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I like that the ML and FL have their roles in society kinda reversed. In the most cliche rofans the ML is normally the prince and FL a peasant that's to be protected somehow. ML is also honestly taking the L for having the monster title, which is typically kinda mystified and utilized to their advantage. Here it's just a way to look down on a commoner with too much power.

But anyway, I don't like the monster duke nor the blond fake-ass 100%. Blondie is constantly sheming and doing things FL clearly doesn't vibe with, he doesn't care as long as everything plays out HIS way. ML is much better but he's also talking about protecting her, which she lowkey explained she wants the power to protect herself without help, and honestly he seems to feeble and wonky sometimes. If you really want to be with her just take her hand. His character is so simple, at least make him a bit more passionate in any way. Why can't SHE protect YOU? Get your reputation up and so on, so people accept you and the arrangement you made with the Emperor years ago ffs.
Him being so timid also just screams to me that one day him and FL will split after whatever kind of big misunderstanding and/or lack of communication.

I came in with such low expectations because the title is just like any other fantasy shoujo manhwa, but the art and characters are so cute?? Gotta say, the lore about the kingdom and the names is a bit on the nose but it fits in with the fluffy vibes. Being quirky like that is part of the charm here, I love it??

somnia answered question about question
In the end of the day we want our strong female characters to be written just like strong male protagonists, or just any main character I feel. You know the drill, decent lore, personality and what not. But especially >strong< characters should have power over themselves, I feel. It's less about being mentally strong, politically influencal or magi......
somnia created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Nah that Yoona lady is lowkey filthy. She gives social climber vibes, trying to warm up to the top bc he's a popula streamer (or like a senior at least), even baiting him with info on the uke it feels like.
I have the theory that perhaps she's not only pissed at the uke bc he is a nekama and the whole thing with their trade, but also because he managed to get close to the top despite being so shitty to him. She has to work hard to win people over and be likable meanwhile uke can throw his harsh vibes all over and still get head pats from the top.

Just started reading, anyway.
That scene when they're sailing with the slave pianist makes me want to helicopter-fling mc into the stratosphere. This dude starts expressing his grief, his pain and lowkey vents about his misfortune (very random btw after witnissing a rare mystical magic whale) and this bitch has the gall to be like "Oh so your entire family was executed and labeled as traitors after which you were forced into slavery with no way redeem your and your family's name? NO, you're lucky. I'm here now buddy." Which anti-social Mary Sue-loving weeb came up with that shit? That sounds so conceited and tone-deaf to me??? Lowkey ruined her character for me, now she feels like this arrogant outsider with no self-awareness. Probably gonna change my mind with more chapters but like, ew as of now.

I'm scared that these "propositions" (I prefer calling them rules or requirements) will shift soon. That "the flower" who favoured the ogMC might start wrapping itself around our MC and deliver the intended end through her instead because she fits into that role more now. Imagine Eunwoo's horror one day, perhaps jokingly or not, refusing MC's will only to face these red ominous eyes again. Imagine our MC's horror when she realizes she's inflicting this law now and bending reality and the people around her, even if unwanted, for her own happy end. You could argue that by virtue of being our MC, this manhwa's protagonist, she's already under this influence. Creating a unbound if not paradoxical horror that leaves them trapped for the duration of this story regardless of their fate.

Man, I need to go to sleep.

Get you a man that gifts you matching grave robber outfits

somnia created a topic of The Lost Cinderella

So she meets the ML and after years of abuse and neglect from all the men in her life she goes "uwu I don't know he is DIFFERENT, and handsome and shiny" when meeting him. Great thanks. At least build up their chemistry over time instead of making him shiny asap just by their 2nd meeting, I beg you.

Also don't vibe how it's all the imperial drama and 2nd prince all of the sudden. I thought this was gonna be about FL powering through and finding her own happy place, but no, crown prince enters and ofc everything she went through is bound to royal-ass politics which she'll ofc enter another contract relationship for with the ML to take down their enemies. And god please don't make the FL turn into a dumbass who can't see the ogFL's sus vibes just bc she's stuck in the mindset that it makes sense bc ogFL is the extra special novel-protag. Btw a novel whose contents have been so vague and forgotten idek why the author bothered to make FL into a reincarnator or whatever you wanna call it. The witch's sorcery feels so op, finding out she's supposed to be the 2nd prince's pawn was so mEh too.
But yea this is still fresh so I hope I'll change my mind later.

somnia created a topic of To deny the route

There's no way Ilya isn't the main love interest. He's on the cover and his connection to Jerry feels the most genuine and deep out of all.
In the beginning the Crown prince has this cliche princely ML vibe and I thought for sure it's gonna be him, but Ilya honestly ate all that shit up with this dark obsessive side.

Gotta say, I don't appreciate how her abuse is portrayed like an extra skill bonus for etiquette at the start, it feels weird idk how else to put it. Generally not a fan when MCs are hyper competent with poor explanation. Etiquette is fine, but cleaning? Where she got that from? But yea, otherwise I love that she has layers and is more than your typical capable but weirdly frail maid type with a secret royal pedigree so the prince doesn't have to marry a commoner.
The story didn't go into the direction I expected it to go, neither did the characters.
FL got layers and so does ML. He is supposed to be like a cold scary crown prince but goes uwu over cute button-eyed things. In a way while that's as gap-moe as it could get, it stays very true to his cold side- only entertaining people when they meet his standards. First it's endearing but when you think about it, it's also underlines how little he'd care otherwise as well as the act being degrading and dehumanizing. To be treated not like an equal but a pet, taken care of superficially and entertained not for your own sake but to maintain and enjoy your appeal.
I have the feeling that FL will realize his stick soon enough and take advantage of it.

Bro istg try and redeem the that pathetic excuse of a husband and I will hunt this author down with a weapon.

Yea you won't get much out of this one if you're already used to rofan cliches.

It was so anticlimactic to find out that they exposed that rvpist count asap without them even thinking about how they could get a hit in for the sus head priest and pigtail cunt. Like, at least try to lessen their influence, take the initiative. But they're just kinda waiting for stuff to happen while thinking "just you wait", at least banter ffs. ALSO I thought they would go more into the tribe that can control the monsters, but nope, moved on from that as soon as the count got yeeted into afterlife. It feels like they just forgot about the monster issue and hyper-focused on that evil secret master plot instead.

Because the story is lowkey basic beyond that great plan of the villains you quickly start skipping through chapters to see what they got cooking, and what Lua and her white knight prince twink are gonna do about that drama. If you think about it they barely move while the prince's aide does all the work and delivers intel, I hope he's compensated for how hard he's carrying their asses.
Lua has such a generic good person personality besides what is one hell of a TAME thirst for revenge, my interest in her is solely centered around her lore and powers. After reading the 1st chapter you think she's gonna go rogue and be like an anti-saint but it turns into some trivial self-defense quirk very quickly. It's a waste not to do anything of substance with the concept from the get-go, especially bc it's obvious af that her power is gonna be what that goddess/og saintess also had.
Her and the prince also don't feel like a team in all of this either btw. Their chemistry is barely even simmering. They just meet up every so often talk about what they know and found out and then have a moment, only to do their own thing next page. The princely twink did start off with a mysterious charm but that just evaporated once it turns out his crush/interest in her is based on this one time she cheered him up when they were kids.

It's the knock-off coke lite version of Even if you cry.
Can we talk for a sec about how there's no sense of time in the story or at least the art? She wakes the cunt up in the >morning< only for the next page for it to be dark out again??

The author knew what they were doing by literally making her able to fullfill her own wishes. That's such a mc power to have and ofc her wishes will come true this is a shoujo fantasy/rofan.

somnia is reading


  • Author:
  • Genres: Shoujo / Fantasy / Webtoons

FL transmigrates into a noble lady character, experiencing the classic transmigration into a rofan novel cliche, only she doesn't know which one by virtue of having read too many and is desperately looking forward to making her rofan fantasies happen.

Starts of kinda silly, honestly it's very embarrassing with how FL is constantly seeking some kinda role or romance to experience and failing miserably BUT it's only for a bit at the start. This gets really funny and also has some legit plot, this feels lowkey fresh too. Normally I can vaguely tell which direction this type of story will go in, but I have no idea here.
Also also, it's really meta in a way. Like, (SPOILERS) she apparently has the power to make her wishes come true by virtue of being the mc, and yes true she literally is the mc.

somnia created a topic of William in the Closet

My drama-loving ass is anticipating that Hunter's just not gonna bring up the tickets and not invite her, creating a rift between them when conviniently William makes a come-back.

Ngl I'm a bit iffy about shipping mc because like, just how much older is she? If they're all 16 and she's a working adult she gotta be at least 20, no? idk mannn

Bless their shennanigans, they quell the anger I feel towards that Barat bitch of a mother.

somnia answered question about being single
I didn't read half of that but let's just say this: It's ok to be single at your age, you don't need to look at what other people say or want or do. Just go with the flow, you got time sis. Same goes for when you're in a relationship, take your time and don't let your expectations ruin the moment.

Let me guess, now that the saint ain't all that anymore lil mister crown prince wants his ex-fiance back so she can problem-solve for him or even worse, be framed for defaming the saint (again) to save their asses.