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You know, when a person is in a coma they start getting bed sores real quick and basically just chill in their own shit if no one bothers to take care of them and as I'm writing this I remember romance fiction logic and that handsome men have the power to blast away any filth with the sheer power of anime sparkles and blushing maidens.

Quality villainess.
DO I condone killing dogs, puppeteering people against their will, trying to annihilate your ex-lover's descendants and making all the peasants suffer with them? NO. HELL NO.
Is her rage understandable though? Yes.
Saying she's a pushover is only half the story. Imagine waking up from a decades long slumber and finding out that your boo didn't only betray you and kill all your people but also trampled on their legacy and gave them a slur. She didn't have the opportunity to get revenge on him and now that time is running out and nothing else matters, why not go out with a bang?

I'm so sorry but when I read one of the most recent chapters out of context, where ML is just being this weird tsundere(?) to FL telling her she looks ugly in an obviously stunning dress, I just cringe I little bit too much. That's the most insecure jealous man child thing to do I can't, not even his pretty face can save that one


So they used our boy to expand the redheaded cunt's magic potential/vessel at best, and performed unspeakable experiments on him for whatever sick goal their oh-so honourable mentor had in mind at worst. Fan-fucking-tastic, I hate them.
I also hope that the holy knight guy didn't exactly know what they did to ML. Never having all the details and heavily trusting and relying on the cunt and mentor despite whatever his shiny eyes gave away. Thus when ML is inevitably fed up and fucks up the mentor, he sees it as nothing but betrayal.

Also, I like that FL is changing and morphing into her og self little by little. Sure, boo-hoo poor Giselle or whatever, but what's done is done. Isn't it better for her to live as herself instead of wearing the skin of someone else? I feel like it's respectful towards Giselle's original self by seperating their identities visually, you know what I mean?
Also also, I'm kinda confused why FL wont just tell ML her real name and insists on Giselle when he so clearly knows what's up. Why start and stop trying at the name when you don't bother imitating og Giselle otherwise?

somnia created a topic of The Lady Wants to Rest

Let me just throw shade rq since I never felt this sleepy and comatose after reading 40 chapters of a girl manhwa:
MC is a filthy I'm-not-like-other-Mary-Sues-Mary Sue, and by the sheer pace and underwhelming story-telling this whole thing just feels like a money milking time-waster to me.
The story takes itself so seriously despite FL's whole gimmick being wanting to take a break while everyone keeps bothering her, I don't understand the lack of comedy here.

Funny how that works, if your fiance is voicing concern over being framed for murders she didn't commit you'd think as the actual murderer who loves said fiance you'd be smart enough to just not kill people anymore and find a false culprit to frame, but nvm that ig. Funny how you can just expect some gossiping lackeys to play telephone without so much as catching up or confirming the message has been delivered.

My plan's to force-read this if not drop it and just make up my own happy end after the ML's crimes are discovered (let's say in the next 20 or 30 chapters if we're unlucky):
ML gets beheaded, FL can fuck off to that magic kingdom she keeps yapping about, come back for the dnd quest with the saint and prince to save the world or whatever, and idk marry the prince or live happily being a Mary Sue.
I have the strong feeling the story's gonna be something or other along those lines anyway, but instead of ML getting executed FL will put in a good word with the prince and his punishment will be downgraded to jail, and he'll coinicdentally be freed when FL comes back from her disney vacation so all 4 of them can beat up bad demons with the power of their combined sheer idiocy. With a little bit of luck anything after ML's crimes speedrun reveal will actually still be interesting enough to keep you going, but I'm jaded af and know no hope.

I need all the fucking authors out there to listen to me. If your title is that type of on the nose don't make your mc oblivious to it, it's so fucking annoying almost all of the time. Especially when FL has to practically become a blind dumbass for her not to notice. Either make FL know he's the killer or change the title and obscure his involvement more, ffs.

The author is out to make Cesare the 2nd love interest no matter what. He's a hot anime prince, so he has to be like this even if his love for Ari is based on her being a "worthy woman" and Alphonso's lover. He can rape her and use her in their past life but it's alright bc now he's the tease who chases and blushes after his chosen woman, and even gets some lighter comedic scenes.

Why does he get to bask in twilight meanwhile, for example, the nutty princess is getting nothing but shade?
Yes, in the context of the story it makes sense, don't get me wrong (I still like the story too), but it still feels wrong that Cesare gets this room for sincerity despite being such a snake.

somnia created a topic of Cry, Even Better If You Beg

Sometimes I hate being "woke" man. I just can't enjoy this kinda shit knowing the ML is taking what he has for granted and abusing his power to play with and manipulate others. It's such a turn-off even in fiction atm.

somnia created a topic of To You In My Hand

Meanwhile I'm so weirded out by that weird corset vest shirt situation on the last panel... that looks so awkward imo

No hold on people, roll back-
Where is the discussion about her having sus dark energy? The SAINTESS having sus dark energy? Like the brainwashed dude who hosted her said that THE saintess was mad sus???
I'm– ok, I bet like 100000$ that she is now that [lord of the tower]. Their roles basically switched, no? FL went from hero to villain, the tower lord from villain to hero.
The tower lord might be someone from FL's first life as a normal korean citizen, someone who either wanted to make FL suffer or/and go on many, many adventures; live out their fantasies or what have you. Eventually they were beat as the tower lord but used their powers to mess with the system so the fun doesn't end there.

I THINK the saintess turning in her sleep, fearing this imminent danger, is her sensing how the towerlord is trying to creep up on her and take over her body... perhaps.
Either it's that or two other options: It's just FL's power she's sensing, rightfully shitting her pants over it (and I'm way in over my head), OR she's actually ALREADY the towerlord and having felt FL's arrival she shat her pants bc fuck FL still got all her powers and is gonna come for her ass.

Watch me be 100% wrong, but idc I live for this rn.

somnia created a topic of Cashman of a Ruined Game

This did NOT go into the direction I expected it to go, but I'm all in for the ride


I HOPE, I THINK, the Duchess might be too influential even for the Emperor to get himself in trouble with her. The power she has over the palace is scary if you think about it. All the maids are under her thumb and she has the connections to completely shut off the Empress without anyone batting an eye.
The prince probably isn't powerful enough just yet to put her in her place, or is basically riding her coattails so he can keep himself in a stable position.

Fingers crossed for any good reasons really, bc I don't want any bs excuses to justify their ignorance towards the Empress' situation.

Whoever wrote this channeled the perfect hormone-driven preteen destined to become a hardcore fujoshi and took off all the seat belts

SO, my theory rn is that Liz and/or Cliff are behind the boating incident, if not more or all of the incidents. When Liz starting to realize that Edith is "stealing" her connections and/or spotlight she becomes desperate enough to try and get rid of Edith. And Cliff is obsessive enough to support her through it all bc the author made him FOR her, as her perfect lover.
I'm not entirely sure tho if Liz being like this is bc of the creator's control or the lack of it. Maybe this ugly side of Cliff that's so manipulative and possessive is part of his actual being, instead of being a picture perfect prince, too.

Killian had to watch out and catch himself from falling back into the creator's control, basically fighting demons at first, so Liz and Cliff as the center couple must be basically possessed at first, no? Maybe I'm completely wrong, idk.

somnia created a topic of Stigmata

I'm so scared a psychotic Sion-but-actually-Sienas is gonna appear out of nowhere and wreck havoc with his jigsaw stigma. If Sion's stigma followed him into Sienas' body then the stigma that og Sienas stole must've also gone somewhere, no?

Anyhow, she must've used the book of wishes. My main theory is she's going through a simulation written by the book, to make herself stronger to be able to avert her family's downfall. First life to get smarter, second life to become physically stronger, third life to harden her mind and soul. Having the future beamed into her head via novel format makes sense for a book to do, and having been through that process makes her more trusting of that information when returning to her og life.

Another similar theory is just this again but she did actually live different lives, bc I honestly don't want her depressing "who even am I but a stranger to these families who love their daughter?"-episode to be in vain so to say.

Oh ok, so the Duke at least doesn't rape my guy when he's conscious, he passed a bar that had long been buried 6 feet under.

Rezef crossed all siscon and incest boundaries, he's just gaga like that.

Also why does FL feel like she is betraying/decieving Raphael? She DID friendzone him already, so what's the issue? Is it bc she hasn't been 100% transparent with him about her plans? It's been a while since I reread this, so forgive me-

Perhaps mc's "instinctual" loyalty was mispresented on accident, especially bc we as readers know little to nothing about the characters at the beginning of the story and putting sparkles and flower-showers on their wholesome scenes gave us a vibe which was meant to be interpreted a whole other way.
Either it's an accident or meant to reel in the girlies (which honestly you're forgiven, the story is nice enough). It gets harder to claim yuri-bait after mc is so clearly portrayed as this loyal subordinate with a secret admiration for their boss type of character... also the fact that both of them got their own love interest/husband tones the yuri smell down. It made click for me when Mc went to help the Empress during her tantrum.

But honestly, let's just call it yuri-bait. The sun will stay a sun for me, even if I know that it's just a more closely situated star