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Still on chapter 12 but Why I love this manga....

1. My reader soul yearned for an honourable female hunter. And I cannot speak for anyone but myself here. Every other manga, manhwas about female hunters are about females giving up, somehow weaker than male mcs & somehow all of those mangas feared showing a powerful female hunter in all her glory. I thank the author for giving me this.

2. Hyerim is beginning to arrive as her own person & I love that she is unapologetic in her conviction. This manga has the right idea about female lead in an action manhwa.

3. My only problem with this manga---the unnecessary addition of a male teller. Remove him & we have a better story. Like all other mangas, this story is also scared of women fighters holding their own. Hyerim the female fighter is still controlled by a male teller. I would've preferred a robot or some gender-neutral non human being as her assistant.

If this manga turns out to be a harem evidenced by the big boobs that hyerim suddenly received after her glow-up, I take back everything I said above

Layla created a topic of To deny the route

Poor Ilya!!!! Go back & hug the hell out of him Jerry! (/TДT)/

Layla created a topic of The Villain's Savior

Trust me when I say that you hate the FL. She held her truth to herself for oblong and decided to humiliate him in front of all those people

She could've confided in him in private anytime but she didn't. This FL just faints & is dizzy almost every panel. Im kind of sick of this literal damsel in distress (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Love it! Can't wait for mass updates!!! Thanks for uploading ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Layla created a topic of Apocalyptic Super Farm

Am I the only 1 who doesn't mind the glasses researcher ? He was totally not evil type at all for me, esp after the backstory. Those fanatics are the crazy ones

Layla created a topic of Apocalyptic Super Farm

What I hated about chapter 13!!!!

He goes out of his way to help a neighbour & doesn't even bother to be circumspect about it!

But what irritated me more was him "testing his physical limits" with an ugly smirk when his 6 year old sister was getting attacked in the farm. Instead of decimating the corporate crooks, snapping the neck of the neighbour & rushing back to the farm, he casually jumps around with a smirk testing his new stats (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

I'm quite sure that the news of his antiradiation crops are now spread to the pharmacy company. He should've rushed back & made plans after plans to secure his farm & sister. But no! He just has to be a hero for the male gaze. Because I doubt any female readers will appreciate his jumping around enjoying his new stats when family is in danger #-.-)

Layla created a topic of Seoul Station Druid

This manga all kinds of green flag!!! Park Suho is the ultimate green flag man-crush! (≧∀≦)

But srsly I love how he's saving everyone with all the skilled people around him.

I also like the blonde development. Its not sleazy. The author actually knows how to write down attraction between 2 possible couples.

Why I like them together:

1. Park Suho has not become a sleazy romeo remarking on her breasts or her ass! Like all the other mangas where it's always for the male gaze.

2. We have a female who knows what she wants in Suho. She took her time to know who he is before deciding he is the one for her.

3. Park Suho has always maintained that he's into strong woman. Idk anyone else in this manga who is strong as well as not over-sexualised for male gaze. This relationship is pretty doable in reality too.

4. There's barely any on your face romance.

5. Another great thing is that Park Suho has not converted the blonde into a housewife for him to protect & show off his heroic self like in solo-levelling.

Good job author-nim ヾ(☆▽☆)

Layla created a topic of Super God Gene

Made it till chapter 194! Got very interesting with more passing chapters. But there were problems with depictions of cruelty towards baby animals too. It didn't sit right with me

This duo!!! WOW! I cant decide who I'm salivating after more now ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Layla created a topic of Jinx

This chapter was more civilised than I expected! I expected jaekyung to become violent with Dan. Surprised me so much when he stopped himself after Dan asked about the trust thing.

And while im sure my opinion will be unpopular, If I was Dan I would've at least dropped a message to Jaekyung's phone regarding that mind manipulation the other coach was doing! I would never keep such info. to myself. As part of a world team handling a world class athelete, Dan should've at least mentioned the issue to the coach & other teammates before the match if he simply couldnt get hold of Jaekyung.

The point of a team is so that the athlete only has to take care of his physicals & his match & winning. So that everyone would be extra vigilant on other matters on behalf of the athlete. But he kept it to himself. The offer was completely amateur level sabotage, trying to recruit him for spying on jaekyung. Dan keeping the info to himself was the start of this match becoming a tie.

The start of the match is unbelievably crucial for the athlete. S/he needs to get into a a mind zone for that level of brutal violence. Idk how low level this event was that there wasn't even security attached to each team.

Like I can even understand jaekyung's pov here as an athelete.

To be the top athlete requires an amazing team, n I think his team failed him here. His team is supposed to be world class. And normally other teams can't enter another team's locker just like that without security also. Idk how this manga author has used this plot device. Like there would be cctv also, even right outside the locker room also.

And the med team must never ever must lose sight of anything that the athlete is going to use. Double test, triple test, last minute test on one's skin also before used on athlete also must be done.

I'm so frustrated by this plot device. Please don't hate me ppl. There were other ways to teach Jaekyung a lesson. ╥﹏╥

Layla created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

After waiting for so long, this horrid chapter was uploaded. I would've preferred they withheld it until a positive one had come along & mass updated together ╥﹏╥

Layla created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I mean I've heard of train wreck... but this is the time I actually saw it perfectly describe a character! What kind of oldest child with so many family responsibilities has that sort of lack of discipline! Oldest child almost suppresses all impulsive behaviours!

I hate saying it but the mc was really asking for it! ( ̄へ ̄)

The female interviewer poses in a dress, like so for social media (⊙…⊙ ) With the natural background & the wind to top it off. Imagine work interviews held by girl next door types & posing for you ... The author should really lose this sort of cringe! I got actual goosebumps from the eeks

Layla created a topic of Monster Pet Evolution

This manga was going fine until the author decided to take away the babies of the owl mother from her! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Unlike many comments here, I do definitely appreciate a dispassionate hero mc! I have never liked them flashy & overly optimistic. This dark hero is my cup of tea. Will continue to read very interestedly ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

The scene I dreaded has happened finally. Poor Deon, he's still alive to face his demons. I sincerely hope that he finds a long & peaceful life in the demon realm. ╥﹏╥

Layla created a topic of Over Run

I love this manga. Its a rare one in the yaoi world, where standards are set with dominance, submission & rape.

I feel like I got a peek into how some gay relationships could play out in reality. Like all relationships--commitment, communication, timing, adoration etc.

For me it's not boring, if I wanted hard-core stuff, I can always drop by any hundreds of yaoi manga here.

Besides this manga is drawing linkages with other relationships styles too. What person would not want such a green flag man! They don't exist I'm sure.

At the same time, I feel a fear building in my reader heart. It can't all be roses as they say. And I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop--and because I am a pessimist I am imagining the worst as it's the special forces...

Death or Full Body Paralysis or Coma


Layla created a topic of Double Bell
Layla created a topic of Monster Pet Evolution

I'm still on chapter 188 but I have a question. Those letters on Gao peng's? What do they mean?