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Stuff That Makes You Facepalm

i befriended his girlfriend and i know i don't have any chances, so senior year of high school, there was this event where you can you can write a letter to anyone and be given by another person. i wrote him a letter and sent my friend to give it to him, it was my confession/closure type of stuff. almost 10 years now and i hope he's living the best......   reply
09 10,2023
researched on his taste of music (it was so peculiar oh my god). I've only ever listened to j-pop vocaloid stuff then he brought me to breakcore. Now, We're both struggling bcs we have low reading comprehension lmaoo (mine worsened much more than him TT) Now that I think about it, I didn't actually do much to get closer to him. I literally just ex......   reply
09 10,2023
I never had a crush. Some guys in the past and literally right now borderline harass me so I don’t really want to get close with them. I know they don’t have any bad intentions but I wish they just read the room. I struggle with rejecting people, so in the past some even ended up stalking me. When I see someone standing on my street I still get......   reply
09 10,2023
09 10,2023
I think it was when I was out with my friends after school and we were just hanging out and walking around. I had my vape out and I didn't realize I would run into my mom on the streets and she saw me and told me off Infront of my friends, Even though I was already 18 at that time. Another one is when my dad entered my apartment when I wasn't ther......   reply
09 10,2023
I've never really done anything like that even when I had a crush on someone. I don't really get crushes anymore... I think if I were to like a person, then I would just talk to them and ask them out. I used to get crushes often and on multiple people. I don't know if anyone on here can relate, but ever since I found out that I'm demi. Many......   reply
09 10,2023
Not as embarassing as the stories on here but here we go. It was like 3 years ago, I still lived with my parents back then. I bought a miniskirt after contemplating whether I should or not for months. So I'm in my room, with that pretty little skirt on. I think to myself, "Damn I look cute as fuck, I should take some pictures." There I was, sittin......   reply
09 10,2023
during 5th grade, it was at end of term and students are returning the books, I remembered I brought a digi cam and chase my crush all over the campus just to take a photo of him. now that I'm remember it, i feel sorry for that boy (๑•́ㅿ•̀๑)ᔆᵒʳʳᵞ   1 reply
09 10,2023
I've risked it all for straight girls that'd never start convos first, I've joined clubs, pretended to like things I didn't, and even used their fucking temu links so they could get like a free gift or whatever. One time I also tried being homophobic (this was a very long time ago...) because the girl I liked was. Extremely ironic. I had NO self re......   1 reply
09 10,2023
nothing much really, he liked me, i liked him - we never told each other but he didnt know i liked him but i heard from his close friends that he liked me. but the things i would do man, i would as if mimic his personality to mirror it for him, thats how we got close if anything - also we were from the same ethnic background which was a minority in......   1 reply
09 10,2023
In high school, I had a huge crush on the moody bad boy who was my senior and a talented musician... This guy was something of a prodigy, that kind of genius character people like to write stories about, but he was an asshole to every person he met except a few select bandmates. I have no clue what I saw in him at the time, since he was always a HU......   reply
09 10,2023

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