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Yesi October 21, 2023 6:47 am

There goes Yawhi again, doing stuff without Jooin’s consent

Yesi October 7, 2023 8:37 pm

I hate how they downplay Yuri’s toxicity as a joke. This story had been so emotionally grounded in acceptance and a “found family” type of trope, and then the side stories took a comedy route… I get that Yuri has a bit of trauma from Teacher leaving so he’s not being purposely manipulative by begging him to stay but to call his lover a slut knowing the reason why he felt the need to sleep around is distasteful.

    Manaacass October 8, 2023 12:13 am

    I dont feel it like a joke, more like there’s kind of people for everyone, and a toxic guy was perfect for seonwoo.

    Yesi October 8, 2023 12:59 am
    I dont feel it like a joke, more like there’s kind of people for everyone, and a toxic guy was perfect for seonwoo. Manaacass

    I agree, he needed someone pushy to get him to talk about his wants and needs, but I’m hung up on that slut comment lmfao. I felt like it was getting played as joke by the reactions of Yuri’s friends

    Sugakookie October 8, 2023 4:12 am

    Totally agree

Yesi September 18, 2023 11:21 pm

I wish Nakwon never would have raped Mokhwa. It’s good that the pacing of the story is slow but rape is such a hard thing to get over, especially the kind shown here where Nakwon took advantage of someone who he knew could only sit there and take it, not able to fight back at all. And that small detail of Mokhwa indirectly revealing that he was also raped in prison made what Nakwon did 10x worse. I’m glad the story addresses the rape as bad but I wish it was never apart of it to begin with. A bit of threatening and beating up would have been enough to kick start the story to show their dynamic

Yesi September 14, 2023 11:42 pm

I can’t get over the fact black-hair MC was sex friends with purple-hair ML and then they had a threesome with blonde-hair ML and blondie is just okay hanging around his bf’s ex fwb? AND THEN they all decide to go on a trip with red-hair MC who is completely in the dark about what his brothers bf use to do with his bf and what the three of them did together??? I would’ve preferred if we didn’t get this side story with the four of them

    H€<@+ㅌ September 14, 2023 11:49 pm

    There are actually that kind of situation where its pretty normal. Maybe youre just not exposed or aware on that kind of things or pretty much romanticizing everything making big deal of everything in rs

    Yesi September 15, 2023 12:00 am
    There are actually that kind of situation where its pretty normal. Maybe youre just not exposed or aware on that kind of things or pretty much romanticizing everything making big deal of everything in rs H€<@+ㅌ

    Sure, in porn

    ??? September 21, 2023 12:53 am
    Sure, in porn Yesi


    sleeplessmania September 21, 2023 6:49 am

    Same! Equally weird that our lil red has to deal wirh this new guy that clearly shares a history with his bf. Like. It's fcking weird all around and I wouldn't be able to stomach the thought of any of this IRL. Fiction takes a certain degree of numbness for the most odd things.

    nunyabusiness October 3, 2023 10:27 pm

    i didn’t even think about that yeah it’s pretty weird. like if they all know then it’s fine but red head doesn’t know abt the lil 3p thing

    Titanium1 October 10, 2023 2:24 am

    I was searching for a comment like but firstly I don't think woojin had sex with sol before that guy needed a manual to k how to stretch his hole

    What icked me at first was why sol is there with two guys one is his friend to help them get together (both clearly aren't incompatible) having to touch his friend everywhere, kiss him n make woojin give him a fellatio, while clearly that doesn't help them at all but I guess it's just a hot fantasy the author was eager for - jaeho had no problem too I guess-

    Second part was how he was happy how jeaho was barely legal age n how he resembled woojin so now he gets a new plaything, there's also the 11 yrs age gap I don't normally hate this as I like older people n ma parents has 10 yrs age gap but with sol I kept tryin' not to think 'bout it but he was givin' me a major pedo vibes

    Third we already k he didn't pursue jaeho with good intentions from the start so it made me hate how he was playing with someone barely legal for his amusement n now there's also this guy who I'd assume would have sex occasionally with sol before but now trying everything as I'd assume can't have sol's huge dick be not available anymore n there's an older lover who think it was a good idea to spend time with his cute 11yrs younger lover in a place with his clingy ex-fwb n that older lover doesn't try to put a stop for it from the start

    Lastly, there's this funny logic of kissin' here one is sol how he didn't kiss jaeho even after he was serious but did everything else- one would assume he doesn't kiss someone who's not his lover- but then boom no he did kiss someone didn't he (woojin). On the other hand there's woojin who kisses haeyool to prove his feelings n that he doesn't pity him also saying "I don't just kiss anyone" oh yeah then do u love ur possible ex-fwb no right?

    Clearly both sol n woojin have some weird logics but I'd say sol is a walking red flag the only thing I liked about him was his teddies I reached a point where I was like let's try not apply logic here n just enjoy the sex scene lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Titanium1 October 10, 2023 2:28 am
    I was searching for a comment like but firstly I don't think woojin had sex with sol before that guy needed a manual to k how to stretch his holeWhat icked me at first was why sol is there with two guys one is ... Titanium1

    *- not jaehoo i meant haeyool who had no problem in the first issue

Yesi September 10, 2023 7:27 am

I don’t get how people think Jooin is leading anyone on. He clearly told Cain he didn’t fully trust him and Cain said he was fine with that. And with Yawhi he still has his walls up, Yawhi kissed him this chapter not the other way around. Plus why are people so confused hes conflicted, who the fuck wouldn’t be after the guy who treated you like shit does a 180 and tries to act apologetic to then again dump a huge thing he’s been hiding that poor Jooin was completely in the dark about. Of course he’s frustrated, poor thing, he now has trust issues because of Yawhi. Someone in the comments said “Jooin can’t stay single” when it’s Cain and Yawhi PURSUING HIM. Jooin has already refused Yawhi, but he keeps coming back, and he put a line between him and Cain, but guess what, Cain keeps coming back. Man some people are just so close minded, makes me wonder if they’re so easily gaslit in irl

    Penis September 10, 2023 7:35 am

    Realest comment out here

    Sora September 10, 2023 7:44 am

    We need this comment at the top!!

    Just September 10, 2023 7:55 am

    Please preach

    Sweetheart September 10, 2023 8:24 am

    Man!! I totally agree with you! You took words from my mind exactly.

    Morely September 10, 2023 8:55 am

    Yes!! Finally someone said that!

    lev September 11, 2023 2:27 am


Yesi August 14, 2023 2:09 am

Awww the little girl and Yamadera both have daddy issues, that’s why they like our MC

Yesi July 28, 2023 3:11 am

Poor Jooin, he can’t fully bring himself to trust Cain because of everything Yawhi did. He loved Yawhi, so it’s hard to move on, and he probably still likes him, but he still try’s his best to put a distance between them regardless of his feelings. I also love that he isn’t trying to use Cain as a rebound, and was honest that he hasn’t fully trusted him yet. I don’t want him to end up with Yawhi :/

    Lala July 28, 2023 5:27 am

    You're correct... I wasn't thinking like this... he is trying to avoid yawhi and trying to open up to know more about the real Cain before starting a relationship. In order to not hurt him by using him as a rebound, and also to not get hurt by him by finding he is not who he was meant to be. Thx for your lighting

    Yesi July 28, 2023 6:16 am
    You're correct... I wasn't thinking like this... he is trying to avoid yawhi and trying to open up to know more about the real Cain before starting a relationship. In order to not hurt him by using him as a reb... Lala

    No prob Bob. Before the hiatus and even still now, I use to see a lot of hate for Jooin specifically because he ended up pulling away from Yawhi and sleeping with Cain. But it’s literally not his fault for not knowing Yawhi liked him when all Yawhi did was treat him like crap and never defended him. Yawhi expected Jooin to read his mind. And it wasn’t Jooin who insisted on sleeping together with Cain to soothe his broken heart, it was Cain who made the first move to comfort Jooin. That’s why I don’t understand Jooin haters : (

Yesi July 20, 2023 10:16 pm

I like Cain right now, tho it’s been a long time since the last update so I forgot a lot of things, but Yawhi expected Jooin to read his mind and treated Jooin awful. I never understood why Jooin had haters, he’s was sweet until he couldn’t take the disrespect anymore, and in this new chapter he’s very honest about not fully trusting Cain. See honesty: if Yawhi was honest about his feelings, he could still have Jooin, and if Cain isn’t honest, he’ll eventually lose Jooin.

However, something doesn’t sit right with me. In the past life snippet, Cain is a dog, while Jooin is his owner, and I’m sure the author will include Yawhi in the past life, probably as Jooins lover (or as a cat lmfao). Maybe Yawhi was also a bad lover in the past, while Cain had to watch his owner suffer. Also Cain is the biblical name of a person who killed his brother, so that’s very interesting, he’s definitely up to something, I hope he doesn’t hurt Jooin in the process.

    Ayy Fargoo July 20, 2023 11:24 pm

    "if Yawhi was honest about his feelings, he could still have Jooin, and if Cain isn’t honest, he’ll eventually lose Jooin."
    You sum it up perfectly also that be very interesting if Yahwi was in the past life too but he was indeed a bad lover. It be cool parallels in the story

Yesi July 17, 2023 4:02 pm

We all know Jaekyung is gonna get his redemption arc BUT I have a small theory/prediction that the chasing will begin after he obviously does something horrible and Dan finally wants to leave, however, this will be right before a huge match. Jaekyung will freak out and go anxious since his jinx requires him to sleep with someone before a match but Dan has had enough and won’t be at his disposal anymore. In the end, Jaekyung ends up winning this match without having to go through with his jinx. He at first is confident and is cocky at the fact that he has overcome his Jinx but Dan stays on his mind and he can’t comprehend why. He won’t immediately realize his feelings but this will be the beginning of the chasing arc (my theory lol).

But the chasing has to be TOP TIER. Like this mf has to do something incredible for Dan to even think of wavering. At least that’s what I hope, I hope Dan doesn’t push everything under the rug and actually does stand his ground unlike a certain character from Roses and champagne. *cough* Lee Won *cough*

    Purky July 17, 2023 5:03 pm

    The SHADE. Lmao frfr. Dan needs fr to atleast have 30 chapters of him being a chase for me to accept this

    No_more_drty_deeds July 18, 2023 9:06 pm

    This sounds exactly how it will be also he has to do something seriously bad because the stuff he has already done to Dan is already pretty long, I mean how much worse than Dan getting seriously wounded and sick does it have to get for him to leave

    Yesi July 18, 2023 9:46 pm
    This sounds exactly how it will be also he has to do something seriously bad because the stuff he has already done to Dan is already pretty long, I mean how much worse than Dan getting seriously wounded and sic... No_more_drty_deeds

    Well he’s indebted to Jaekyung cause he paid all his debt, so they’ll still have something tying them together even if Dan starts paying in cash rather than sex. I think it might be when his grandmother passes and Dan is probably out of it mentally, she’ll probably wish for him to be happy before she passes. And considering how much he’s paying will go down since he won’t have to pay the hospital anymore, he’ll have more leverage to leave Jaekyung. Just a prediction

    No_more_drty_deeds July 18, 2023 10:37 pm
    Well he’s indebted to Jaekyung cause he paid all his debt, so they’ll still have something tying them together even if Dan starts paying in cash rather than sex. I think it might be when his grandmother pas... Yesi

    Sounds reasonable if they want to go for really big drama they have the grandmother die right before or in the day of an important fight, Dan leaves before jaekyung can get his jinx sex. Dan comes back to apologize but jaekyung lost the fight and is super upset telling Dan to leave. Dan leaves and only after he leaves and jaekyung can’t win over his jinx is when he realizes that he loves/ needs him. Hopefully overcoming the jinx before then.

    Admittedly not very good writing but something plausible for this level of story

    Yesi July 18, 2023 11:07 pm
    Sounds reasonable if they want to go for really big drama they have the grandmother die right before or in the day of an important fight, Dan leaves before jaekyung can get his jinx sex. Dan comes back to apolo... No_more_drty_deeds

    Sounds really plausible, hm but Jaekyung seemed to be nice to the grandma so idk. Tho I don’t think the redemption would be satisfying, I mean after everything Jaekyung did and stuff we have still yet to see… ugh even with Bj Alex, the chasing was okay, and the ML in that story, tho crappy, is nowhere near as bad as Jaekyung. Out of everything so far, I think what takes the cake, was Jaekyung demanding sex the morning after witnessing Dan get beat and almost assaulted.

    I’m sure the author is gonna pull “Dan has a horrible life because he’s a wimp, Jaekyung is only mean to him so he can toughen up” at least that’s what I’ve heard Jaekyung fans say lol. Even if he wasn’t a wimp, he would’ve still had debt, his grandma would still be sick, he would’ve still gotten fired, and he would still be poor. But if the moral of the story really is to “toughen up” Jaekyung would be an antagonist and not a male lead

    No_more_drty_deeds July 19, 2023 12:26 am
    Sounds really plausible, hm but Jaekyung seemed to be nice to the grandma so idk. Tho I don’t think the redemption would be satisfying, I mean after everything Jaekyung did and stuff we have still yet to see�... Yesi

    “Toughen up” that’s such a weak excuse. And true he was actually nice to the grandma, I honestly thought that would be a turning point and then whoops chapter 28 just takes us right back.

    I left a comment before about the whole redemption thing. It’s always fun to read about assholes like in bj Alex get some kind of redemption or karma. However that can only be done if the actions before can somehow be excused and I feel like in this case it has just gone too far. Jaekyung can be written as an asshole without assaulting Dan on a daily basis. In my opinion the author has really written themselves into a corner by making jaekyung the way he is. Arrogant, steps over anyone and everyone, wins all the time, rich, never gets punished for treating people like sex toys and has seemingly zero empathy. For him to be get any type of redemption he would have to break his character pretty hard, to a point of it becoming unbelievable. Idk the artstyle and character design and the martial arts setting is really great and I’m just sad with the direction it was taken.

Yesi July 11, 2023 6:04 pm

I will forever be sad mc was impregnated against his will. And also, I find that the author/artist is really talented in drawing emotions like anxiety and depression. Some people get confused the way the panels play out, but I find it incredibly cool, it’s almost like you can hear the steam coming out of a boiling kettle get louder and louder. BUT then you have scenes like their first sex(r*pe) scene, where mc bleeds and it is made to be a comical moment. That was disgusting.

I have noticed in more recent bl’s the MC is made more aware and their pain and sadness is more emphasized and then you get a scene like the one I just mentioned where it’s “oh shit, it’s blood, *insert funny drawing of ML being confused*”.

I like reading redemption stories, and I can acknowledge the improvement the ML is making. But I find it so disturbing when there are people who see no wrong in ML’s like this before their redemption.

    Urwierdofujoshi July 12, 2023 7:55 am

    Wait what but I saw a dpoiler that he wasn't pregnant

    Urwierdofujoshi July 12, 2023 7:56 am
    Wait what but I saw a dpoiler that he wasn't pregnant Urwierdofujoshi

    I mean I still hate the seme...but if he was pregnant that would be awful

    JALLY July 12, 2023 12:47 pm
    I mean I still hate the seme...but if he was pregnant that would be awful Urwierdofujoshi

    Don’t you know how to fuck off if you hate smth? Dude is the main lead.

    skid marks July 12, 2023 12:58 pm
    Don’t you know how to fuck off if you hate smth? Dude is the main lead. JALLY

    jally we should make out right now

    JALLY July 12, 2023 1:06 pm
    jally we should make out right now skid marks

    Bros HELLA hard over my comments, damn why don’t you get yourself a fucking dildo haha, I bet you jerk off to people arguing everyday, that’s your kink?

    Urwierdofujoshi July 12, 2023 11:08 pm
    Don’t you know how to fuck off if you hate smth? Dude is the main lead. JALLY

    I never said I hated the story...I mean I'm not in love with the story but I like the main charecter...I'm still reading because
    1.i got this far so imma finish

    2. I really like the two brothers relationship it warms my heart...I hope the bro comes back (/TДT)/

    JALLY July 12, 2023 11:56 pm
    I never said I hated the story...I mean I'm not in love with the story but I like the main charecter...I'm still reading because 1.i got this far so imma finish2. I really like the two brothers relationship it ... Urwierdofujoshi

    Ok what you said was valid as fuck

    Urwierdofujoshi July 13, 2023 12:52 am
    Ok what you said was valid as fuck JALLY

    Lol thanks

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