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Camelia created a topic of Mobsters in Love

It has 3 volumes in total and it's complete. Hope we can get the rest soon TT

Camelia created a topic of Ennui

I just scrolled through the raws for this one, it seems to live up to the drama tag. It's quite depressing, lonely and with heart wrenching ending.

Camelia created a topic of An Abyss

Have to thank the translator to the universe and back, because their translation is way better than official. It's just subjective feeling, but some words and phrases in official chapters sounds off. Like Kinrad saying to Shahid 'You are stiff' instead of 'You are hard' or 'You have an erection'
Original word may be stiff, but no one would ever say my pp is wtiff xD.
So thank you for all your hard work and little explanations every time <3

Camelia created a topic of Bite marks and Fluorite

Loved the story, but it has souch potential to be longer so we see bit of vampire's history and a bit more backstory. But regardless of it, really enjoyed reading it

Camelia created a topic of Lucky Paradise

This story was everything but lucky or paradise ಥ‿ಥ ... From the name and cover back in the time it came out I really expected something totally different. Got disappointed abut followed ocassionaly from the haldf of the story maybe. Still disappointed. Only good character is Ho-In's friend

Camelia created a topic of God's ID Card

Just checked the raws, and saw the notice authors put up

This is what was written, I used Google translate so it may not be 100% accurate.

"Halfway through this volume, due to force majeure, it needed to be completed. The plot in the second half was overturned and the update was delayed for a long time. I'm very sorry!

Just when we were writing our final words, we got another volume to wrap up the whole story. The next volume will be the final volume and will be updated from time to time. Thank you to everyone who has been following it until today!"

Seems like the 2nd season was abruptly finished due to some reason and there'll be just one more to finish the story. It's sad that they have to stop the project for whatever reason it may be. Just hope it's not due to any serious health/life matters.

Camelia created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Saw people talking about the names in the comments, my stupid ass though everyone already knew about it. So sorry in advance for my soon to be very neardy comment. It's just so interesting how much thoughts author put into everything.

Skylar has sky in it and Cirrus is cloud, clouds only exist if there's sky (kinda) and the name Lost in the cloud now explain itself.

But what's interesting is the type of cloud Cirrus is.
Clouds of that name are detached, hair-like and found at high altitudes. They are delicate and wispy, with a silky sheen to themselves. In the daytime, they are whiter than any other cloud in the sky. While the Sun is setting or rising, they take on the colors of the sunset being very beautiful color of orange, pink, purple etc. They are totally made of ice crystals and indicate change of the weather, they are related to thunderstorms and rain, also causing warming of the Earth. Some optical phenomenons are related to them.
Thing we were able to see is how Cirrus's eyes are changing colors. When he's sad, angry or lost they are fully darkish green. Meanwhile they turn reddish when he's onto something or when he's, I'll dare to say, looking at Skylar with lust, pretty raw and somehow scary feeling at the same time. Plus with Cirrys it's never calm, whenever he's around we have some turbulence, same as when Cirrus clouds are in the sky predicting rain.

Camelia created a topic of Overclock

Jio looks like Jiwoon from BJ Alex and Matthew from UTGL had a baby lol. He's so handsome ಥ‿ಥ

Camelia created a topic of Dawning

Plot would be more interesting if fhe story was longer, so some matters can be slowly walked through. I'm not the biggest fan of age gaps, but it wasn't bothering me. Them falling in love tho looked like it was instant because of how short story is. Wish we got more of the bad guy plotting against the family since Dawn's mom rejected him and he went mad. It would be interesting for the plot. Plus entire Dawn's situation and relationship with habitans of the manor isn't well enough portrayed. A lot is missing and not adding up to other things, again because of how short it is. But overall it was nice. I really love the darkish atmosphere of older times it's set in.
Bottom guy is so attractive, no wonder Dawn fell for him lol.
Don't really know how to feel about the fact that he knew him as a baby (Ik they are not related and never spent time together etc, but if I were to hold a baby im my arms now and in 20+ years have him to bang me, I would feel Idk... weird)

Camelia created a topic of Nothing but a number

At this point they are just idiotically stupid and annoying

Golden eyed dude us hiding something. Maybe I'm eternally wrong but what if he's the one who has to do something with goblin? When MC opened the portal and entered the realm where goblin was imprisoned, goblin said not everyone can enter, and why did mc had to lure him out? Is golden eyed dude is stron and can open the realm where goblin was, he could have killed him and than give mc the sphere thing (soul?) to eat. To me it seems like he wanted goblin out for some reason but wasn't able to let him out himself. Also he's a bit creepy. And was it mc's grandma with whom golden eyed guy spoke? Wasn't she supposed to be dead with the rest of his family. Hope he doesn't turn to be possesive evil bitch or whatever.
Story is so good so far! I love the action, how mc isn't some stupid crybaby and he has attitude, interaction between him and goblin are hilarious.

Camelia created a topic of The Abyss

Art really improved and everything, but in ch 32 of new season size difference is still off. Bottom guy looks like literal child. Top's arm is bigger than bottom's entire body. It's so uncomfortable. Ik they both should be adults, but one looking as grow up man and the other like 20kg and 120cm proportioned child is still no..... Idk if they are doing it on purpose like in straight hentai where women are labelled as 45 years old step moms but they look like little girls with watermelon boobs so they can justify themselves for fetishism of ped0philia. Hate on me all you want, I'm not saying the art is ugly, honestly it wasn't ugly even in the beginning even tho I saw people more harassing the artist for ugly art than for drawing bottom guy looking like child and top's dick being bigger than his entire abdomen.
Story as story is dark and twisted, I'm not a fan of stalking, Stockholm syndrome, Lima syndrome, abuse etc, but for those who like it, it's totally fine, only problem is still the way they are portrayed physically. Not the art style, just the sizes of the bodies.

Camelia created a topic of An Inferior Relationship

This entire story was so unnecessary ಥ‿ಥ ending was so rushed and lame.
They both need to talk to therapist.

For some reason this 'X-ray' of his dick inside was uncomfortable to look at (•ᴗ•)
As for the size, it's nothing new for top guys to have lethal weapons hitting their knees while they walk lol. And it looked kinda ugluly, Idk, maybe because the color and shape looks more like dildo than real thing. But it's also usual. (I'm not complaining, it was just fun seeing all yhe comments, so I just wrote mine as well)

Camelia created a topic of Nothing but a number

32 chapters of very embarrassing moments.... hope we'll get some crumbs of plot and communication around 60 something chapter lol (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Camelia created a topic of Max Mojave's Case

For 'something old' we can have our days together
For 'somenthing new' our future
For 'something blue' your eyes

This melted my heart 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。

Camelia created a topic of For Your Love

One wants to find reassurance through sex and leaving marks, think his partner will attract people just by going out and looking good , the other is so stupid and don't want to listen even when first one starts talking about insecurities because he's insecure himself. Just sit down and talk like normal adults dammit (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I'm mot hating on them, but it's so tiring when people don't talk properly to eachother.

Camelia created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Sorry for the spoiler, I usually don't comment about upcoming chapters so everyone can peacefully enjoy the story, but I just have to share with at least someone else who's caught up with most recent chapter....this story is causing me pain (╥﹏╥)

I just caught up with raws ...and damn. The brother (forgot his name), just want him to suffer to death honestly. At first I was pitying him, but truth to be told he choosed his own fate from the beginning. It's noone's problem that he went mad because of it through time. He took Mittens back, keeping him in the house. His wife tried to kinda seduce Mittens, but he rejected her, at that moment crazy brother came in, made her go away and than raped Mittens. Boy he tried to fight, but got his hands tied with a belt. The look on his face broke my heart, he wasn't as afraid as he was disgusted remembering all the gross and humiliating stuff he was submitted to in the past. His body probably gave up and he couldn't fight the guy. Things to be worse 'brother guy' whose name I forgot is the bottom, he gave Mittens a head, again poor thing was so disappointed and disgusted with his own body reacting to receiving below job from that bastard. Everything led to this moment, but the entire scene was so upsetting, I don't want him to suffer anymore...but what I have to admit is that author's writing is really good, the way they are portraing every character, their personalities, mental struggles and they behaviour caused with traumas/mental health issues etc, chief kiss.