

    Fr I always stop and stare at their eyes for 1 min and then laugh myself to death

The fool April 18, 2024 11:49 am

I developed multiple brain damages after reading this.

The fool April 13, 2024 9:12 am

This is just me ranting a bit, but I just personal can’t stand when a manhwa (or any form of media) equates a character being bisexual (or any sexuality) as a reasoning (or an excuse) for them sexually harassing a same-sex character. It seriously leaves a bad taste in my mouth every time, especially if they’re supposed to be a couple at the end (or middle) of the story. Sexual harassment is still sexual harassment no matter what sexual orientation a person has/is.

    The fool April 13, 2024 9:14 am

    It shouldn’t be used as a joke, it’s straight up stupid and harmful. (It adds nothing to a story or “character quirk”.)

    Kei-Khun ChanXiuHyun April 15, 2024 6:45 am
    It shouldn’t be used as a joke, it’s straight up stupid and harmful. (It adds nothing to a story or “character quirk”.) The fool

    I should start to read this today then I read your comment, can you tell me more? Who is harassing who in this? Is it the main characters? I was actually going to question the gender bender tag on this too.

    finn April 15, 2024 6:59 am
    I should start to read this today then I read your comment, can you tell me more? Who is harassing who in this? Is it the main characters? I was actually going to question the gender bender tag on this too. Kei-Khun ChanXiuHyun

    The Ml harrasses the mc but i wouldnt say its beacuse hes bi. he does it because hes upset that the mc lied

    Kei-Khun ChanXiuHyun April 15, 2024 7:05 am
    The Ml harrasses the mc but i wouldnt say its beacuse hes bi. he does it because hes upset that the mc lied finn

    You mean ML is using mc's sexuality to harass him? Did MC perhaps lie that he is a woman or something? Deym, characters like this is sometimes a turn off for me. Is this only in early chapters?

    Eroi Kuma April 15, 2024 7:20 am
    You mean ML is using mc's sexuality to harass him? Did MC perhaps lie that he is a woman or something? Deym, characters like this is sometimes a turn off for me. Is this only in early chapters? Kei-Khun ChanXiuHyun

    No one is using anyone's sexuality to harass anyone. Basically, what happened is that both characters are trying to get revenge on one another. The wanting revenge is not related to their sexuality at all and could have played out with straight characters as well.

    The bottom used to be a great gamer but then got defeated and humiliated by the top.

    The bottom then stopped playing for a while but eventually returned to the game using a female character. His intention was to get back at the top by flirting with him as a girl but he was never able to flirt with him because he's way too honest and cursed at the top whenever they were playing together. He also refused the in-game gifts the top was sending him, but because of all that, the top ended up being interested in the bottom after all.

    The top kept sending him gifts, and at some point, he sent him a really expensive gift, which the bottom accepted with the idea that he could finally get his revenge on the top. But he ended up feeling guilty and gave the money he made out of the in-game item back to the top and deactivated his game account.

    The top didn't take the ghosting very well and went psycho and that's where the harassing starts. He searches the location of his house and starts freeloading there without showing any intention to leave. There are a few forced kisses against the bottom's will, but they don't go any further than that

    Kei-Khun ChanXiuHyun April 15, 2024 7:53 am
    No one is using anyone's sexuality to harass anyone. Basically, what happened is that both characters are trying to get revenge on one another. The wanting revenge is not related to their sexuality at all and c... Eroi Kuma

    Ohhh (⊙…⊙ ) thanks for the explanation. Now I'm more interested. Gonna read this now!
    Btw, just for curiosity, is there a third wheel?

    Eroi Kuma April 15, 2024 8:19 am
    Ohhh (⊙…⊙ ) thanks for the explanation. Now I'm more interested. Gonna read this now! Btw, just for curiosity, is there a third wheel? Kei-Khun ChanXiuHyun

    You mean like a love triangle? At the moment there isn't but the story doesn't look like it's going to finish anytime soon so it's still possible ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    The fool April 15, 2024 8:28 am
    No one is using anyone's sexuality to harass anyone. Basically, what happened is that both characters are trying to get revenge on one another. The wanting revenge is not related to their sexuality at all and c... Eroi Kuma

    “There are a few forced kisses…but they don’t go any further than that.” Wrong, completely. When MC and ML were laying in bed, ML pulls MC into a cuddle (MC detest it, thinking “this is so gay!” And yells at him to “get the hell off…” him) then he puts his hands under his clothes and gropes him. That was literally chapter 18-19, my exact reasoning as to why I even made my comment to begin with because…that’s sexual harassment? Plain and simple.

    The fool April 15, 2024 8:33 am
    “There are a few forced kisses…but they don’t go any further than that.” Wrong, completely. When MC and ML were laying in bed, ML pulls MC into a cuddle (MC detest it, thinking “this is so gay!” And... The fool

    And even him cuddling MC is? Sexual harassment? MC has stated multiple times that he doesn’t like or want the unwanted contact that the ML places upon him. Forcibly kissing him, groping him, holding his hands (UNWANTED) is sexual harassment. And MC throughout the whole series (up to them meeting) has said that him doing this to him could be because ML is GAY?! ML says his actions are fine (when they first meet) because he could be “swing both ways”???? THAT’S LITERALLY RIGHT AFTER HE FIRST FORCEFULLY KISSES MC??

    Eroi Kuma April 15, 2024 8:44 am
    “There are a few forced kisses…but they don’t go any further than that.” Wrong, completely. When MC and ML were laying in bed, ML pulls MC into a cuddle (MC detest it, thinking “this is so gay!” And... The fool

    Ah, my bad. I must have forgotten that part, but that still doesn't mean that his bisexuality is used as an exuse for his behavior.

    This sexual harassment still happens in HET smut stories, it happens in yuri stories too, it literally happens in every smut genre no matter the sexuality.

    The excuse for his behavior in this story is that he wants to take revenge on some guy who played with him and tossed him away. His bad tendency of obsessing over someone have nothing to do with his sexuality and is just his shitty personality.

    Its true that many stories just have sexual harassment just to spice things up but this story is not like that. Considering the other behavior he has shown it fits with his personality. He's the type to like someone just because he's the only one that person is treating badly. He is the type to shower his crush with presents and force them to keep up with his pace. He's the type to refuse no for an answer.

    So its not because of his sexuality it's because of his personality that has been perfectly displayed and build up over the chapters.

    The fool April 15, 2024 12:52 pm
    Ah, my bad. I must have forgotten that part, but that still doesn't mean that his bisexuality is used as an exuse for his behavior. This sexual harassment still happens in HET smut stories, it happens in yuri s... Eroi Kuma

    Yes, I understand that the main lead is explicitly “tormenting” (for lack of better wording) Yeseong because he’s seeking out some sort of revenge. Be it Yeseong berating him, in the game, “scamming” him (or breaking his fantasy he had towards “sesam”) because Yeseong turned out to be a Netkama, then running off and ghosting him, etc. I get that his actions—better yet, his motives—aren’t related to their sexuality, and purely his personality.

    However, you can’t just sit here and ignore how the characters directly bring up sexuality when it comes to their interactions with each-other. That’s what makes it completely different, when comparing the harassment to “HET smut stories” and my whole general complaint.

    Maybe the wording I /should’ve/ used was manipulation when talking about ML. He deliberately uses “I swing both ways” (multiple times, may I add) as manipulation to “subside” Yeseong’s feelings. That, in it’s self, is using sexuality as an excuse of harassment. Matter of fact, he ONLY says (said) that whenever he is harassing Yeseong! Hell, the first time he questions his sexuality (vocally) is when he sexually harassed Yeseong by kissing him without consent.

    They both believe(d) that they aren’t attracted to men (ML in chapter 15. Saying “Noona…I /think/ I might swing both ways.” And Yeseong explicitly giving hints through out the reading,) but yet Yeseong is always, /always/, questioning ML being gay. And that’s usually during being sexually harassed by ML, before he’s harassed, or even after.

    My whole original comment was about my distaste towards that very thing whenever it appears in media, a character sexually harassing (or being sexually harassed by) another same-sex character and it being tossed up (or joked about) as them “being (possibly) gay.” It’s very common to see it in comics and it’s just saddening. This comic is no exception to it, and that’s all that I was pointing out.

    finn April 15, 2024 6:41 pm
    Yes, I understand that the main lead is explicitly “tormenting” (for lack of better wording) Yeseong because he’s seeking out some sort of revenge. Be it Yeseong berating him, in the game, “scamming” ... The fool

    I dont know if youre up to date witht he chaoters but i think when it changes to the semes pov i think it kind of changes the meaning behind what the ml is saying. though i do agree with you

    The fool April 15, 2024 9:17 pm
    I dont know if youre up to date witht he chaoters but i think when it changes to the semes pov i think it kind of changes the meaning behind what the ml is saying. though i do agree with you finn

    Yes, I’ve read up to that point (Chapter. 49-50) :)! While it does change the meaning of what he said, I still think what I said doesn’t. ML is completely manipulating Yeseong with sexuality—I won’t say “with /his/ sexuality” because he genuinely hasn’t said anything related to being bisexual, unless bringing it up to manipulate Yeseong—just to reenact his revenge….And that’s gross :D! He says that to “lower down” Yeseong’s guard so that once he actually falls for ML he can break his heart like “Yeseong did to him.”
    Quote, “He was a lonely person, after all. So if I kept saying things like, ‘I don’t /mind/ that you’re a /guy/,’ ‘I like you,’…He’d fall for me in no time.” (Chapter 50) His revenge is by doing “the exact same tactic (same chapter, 50) Yeseong did to him. Which is, fucking hilarious because Yeseong didn’t employ (sexually) harassing and blackmailing as his Netmaka plan So what the hell is he even yappin’ about.

    And, off topic perhaps, I find that whole motive to be utterly dumb (plot wise) LOL. Like, I would be more understanding with his plan if Yeseong was actually withholding vital stuff he gave him (like actually extorting thousand of dollars from him, etc.) But Yeseong…quite literally felt guilty about what he was doing. Even more so after he asked how ML would feel if “Someone he thought was a girl, turned out to actually be a guy.” After Yeseong heard his response, “…I’m not a sick freak that pulls that Netkama crap.” He literally tried giving back the things ML gave to him (besides the staff, although he gave him the money he received from trading it so that ML can try buying it back.)

    And yes, I understand in the ML point-of-view he perceived Yeseong’s actions differently and the whole situation is a toss up as miscommunication. My feelings towards this is completely because I can think of 100 different ways the plot can play out so it isn’t this cheap alternative “ML (sexually) harasses MC so that MC /MAYBE/ falls for ML and gets his revenge by then breaking his sorry little heart, just like how MC “did” to him. And they /TOTALLY/ don’t develop actually feelings for one another.” I find this to be rinse and repeat, a “nothing new” burger, so it’s just disappointing.

The fool April 12, 2024 8:07 pm

“I don’t expect someone like you to understand it.” Ok drama queen.

The fool April 6, 2024 9:40 am

Just read the raws of chapter 101 and I need to yap so badly because what the helll (In a good way.)

The fool April 6, 2024 9:30 am

"I-I didn't know it would be noticable..That it would become my weakness." I let out the biggest wail known to man.

The fool April 5, 2024 5:06 am

2 dollars Dan went to the other team or skipped town.

The fool March 30, 2024 11:14 am

It’s actually devastating how every single adult in cirrus's life, after the death of his mother, failed him.

    The fool March 25, 2024 1:08 am


    And then throwback to when he belittled Mokhwa, called him a fish in his net (dehumanizing), a mad cow, brutally raping him and stabbed him with a glass shard. I mean, the list goes on forever. It’s just ridiculous at this point, like be fucking for real. This chapter (36-37) is him being soo pathetic, which yes, I know that’s the point. He’s spiraling because he’s realizing that losing Mokhwa would actually “ruin” him or whatever, but I just can’t take his feelings seriously. And why should I? He’s a walking fucking hypocrite.

    The fool March 25, 2024 1:10 am

    “Get a clean bill of health and come back” and then flash forward to be blowing him up like a looney tunes character.

    I pull out my hair

    The fool March 25, 2024 1:12 am


    The fool March 25, 2024 1:15 am

    Oooh he no longer has his hair slicked back. Ooooh he’s wearing casual clothes now, ooooh he’s so baby girl, sooo sweet- SHUT THE FUCKKK UPPPP IM GOING TO VOMIT

    The fool March 25, 2024 1:18 am
    Oooh he no longer has his hair slicked back. Ooooh he’s wearing casual clothes now, ooooh he’s so baby girl, sooo sweet- SHUT THE FUCKKK UPPPP IM GOING TO VOMIT The fool

    “No one has ever waited for me…As loudly, and proudly, as this guy”


    sanyong March 25, 2024 2:58 am
    “No one has ever waited for me…As loudly, and proudly, as this guy” MOKHWA—MOKHWA THAT’S A FUCKING LIE????? WHAT ABOUT YOUR UNDERLINGS????? YOUR FUCKING NIECE???? MOKHWAAAA PLEASEEE DONT PISS ME OFFFF The fool

    i dont think he sees it the same

    The fool March 25, 2024 3:30 am
    i dont think he sees it the same sanyong

    Ik! That’s what makes me sad/ upset because he doesn’t equivalent them (his niece and underlings) as having, for the lack of a better word, that dedication towards him than his shitty as rapist. Like, that’s just heartbreaking.

    The fool March 25, 2024 3:33 am
    Ik! That’s what makes me sad/ upset because he doesn’t equivalent them (his niece and underlings) as having, for the lack of a better word, that dedication towards him than his shitty as rapist. Like, that�... The fool

    Like his*

    sanyong March 25, 2024 4:51 am
    Ik! That’s what makes me sad/ upset because he doesn’t equivalent them (his niece and underlings) as having, for the lack of a better word, that dedication towards him than his shitty as rapist. Like, that�... The fool

    ml is pretty persistent thats probably why

    The fool March 25, 2024 6:39 pm
    ml is pretty persistent thats probably why sanyong


The fool March 24, 2024 4:36 am

And you’re telling me this *isn’t* a psychological manhwa…Right…Ok.

    The fool March 24, 2024 4:48 am

    “With that, my involvement with this case will be over. Adios, flower shop, Adios, flower man.”

    Look me dead in my eyes and tell me what the fuck this dude’s plan was. Cause what the FUCK is THIS?!

    The fool March 24, 2024 5:02 am
    “With that, my involvement with this case will be over. Adios, flower shop, Adios, flower man.”Look me dead in my eyes and tell me what the fuck this dude’s plan was. Cause what the FUCK is THIS?! The fool

    Chapter 24 actually makes me want to blow a casket. CAUSE HUH??! YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN’T BE SERIOUS-

    Classy March 24, 2024 7:50 am
    Chapter 24 actually makes me want to blow a casket. CAUSE HUH??! YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN’T BE SERIOUS- The fool

    trust me.. that man got a character development frfr

    rectify March 24, 2024 8:10 am
    trust me.. that man got a character development frfr Classy

    Yeah. All those sad musings of his, I fucking relish. Bwahaha.

    The fool March 24, 2024 9:04 pm
    trust me.. that man got a character development frfr Classy

    I’m sorry, him bashing his hand in with the end of the gun and pissing and crying when he thought Mohwa died did NOTHING for me LMAOOO IN HONESTY, I JUST LAUGHED AT IT. And them going “I haven’t seen *him* in a *week*” that whole fucking panel just made me full on tweak. I couldn’t take it HAHAHA

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