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Geek Goddess created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Telling yall now....this is a rant.

TL/DR: Everybody can get slapped in this chapter. Especially the Dad until further notice.

This....this is just wrong. I mean, Tak is an ass and he deserved getting his ass beat, but to get beaten bc he came out as liking another man? His father beat his ass and his mother was asking the brother to do something, while the brother stood there laughing. I get it. Conservative household. I come from a conservative and RELIGIOUS-to-the-max type of household. Its the main reason I dont talk about/be honest about my pansexuality and never will and Im fine with that. Its my choice. But I cant stand seeing something like this. Lost respect for the father for now. Dont care how handsome he is.

And Sanho??? You wanted him to be honest about his feelings and your relationship. Now that he is, youre acting all brand new and weird and shit. YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED!!! But youre still yelling?? Even if Tak's confession was surprising and shocking to the point where you had to question if you were in the Twilight Zone. THIS. Is. What. You. Wanted. And. Have. Been. Waiting. For.

Like....I wanted to slap everybody in this chapter. Even the mom. Dont care how conservative of a household we live in, you, as my husband, are not about to beat my child. You want someone to beat on? Fine, beat me. But my CHILD? Yeah, go ahead. Youll wake up with a knife to the throat later on that night. I cant have children bc of an illness, but I found out early on in life that Id be a psycho Mama Bear. I would go hard for my kids. So....its probably for the best I cant have them.

Anyway, yep. Everybody can get slapped in this chapter.

Im holding on guys, but Im honestly just here, waiting for the Boss's sidestory now.

I really, really love this story. This is my 3rd time reading it. Its so fluffy and wholesome that it gives me a cavity every time I read it. :-)) Some people may find this story boring and want more action or drama. It is indeed slow paced and there IS a LOT of "action"...*ahem*...depending on what type of "action" you like ;-p And there is a little bit of drama, but nothing too dramatic.

Like I said to another commenter: some people may get it twisted bc its a Yakuza story, with a full on Yakuza Family(ies), so those people are expecting fighting, killing, possible sexual assault/rape (because there is a lot of that in BL Yakuza stories.....actually there is a lotta sexual assault/rape in a lotta BL stories period), kidnapping, etc. There is a little of that in this story, but its mainly a wholesome, fluffy-wuffy story. Its cute, really it is.

And I love Uno. He's such a sweet cinnaroll. And Ryo is a green flag...if you ignore is obsessive and possessive sides lol. You have to read the story to understand even those sides of him arent even all that bad, compared to the Yaoi, Yuri, and Het stories that a lot of us have read Im sure. I love how the family and Ryo fights over who gets to hug or sit next to Uno or who loves him more. :-))

Geek Goddess created a topic of Please Don't Eat Me

The art is throwing me off at times. The two siblings are cute. Ertha is okay. The Duke....its annoying bc in one scene, he looks handsome, but then in the scene right after that, he looks....unique. Im not gonna say ugly. Im just gonna say....unique. I wish the author/illustrator would make up their mind. Is he gonna be handsome or is he gonna be ugly?? And the sharp nose. Jesus Bartholomew Christ. When they kiss, Im afraid he might hurt the poor girl with that sharp ass nose. Man looks like a goddamned swordfish.

Im only on Chapter 38. Ill keep reading I guess. Ill try to see this through 'til the end. But before I go...that Kayla lady? I wish tf she would hit my baby siblings like that. Id shove that stick far up her asshole WHERE IT BELONGS bc apparently thats how shes a bitch with a stick up her ass.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Under the Green Light

That yellow hat is the biggest dumbass of all dumbasses. Yeah, just start talking about that shit in public where people can hear. And guess who heard it? Your worst nightmare. Lmaooo Wish Matthew would have told him that he GAVE UP the spot so the only reason Dumbass could get it was for that reason.

Meh, but if Jin kicks his ass good enough, Dumbass can kiss that spot goodbye. Oh well.

Lyle's strength ain't no joke. And for some reason, the way he picked up that big, tall cutie patootie cinna'roll was cute AND sexy at the same time.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Geolson's Past

This is like Silent Lover 1 and 2 where as the Seme claims to love the Uke but tortures them physically, mentally, and emotionally and of course down the line, they end up together. I had high hopes for this, but when Seme started acting like a shit stain of a bull again, I lost my hope. I honestly was hoping Uke would kill himself. I know that's bad of me to say guys and you can call me a horrible person. Right now, he has his grandfather and Kitae to think about, but if he didn't have them, then honestly....he would be better off dead than in this situation.

Y'all know what I was thinking too? If I was Uke, I would've tried to make negotiations of asking for more money. Like waaaaay more money. And if it was granted, I would have moved me and my grandfather to somewhere close by and try to talk to Kitae--maybe get an apartment big enough for all three of us. Put a little in savings--and that's hoping I have steady income and a job. And then split it up as much as I can and give the rest to the neighbors. Even if it's a little that everyone can have. Then, I would never have anything to do with Seme ever again.

But that's of course if things went how I said above. It would have to be millions of dollars and every single thing would have to fall into the right places. Worse case scenario, at least get enough money to get me, my grandfather, and kitae out. I know it'll be bad bc Kitae is leading the protests and those neighbors have no other place to go.

This is a horrible situation no matter the outcome. For everyone involved. Except the Seme, of course. The author could've gone several ways with this, but they chose this way. I'm honestly disappointed in the story and especially in the Seme. I'm disappointed and disgusted. I'm gonna keep reading (probably let the chapters build up so that I can skip around) this, only for the Uke and nobody else. It sounds strange, but I feel like I owe to him to keep reading and see his outcome.

1) It's been so long since I've read season one, but have we met Doontaek and all those others before? Or did we just meet them in this season? When they were at the airport, it felt like I should've known them. of those situations where you meet a person that you're pretty sure you know and have met before, but you have no idea where and don't remember/recognize not even an eyelash about them, however you smile anyway and say, "Great to see you again!", though in your head you're saying, "Who the fuuuuuuck is this person??"

2) I'm enjoying season two so much and it's only two handfuls of episodes in. I think I'm enjoying it more than season one. :-))

3) WHY do I like "Gwanny" so much??? Her hands are swift to smack ya upside the head....and then make sure you have a full stomach before you go to bed. And "Gwandpa" is punching the air right now bc he can't see Toma. Lmaoo

4) Sooooo I feel like collectively, we're all just gonna forget that Daiki has that abomination on his ass and leg, right? Have we seen it since then?? I feel like even the author wishes to forget about it bc I haven't seen it in so long. Or maybe it's in every chapter but my mind has blocked it out....

Gosh, this made my heart flutter so much. The art is some of the most beautiful I've seen. The story is so incredible so far that it makes me want to cry. It really pulled up a lot of emotions inside me that I almost stopped reading and took a break, but I kept on bc I couldnt stop.

Does anyone know of anymore stories like this centered on MCs or MLs (even het stories) that or deaf or have any type of disability--whether it's physical or mental?

I honestly didn't know the second d season was being posted. Every time I got a notif, I kept thinking it was the Officials for the first season. Plus, when the story was first posted here, some of us didn't know if it was finished or if it will be a second season/updated. I'm glad to see there is and it was.

I have to say though....I see Toma is still being drawn in 4 different sizes/heights, huh?

Geek Goddess created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare



I'm with Zen, man. Al is gorgeous and when he took off his mask, I swear I could've cum my damn self (let's just say I forgot he was on the cover bc I wasnt paying attention to it so, it was like I saw him for the first time). Anyway, that whole scene was HOT. As in Nerd-Project-Andrew-kissing-and-touching-Lucas hot.

Hey, Translator-Uploader? I love you so much. I can't thank you enough for continuing this. *kneels and bows head*

I haven't read this yet, but somebody let me know: is this like Everlasting Love? From the summary, it seems the same just in Omegaverse. Then again, a lotta manhua and novel-to-manhua plots are the same.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

Thank you so much for updating this. You are the best! We've all been wanting this updated for so long and you came gifting us with chapters. I know everyone feels the same way when I say we can't thank you enough!

Geek Goddess created a topic of Nerd Project

I have to say that Andrew and Luke are the Number 1 Sexiest Yaoi Couple of 2024. From the SL, to their individual personalities & style, to their looks, down to the way they touch and kiss each is unreal. I mean we've come across some really handsome and sexy MCs & MLs, but these two?? These two are so steamy that all the windows in my house fog up when I read their intimate scenes....even when I'm reading somewhere in public, the windows in my house still fog up Jesus Harrison Quincy Bartholomew Christ, I just CANT with these two sexy ass men! *Le Faints*

Geek Goddess created a topic of Raising Beta

When stuff started being explained in the last chapter, I swear to y'all I said, "Please don't tell me he did something to the parents." I love obsession stories, but his obsession is so fucked up that it's well passed the line of psychotic. And at the very end of the last chapter, when he looked at the picture of the parents and Yoo-il, heart didn't drop to my stomach. It didn't drop to my feet. My heart dropped to Hell. I honestly wish there was more. Maybe to see the baby and for Yoo-il to find out what Hwan did and leave. But, that won't happen and I'm left with what we all are thinking and that is, "For the love of all things yaoi, what in the HELL did I just read??"

Geek Goddess created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I'm actually glad this happened. Chunwoo was a piece of shit and the fact that he admitted it, acknowledged it, and is finally coming to terms with what he had done...I mean....not many ppl IRL can do what he's doing right now. I gotta Ex who--after we broke up two years ago--still swears up and down and believes he didn't cheat on me with his female cousin and his former high school classmate even though I have a video proof of one and caught him in the act with the other, respectfully. He was drunk and high both times.

BUT I DIGRESS...... I'm so glad Chunwoo's break down happened. He needed this and Ho-In needed it too. I'm hoping this allows Chunwoo to move on and catch up with Ho-In, as far as happiness in their relationship goes. Great job Author! :-)

I will say that I agree with another commenter when I say I did kinda wanna see a switch tho. Heehee. :-D I wanted to see Chunwoo top so bad, but this is good too! We needed this. Maybe we'll get some side chappies with Woojin and Choi Yitae (I think that's his name). If not...then....whatever. At this point, I'm just glad it's still ongoing. I'm missing Full Volume, Miscreants & Mayhem (and some others I can't think of), and I want Hard Boiled Love aka Ang Ang to hurry up and come back.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Silent Lover

*.....and SCREEEEEAMS* Ahem. Anyway.

I had to stop reading the novel. I gave a spoiler I think last month or so about what happens next. I'll give a shorter version of what I said.

I'm glad the manhua was brisk with the torture scene. It was worse than what we saw. And i was scared reading the chapters today but im glad they did show everything. But after this, Liqing is done with the ML. Well....for the time being. We know they'll probably end up together. But when the Asshole realizes from his Father about everything, he's gonna see he was wrong and Liqing was telling the truth and the yellow whore was the one that did everything. Liqing did "confess" but that was only to save his family whom the ML threatened and arrested too.

The Emperor wakes up and like I said told the ML how stupid he was and that Liqing wasnt the one who did all of this. Liqing's background is as the whore said but the Emperor and the General (Liqing's dad) already knew. The Emperor decided that it wasn't a baby's fault what family he was born into so he allowed the General to adopt Liqing and gave him a new life. After the truth comes out, the ML will apologize and tell Liqing to forgive him and the torture and told him to love him again. Liqing will pretend he does and that everything is okay between them, but his eyes are different. His smile is no longer there. The ML sees this, but ignores it bc Liqing said he forgives him and they love each other now so all is good.

When ML leaves for morning meeting with the Emperor and court officials, Liqing will burn all his own personal belongings, especially anything the ML gave him. The trinket with both their locks of hair when they were children even. So there's nothing of his left. No trace of him anywhere. Just the MLs things. Then he will go to the Emperor with his father and request divorce from ML. ML will be furious and start spewing shit like "I thought you forgave me! You can't leave with my brand on you!" Liqing with his crippled fingers, will cut off his skin where the brand is and throw it to the ground in front of ML and then he is granted divorce and leaves. While he's leaving, ML goes "You can't leave me. I'll leave you! I'm throwing YOU away. You're not throwing ME away! You can never come back here again! You'll never ever be with me again!" Liqing throws us the deuces and leaves. The Emperor tells ML how much of a fucking idiot he is and that he lost the best thing that's happened to him, all for the loose booty hole of a slave/prostitute/prince from the country you defeated. You made your bed. Now lie in it.

And that's basically where I stopped. I'll continue to read but the torture scene and MLs mistakes and then the way he swept everything under the rug after Liqing was found innocent pissed me off to no end. I was SHAKING after all of that.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Double Trap

*quick thinking*

Me: Uhhhh...that's a negative. Don't order the Onion Quiche btw......

Would that work guys?

Geek Goddess created a topic of Nerd Project

Please...does anybody know of another webtoon/manhwa/manga where there's a lot of sensual touching and kissing like Andrew does with Luke?? I can't even think of any bc my brain is malfunctioning right now from overload. Their touching and kisses are always so freaking hot. I can't deal with it.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Stranger Than Friends


So, Number 1 - Never realized just how handsome Tak was until I saw his brother. Im assuming they're not twins, yet they look exactly alike so, somebody please tell me how is it that the Hyung is more handsome than Tak?? Is it that whole thing where one twin might look better than the other one?? Such as Tia looks better than Tamera even though both are beautiful.

And Number 2 - We all know what's gonna happen or we can figure it out, but I actually want Tak to realize his feelings, but it's too late and Sanho moves on. Sure, opposites attract, but Tak's delusion is on another level. His delusion is delusional. Sanho is too sensitive, wears his heart on his sleeves, and is too much of a cinna-roll to be with someone as gruff and overly logical like Tak.

Geek Goddess created a topic of Steel Under Silk

So, I get the Wife. Her flesh and blood is being overshadowed by her husband's son, who is a product of infidelity. But where she messed up at was taking it out on Hye-Rang. If your son is second best, killing his half-brother (who is better) won't make your son the best. He'll still be second, except there wouldn't be anyone in the front of him.

What she should've done was direct her anger and anxiety towards her husband. He's the one who had an affair with a Kisaeng (did I say that right??). Hye-Rang didn't ask to be born. He didn't ask to go with his father and become a part of the household. He studied and participated in things bc his mother asked him to be happy and live a better life. It's also not his fault that he's smarter and better than his half-brother. I feel sorry for the kid and I get it, but's not Hye-Rang's fault.

And to appease the household and the anxiety of his scared wife and second-best son, the father sent Hye-Rang to battle. And at a young age at that. That boy wasn't fighting for the country or the Emperor or the people. He was fighting for his own life and his safety and will forever be battle hardened and scarred. How horrible is that?? He was forced to become a "rabid dog of the Emperor" all because he was TOO smart and TOO good at things--again NOT HIS FAULT.

I am so glad we are starting to get into the meat of things--the "nitty gritty" (do people even still say that these days? I cant keep up with y'all youngsters). And I'm starting to understand Hye-Rang and who he was and had to become. I hope we get more of his backstory and moments like this with him and our MC. This has truly become one of my favorite stories.