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Camelia created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Just saw the raws for side stories named "If, 3" including TS, Minhyuk and SY. I guess it's ment to be AU for what if the 3 of them were together. And honestly I'm a bit disappointed. Through the story we were able to see that author likes to put rape and violence wherever she can and every single sex scene even if it's let's say vanilla, looks more like torture than pleasure. (It was kinda toleratable because story itself was dark with topics of mafia life, violence, etc) Now these side stories are AU for seems like bdsm relationship between 3 of them, and every single chapter looks like some rape + bdsm filled porn. (Nothing wrong with kinks, bdsm and similar stuff, but reading chapters where mc looks like he'll be killed by those dicks isn't most pleasurable thing tbh)
I expected sidestories to be a sneak peak into SY's and TS's relationship because TS has to fix so many things and maybe sneak peak to where Minhyuk went. Honestly hoping we'll get something like that after this pornographic glorification of rape (SY's faces are so hard to look at, bro looks like he's in more pain than pleasure being stuffed by pp from both sides)

Sorry for such weird explanation, English is my 2nd language so some things can sound off.

Camelia created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Can we get a little bit of plot too, please

Camelia created a topic of Wet Sand

Not related to the romance between characters. But covers of seasons seems to match the character the season kinda focus on. For the first we had Ian, an in the first season we saw a lot of his backstory, explanations about him etc...
Now we have TJ and there's already focus on him, we are getting his backstory in newest chapter, there's bigger focus on the things he's planning to do regarding the mafia etc.
It may be totally unrelated, but it's interesting to think about that.

And regarding the romance.
I understand people and why they are mad. I hate love triangles and dragging things around. But on the other hand Ian isn't obligated to stay with Jo just because Jo said he likes him. Life is more complicated than that (I agree that Ian shouldn't be giving him false hope tho).
And Isn's x TJ's relationship is complicated from the beginning. Their entire lifes they knew only for eachother, they were only constants in eachother's lifes. It's not that much about love how much it is about dependance and fear of losing that one comfort feeling of constance. (I know TJ broke Ian's legs and their relationship is toxic, but just take in count what kind of life they are living and where from they are coming).
As for TJ I even see him as tragic character. I kinda pity him (as a oerson, not as a Isn's lover/fuck buddy)
I'm very interested in where the story will go.

Camelia created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Big ding dogs are main representative of BL manhwa, but damn that thing is literal lethal weapon

Camelia created a topic of Max Mojave's Case

Don't worry, Shawn beat up that ugly shit of a man good enough to take needed time and help Nathan. He'll spend a lot of time in hospital but will survive.

Camelia created a topic of Mad Dog

First sidestory is out, hope we'll get to see it soon

Camelia created a topic of God's ID Card

My heart breaks how he was killed and if I remember correctly Fucheng was informed about his death right before he wanted to confess his feelings after coming back from mission...(maybe I'm a bit wrong because first chapters came out long ago and I didn't reread)
As for the romance between MC and ML, considering that ML loved now dead guy for very long, since they were young teens, it's nice it goes slow, man he loved got killed, greaving and falling in love again takes time. Plus it's manhua, censorship is very heavy as in every case of Chinese stories. But I'm very invested in the story regardless of romance, it's very well written and art is gorgeous (can't remember the name of dead guy )

Camelia created a topic of Instant Family

Sejun's (MC's) dad was so gorgeous and nice person above all f** the stupid illness

Camelia created a topic of Touch Up
Camelia created a topic of Yours to Claim

I'm not in either of teams, because entire story was shitshow and authors couldn't figure the plot out. But it's called Yourst to claim, Cain wrote that on the ring blah blah and that stupid spineless worm again ended up with Yahwi. Ik Yahwi was ML and everything, he's 'trying' to change etc. But he got to Jooin's home by doing the same thing as ever, being playful and not accepting no for an answer and ofc Jooin being spineless accepted him.

All 3 of them should have been with someone else. Even in Cain's case, he loved some history image, not what's in front of him. It was dependance love, not true love because he never had time to meet snd understand our stupid MC enough in present. He was driven by the past.
We just have to accept that it's not about the characters but about the authors who can't write the story in good way

Camelia created a topic of End it

ML with his hair down looks so handsome, but when his hair is slicked back for some reason he looks like Pilwon. Probably because light eyes that are expressionless and blank

Camelia created a topic of Home


About the truck, it's the blonde guy who appeared. Judging by the raws he's creep, and he stalk the ML and MC. Seems like he's obsessed with ML (celebrity guy). He follows them around, he took photos of top guy and I think even jearked off.

Camelia created a topic of Backlight

Bet he would look super handsome with black hair again

Camelia created a topic of Jinx

I feel like this shit of a man will have redemption arck same as in BJ Alex, he has reason for being fighter and it's not because he likrs it so much, he hates presents obviously and there needs to be some reason for it, he hated even a birthday party. It reminds me of how 'Alex' was BJ because of attention etc, and had trauma with that hyung of his. I'm sure author will pull the same stupid justification for all crappy actions when it comes to Jaekyung as well (even tjo I find him to be crappier than Jiwon )
It became so boring because we'll be bombarded with everything about him only when they reach breaking point which I assume will be around Jaekyung's next match, he'll probably blame Dan despite him not wanting to treat his own injury (probably because he wants to prove himself to someone). And than it's expected from us to forgive him all. He'll chase Dan and they willlive happily ever after.
I'm just waiting for him to suffer from his own actions and Dan to realise he needs to grow some backbone...

Camelia created a topic of Heat and Love

Just checked the raws for side stories hoping there would be something more about main couple or brother and blonde friend but it seems that side stories are AU. I don't understand Korean so can't tell much, but it appears that ML is gangster, he has huge tiger tattoo on his back. MC got somehow captured by him and was chained to the bed/imprisoned.

All 14 chapters are filled with them having sex while MC is in chains. Idk why author choosed this as sides instead of maybe exploring characters and folklore a bit more.

Story was good overall but lack of some things was visible. Toxic stuff is quite popular nowdays, but I miss them being cute and loving to eachother.

Camelia created a topic of The Man Next Door

Really liked the story. Short and somehow realistic.

And on totally unrelated note, red haired man from the end reminds me of Seth from Ennead

Camelia created a topic of Dramatic Love

There are few sites that have this manhwa, just search it by the name on Google
I accidentally found it and hoped it's posted here, but as visible it probably will never continue here. So if anyone wants to read you can find it

Camelia created a topic of Limited Run

They met for the first time during car accident when YO got hit by JH while running away from loan sharks and now it's going to end with them meeting in car crash again, JH's feelings are very visible and will probably touch YO deep enough to reconsider getting back with JH. (I mean YO is already touched and love JH, but you know what I mean

Camelia created a topic of Limited Run

Flowers detail in recent chapter reminds me of the moment back in previous season when JH bought flowers to congratulate, it was white camellias as well, but he bought flowers for the others as well. SY was disappointed... it meant he 'wasn't special' because he isn't the only one who got bouquet. This time SY got whole truck of flowers but instantly grabbed bouquet of white camellias associating them with JH (Idk if he knew for sure they were from JH since I don't understand Korean). That previous time JH rejected his feelings, but now he came for SY fulfilling the meaning of those flowers. White camellias are used in weddings since they symbolise purity, admiration, innocence. And overall camellia symbolise love and devotion.
Off that topic, SY was so handsome and beautiful in this ch

yall jaehyuk is just in denial. we all know how it’s gonna go. first, jaehyuk is gonna try to fuck a girl and will either not be able to get it up or will see/imagin garam while fucking her. then, garam is gonna graduate early and jaehyuk is gonna get a taste of life without him and realize it’s boring asf. and finally, he’ll apologize like crazy to garam and beg for him to take him back