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I don't know if a have an eating disorder either...But i do know that i have a bad relationship with food! Some days i'm normal, and i try to eat mindfully, not too much, and not too little(which is very hard, but i think everybody goes through this as well so ???) But sometimes i just obsess over every little calorie that i eat, and try to exercis......   1 reply
09 07,2020
ED’s will kill you man, and it’s something society pushes boys and girls to have. I haven’t had a normal relationship with food for about 7 years now, and now I’m back on my restriction bullshit with less than 500 calories a day and I’ve lost 30 lbs in two months. It’s tough out there. Especially since the only real treatment for eati......   2 reply
09 07,2020
I don't think I have eating disorder but I'm not really interested in eating and I'm not hungry even if I didn't eat for 24 hours (but i need water lol) unless I think the food looks good Σ(っ°Д °;)っ I will eat but if it doesn't looks good I'm just gonna drink cold water and back to da isolation cave ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
09 07,2020
For me, eating is a big hassle. I don't eat much to begin with and to eat more I would need to watch or read something while eating alone. If I'm not hungry I don't eat at all. If I am hungry by a little bit I would contemplate thinking 'Sigh, I'm hungry' 3/10 would get up to eat. Most times I would only eat two meals. I mostly eat so my stomach do......   reply
09 07,2020
I think i have a eating disorder? i just feel good when im not eating anything like i like my self sufferingg...(● ̄(エ) ̄●)   reply
09 07,2020
imma stress eater (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   reply
09 07,2020
I am an emotional eater and I also tend to binge. Emotions such as boredom and other negative emotions make me feel like eating and I usually cave in, regardless of my state of satiety. I used to hate myself for being 'weak' and felt guilty for every episode and the more guilt I felt the more frequent the bingeing, so I stopped being too hard on my......   1 reply
09 07,2020
I've been diagnosed, and hospitalised multiple times for long periods of time for anorexia. Basically destroyed my life. I'm a healthy weight now, but it makes me feel disgusting. But oh well.   2 reply
09 07,2020
I do not know if this is an eating disorder or not. I am not anorexic, I enjoy eating too much for that. I would look at food and be like nah I am not hungry right now, I will eat later. And before I know it I have gone three days without eating. Or I would just forget to eat. If I am preoccupied with doing stuff or if it is really hot outside it i......   3 reply
09 07,2020
Pika 09 07,2020
We made this discord server in order to meet new people and interact with and we'll be happy if you join. PLS JOIN MATE
We are nice and like Yaoi, we call talk about anything tbh, All ages are welcome Don't feel Shy

Join or we'll find u in real life ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
09 07,2020

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