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Camelia created a topic of Limited Run

They met for the first time during car accident when YO got hit by JH while running away from loan sharks and now it's going to end with them meeting in car crash again, JH's feelings are very visible and will probably touch YO deep enough to reconsider getting back with JH. (I mean YO is already touched and love JH, but you know what I mean

Camelia created a topic of Limited Run

Flowers detail in recent chapter reminds me of the moment back in previous season when JH bought flowers to congratulate, it was white camellias as well, but he bought flowers for the others as well. SY was disappointed... it meant he 'wasn't special' because he isn't the only one who got bouquet. This time SY got whole truck of flowers but instantly grabbed bouquet of white camellias associating them with JH (Idk if he knew for sure they were from JH since I don't understand Korean). That previous time JH rejected his feelings, but now he came for SY fulfilling the meaning of those flowers. White camellias are used in weddings since they symbolise purity, admiration, innocence. And overall camellia symbolise love and devotion.
Off that topic, SY was so handsome and beautiful in this ch

yall jaehyuk is just in denial. we all know how it’s gonna go. first, jaehyuk is gonna try to fuck a girl and will either not be able to get it up or will see/imagin garam while fucking her. then, garam is gonna graduate early and jaehyuk is gonna get a taste of life without him and realize it’s boring asf. and finally, he’ll apologize like crazy to garam and beg for him to take him back

Camelia created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Please someone enlight him that bisexuality exist
I'm fed up with his homophobic insults just because he doesn't want to be seen as gay....
Stupid bastard, Garam should have left him die from blue balls after this, but well chasing didn't last to long

Camelia created a topic of Our Sunny Days

We need more sweets and wholesome stories like this one. Slow and absolutely adorable progress between 2 adults without any weird misunderstandins and instant violence. They are just slowly discovering new feelings and things about themselves. Those affectionate looks and Mr. Kwon's blushing face are everything

Camelia created a topic of Yours to Claim

At this point all 3 of them should f off of eachother and go live somewhere in celibate because they have no idea how to do anything regarding to relationships + fucking is what put them in this situation in the first place

Camelia created a topic of Under the Green Light

I read previous work of Jaxx few times, it had some things, but nothing like this rape here and that's why I liked her writing. Ever since it came back from hiatus it became more like all the mainstream BLs. Why every single one need to have rape. Like do authors understand the concept of rape and how it affects people?...
I would understand if plot revolve around someone's trauma or abuse but when they just put this much graphics and violent sexual assaults it just make me dislike story I liked very much before. And before anyone attack me, I've read literally thousand BL's and saw bunch of shit, I'm not snowflake who's complaining. It's just disappointing when even really good authors who know how to write good stuff turn for 180° and randomly decide to put rape.
Remember the beginning of the story, when Jin was top with some random guy. They took drugs (way less than Matthew ofc, they were conscious but still had drugs in system), Jin went on so long, guy asked him to stop because he couldn't do it anymore and ofc Jin stopped. They continued with bj while Jin imagined Matthew. It was one of rare situations we see top stopping when asked. So this now was kinda disappointing. But maybe Matthew will get back to senses, understand what he did and realize Jin did all of it to protect him (he acted a bit childish even tho I understand him).

Camelia created a topic of Countdown to Love

After everything that happened, timer appears for Namu, it's his turn
Ik everyone hates him for some reason (he has a bit of annoying behaviour and is everywher, but it's not a crime

Camelia created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

With cheapter 110 it's finally the end. It was predictable how it will end, SY would always accept TS no matter what, with all his flaws and shit, but honestly I expected way more, like full chapter of them talking and TS apologizing over and over. Only thing I liked are last few panels, TS finally decided to get out of the shadow and walk BESIDE SY, not behind or in front, which implies he finally see SY as equal and not as a thing he should keep on arm length so he can't escape but also can't be unnecessarily close. Also, colors represent TS's change and realization (smth like in BJ Alex when Jiwoon finally realised he loves DG). But overall entire story was super messy, after 1st season storyline went all over the place.
As for Minhyuk, at the beginning he was my fav character and it didn't changed, Ik he's not great but who is in this entire story....He left just like he appeared and it makes me sad, he could have been way more interesting character, we saw different sides of him but only truth is that he longs for love and I hoped we'll see some light at the end of the tunnel for him too.

Camelia created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Bro is right he's not gay, he just failed to remember that bisexual people exist

Camelia created a topic of The Origin of Species

We are getting new story from this author. It's called something like Love and Roll, looks like the characters are in rock band or something. Art is beautiful but proportions again are so off. Ik It's just the art, if story is okay it doesn't matter as much but having them look like wide closet with ping pong sized head + super small petite doll bittom is Idk just a bit strange.

Camelia created a topic of Swapping

Unfortunately it's confusing because there are things going on in smut scenes as well and those are cropped out so some parts doesn't make sense since context is missing. I don't mind reading stories without smut, but having ones like this where they just cut out r18/19 scenes is so irritating. It's supposed to be for adults, so leave it like that or fix it good enough so speech bubbles aren't missing. (Also before I get attacked by anyone, Ik it's not author's fault and we shouldn't be complaining as much considering we read it here, but even if I read legally it wouldn't have changed the fact that some parts are confusing or just not as detailed since text and images are missing)

Camelia created a topic of Under the Green Light

Matthew will probably assault the shit out of Jin before drugs effects stops and Jin will go with it same as he stopped before punching him because he remembered his afraid/shocked face when punching him before. Couldn't understand very well, but think that Damon said some ugly stuff about Jin and the way he likes having sex just to piss him. But Matthew is under the influence so everything is messed up, he's not even aware it's really Jin Infront of him. Boy gonna regret pretty much after he wake up. He didn't deserve to ve dragged around, but at the same time he need to grow up go on some therapy for childhood trauma and abandonment issues, make one appointment for Jin after that and they can live happily

Camelia created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

Checked the raws, seems like the story is ending on chapter 58 since it's only state 'The end' and not end of the season 3. I hope there will be at least few chapters of side stories because there are things that have to be explained or shown.

Camelia created a topic of Saturday's Master

I've read the raws, mc got attacked and raped on the streets, that's why he was crying every time...he got so much trauma from that obviously and it's impacting his mental health. ML isn't a bad guy, but I don't like the way author put up the situation where he didn't even bother to explain to MC what BDSM is and how it's working. MC see all of it as more abuse he has to endure because he is survivor of such horrific attack while he obviously never told anyone about it and he never received any help. Looking at the other works from the same author it's obvious they like to makes stories with abuse and mental health struggles, where characters are even suicidal. So this one will probably be long struggle until we see the light at the end of the tunel.

Camelia created a topic of Saturday's Master


I've read the raws, mc got attacked and raped on the streets, that's why he was crying every time...he got so much trauma from that obviously and it's impacting his mental health. ML isn't a bad guy, but I don't like the way author put up the situation where he didn't even bother to explain to MC what BDSM is and how it's working. MC see all of it as more abuse he has to endure because he is survivor of such horrific attack while he obviously never told anyone about it and he never received any help. Looking at the other works from the same author it's obvious they like to makes stories with abuse and mental health struggles, where characters are even suicidal. So this one will probably be long struggle until we see the light at the end of the tunel.