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FL for sure feels a bit too op sometimes, but I feel like it's covered up and explained well. She's no annoying too-perfect Mary Sue, but what I lovingly refer to as the V for Vendetta of shoujo. A FL who can unapologetically slay through the story because of deeply emotional origins and/or convictions that resonate with the audience (most of the time it's vengeance)- which was done well here imo, for now.

I hate her, but at the same time I can't help respecting her for how focused she is on chasing after what she wants at any cost.
But ngl, if her father wasn't such a slimey shithead himself the Empress would've looked way uglier this chapter.

The Emperor didn't want an Empress, he wanted a trophy wife and treats her like one.

I also have the feeling that the former Empress might've asked for something not so innocent from the Duchess on her death bed, that fueled the Duchess' rage. Something of an act on my behalf kind of request. "I love the Emperor even in death and/or want my son on the throne, so keep away the hoes" or a more innocent "protect their legacy (bc my hubby is dumb af)" could be it too, either way-

it'd be kinda funny if both of them fell in love with each other instead, as their villainous plans keep getting repelled by FL's giga chad luck.

I'll read the novel but my theory for now is that the witch switched their souls bc either she was jealous of mc or needed to become queen for much more sinister plans. If they look identical, I also think they may actually be twins or related by blood in some way or another. The witch was either taken away or abandoned as a child for whatever reason, which is why she grew up poor, meanwhile her sister was able to grow up as a spoiled princess, leading to ugly feelings that motivated the soul-switcheroo.

The mom really be giving that "There was always something wrong with this child"-monologue that you see in serial killer interviews with their family.
She's allowed to feel this disconnect, but bfr and try to do something at least. She for sure must've known how isolated Serena was, yet she did nothing but make dumbass comments. She spams Rosemary with the motherly affection she wasn't able to give Serena in a bit to reassure herself of being a good mother. Meanwhile Rosemary is never properly disciplined and forced to face reality, so she doesn't have the chance to mature and face herself.

somnia created a topic of Dirty High

To me the uke is lowkey refreshing bc I barely know any bottoms, whether they're twinks or beefy boys, that are this proactive and persue their ML like that.
What the uke did was basically sexual assault but I think it just works for the characters, idk tbh. Seme's phobia is holding him back, plus he seems like a very reserved principled person- he's already doing therapy too, so perhaps the uke is that last push he needs to change. And what better way to be pushy than toilet sex? lmao
Their characters just clash with each other in a way that doesn't feel toxic to me.

In my defense, it is almost 4am where I live rn and I might change my mind after some sleep, but atm it doesn't feel all too criminal.

somnia created a topic of Always a Catch

This type of headstrong and over the top confident/passionate personality is my guilty pleasure, but the prince needs to take it back for a min there-

Nah, NAH MAN- please don't tell me the 1st prince will try to rizz up Loraine, HIS OWN COUSIN? His look and comment about her being the opposite of Firentia doesn't sit right with me, or maybe he'll try to use her in some other way- either way bro's dense af for seizing up the girlies when he's got other things to worry about.

The Emperor being so okay with his sister getting involved in everything is such a red flag. At first I thought, ok she must have a lot of influence so even the Emperor has to take care, but no, the Emperor is just too meek to do anything. His sis, who left the palace, got her own kid and everything, is still sitting up there with him on the throne as if they're ruling together; or even worse as if she's the one who truly rules over the palace. Eres has all the connections for a great multi-national banquet that honestly felt much more grand than the Emperor's own birthday banquet. Almost all the staff we've seen so far follow her rule and order. The Emperor is useless if not complacent.

Empress x Peresa won't sail, but perhaps Duchess Eres x former Empress is/was a thing? Her being THAT nutty over her death has to be bc she loved her, like the super tragic queer kind of way.
I won't accept any other reason. Don't you dare hit me with that "and they were friends" bs, istg.

Honestly, there's lesbians all over this story. Peresa and the Empress were a fake-out, well, then the duchess showed up, now we got another knight oozing butch lesbian energy with an unrequired crush on her crown princess.

If this story dodges out of any queer representation in this S A T U R A T E D landmine of hot women with questionably strong admiration for their fellow women, I WILL riot. I will manifest my reincarnation into this damn story to DRAG EVERYBODY OUT OF THEIR CLOSET.

Listen, quick reality check:
People are complaining bc let's be normal for a second and realize this shit is far beyond any vanilla boundaries. I'm so sorry m'lord, these broke ass fujoshis aren't depraved enough to enjoy all your fucked up fetishes, the world is truly unfair. Let me send you flowers of evil as consolation.
Just accept that you're a horny lil hoe that can nut to anything, and move on. Stop trying to defend yourselves like that, you're speed-running exposing yourself as a total weirdo. No you're not a criminal, but don't act like the bigger person with people who're UNDERSTANDABLY turned off.

That was hot but my trust issues are coming through- wtf will the Empress do when she hears of this?

Going in with that sus the-rock-style raised eyebrow but thank god it's just wholesome all the way. It's giving like, just a cute kid having his first impossible crush vibe. Like in a few years Tanaka will bring up the memory and the grown kid's just gonna go "oh lord, please don't, I was so cringe".

The noncommunication is killing me here. Nvm the quirky shy uke who's going through it rn, but the seme has no business being this hot and cold out of nowhere. He's lowkey gives me mean girls vibes. I'm pretty sure he wants to blend in more. Bc uke is that one weird kid who's kinda self-absorbed he's trying to distance himself from him. At the same time he actually does really like uke, in the possessive gay way that is, but bc he's a pussy he can't face his friends and/or uke head on. I hope that's it at least, my other theory would be that the seme's just being kind out of pity while actually not giving much of a damn towards uke, bc he's just that ???.

somnia is reading

I am the youngest princess, abandoned in the Imperial Palace at the age of ten.The royal family, no ...

  • Author: Baek chung-myung/gomgom
  • Genres: Webtoons / Drama / Fantasy / Romance / Shoujo / Tragedy

So, FL is abused as a child bc she didn't inherit her special princess star powers. She's abandoned during a rebellion, survives away from the shitty imperial family, but reunited with them after they got the throne back years later. That's where all the interesting drama starts. They only searched for and found her in the first place bc the stars brought down their wrath on the palace. She comes back and can finally speak with the stars, yippie.
The father wants to exploit her, brother wants to undermine her, sister is crazy jealous, and mother is gaslighting her own guilt away. Their bs is what keeps the plot moving, or more so keeps it stuck in this princess arc. The main juice is in all this drama and why would the author let all that go, despite FL having all the needed resources to do whatever the fuck she wants? She actually has so much power over her family but refuses to use it against them bc she's that good of a person or whatever. Ngl FL is very much a Mary Sue. She struggles but that struggle only exists to underline how good she is, to pretend like she had character development when her values and outlook on life never really changed, after 80+ chapters ffs.
Don't get me started on the love interests. ML is mid, cute but writing-wise very boring, meanwhile the 2nd ML is like a snake who'll lie through his teeth to get what he wants. Passionate but manipulative and not trustworthy.
I'm here for the drama, but otherwise the story's structurally fucked ngl.

So, I'm gonna call it now and say that this mess is not even gonna be really resolved bc the Duke will intercept the whole spiel and wisk MC away, saying smth like how he belongs to him or whatever. I hate that, would be so disappointing, but I can smell it coming. He's supposed to be one of the main guys, so there's no way he'll be the only one left out of this drama.

Anyway, gonna complain again. This bland toxic stereotype of a black-haired duke no one asked for, feels so irrelevant to the story. The vibes are just off with him. All he does is force himself on MC. I feel you can't even call it hot or play it up as sexual tension bc he's being that pushy with it, he raped him ffs.
MC clearly refusing that kinda relationship 24/7 doesn't help either. If MC is gonna be "persued" like that then at least make him a lil more okay with it, homie is in denial 24/7; but mf you can't run from the yaoi tag.
He's supposed to be this wanna-be sexy man edge lord but just comes off like a wealthy basement dweller to me. Like, go touch grass and learn how people socialize you fucking weirdo. He stinky fr.

The story feels a bit wonky here and there mostly bc of the translations, still entertaining tho- but shut up for a second, this whole lore about the sword magics and the 1st emperor "waker" seems so sus.
If this flower is inheritly meant to heal then aren't it and the emo sword powers two sides of the same coin? In any case, what if the first waker-maker guy made up the whole thing about them fighting and playing the peace-maker? Or even worse, lit the fire that started their feud to begin with, to stop two powerful families from merging, to underline and safekeep the authority of the Imperial family and their church?

It could also be that FL is just a wild card, but I'll lowkey be disappointed by that.