Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable.
Thanks for maintaining this site for so long. That's it. Also please give us a heads-up before you do a 2 year long maintenance again omfg.   reply
20 08,2023
Can you start removing the minors off this website, make it 16+ atleast man its been over 10 years please and thank you   2 reply
20 08,2023
I have sem finals from tomorrow gonna finished whole fuvkin syllabus tonight wish me luck folks !   1 reply
20 08,2023
It exist?   reply
20 08,2023
bring back the report option   2 reply
20 08,2023
i think it's weird not interesting but i kinda prepare myself for every kind of interaction or question someone will MAYBE ask me. like im having the whole conversation with myself before it could ever occur irl (and most of the time it's stuff that won't ever happen)   reply
20 08,2023
Hi and bye   reply
20 08,2023
I did an ACCA qualification while working full time(It was exausting) Throughout most of my lectures/classes(they were online cause Covid) I would be reading manga or novels instead. Usually the smut kind, usually yaoi. Because procrastination and stress. ...Still got my qualification though after 3 yrs. (╹◡╹)ノ   reply
20 08,2023
i doubt that they gaf   reply
20 08,2023
We’ll end you if this site goes away.(love u tho)   reply
20 08,2023

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