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Experience page 50 (10422)

stannix 20 10,2023
my username is a combination of a couple internet aliases i have used over the years. i used stan because it was my cat’s name at the time (named him after the south park character) i have been using that alias ever since i was in elementary school and played roblox in the 2010s. the “nix” part is actually from a nickname my friends started c......   reply
20 10,2023
So maybe a year or 2 ago I typed ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ as a tag a now I see it everywhere and on mobile it just extends into the oblivion lol. Makes me click it half the time...   5 reply
20 10,2023
Normally, I wouldn't do this~, however public shaming should be brought back. This is that~! Maybe norms have alluded me. But this isn't okay~! Again, maybe norms have since left. But I shouldn't have to deal with this, and neither should anyone risk seeing this person~! So please block and report......   2 reply
19 10,2023
Can't believe they really said that   3 reply
19 10,2023
Shotacons and lolicons should just be honest with themselfs and admit theyre pedophiles. no normal mf reads storys of children getiing r4p3d and being in "relationship" with grown ass people, stop lying to youreself youre into shota/loli characters cuz they look and act like children. you are a pedo. and i personally think you should get help or di......   6 reply
18 10,2023
18 10,2023
about scared of
I just had a centipede crawl up to my arm while I was sleeping. the scary thing is that I wouldn't even notice that it was there if I didn't unconsciously touch my arm and have it accidentally grab it while it was curled. this is one of those things I'm fucking scared of: a bug/insect crawling up to me while I sleep. I threw it out of surprise,dis......   2 reply
18 10,2023
Sigh, today is yet another day where I feel fucking sorry for the LGBTQ hoes and bros in China... There's LITERALLY 14 MILLION STRAIGHT WOMEN MARRIED TO GAY MEN IN CHINA due to their family pressures and extremely toxic social situation. Wtf is up with Chi......   7 reply
18 10,2023
K-pop fans complimenting a non-Korean Asian artist without using the phrase "You look like *insert korean idols*" challenge:   3 reply
18 10,2023
I have dpdr and finally decided to get some help, I'm not going into detail as to why but all I'm going to say is my therapist is fine AF I MEAN THIS MF BUILT LIKE TOJI -but smaller, tbh I hate him and he doesn't help me at all with my issues,he makes it worse BUT THIS MF talks so sensually like it's not a joke, he was like "we can go fast or slow ......   reply
17 10,2023
17 10,2023
yo bro this is wild i think u need to seek medical attention or even a therapist…   reply
17 10,2023
Like I would imagine I’m some kind of YouTube commentator, when I’m doing something random I would just be imagining myself in a completely different scenario interacting with an audience. Or like I’d imagine myself talking about a work I’ve never created. I’d laugh and pretend like I’m in an interview about something. I started doing i......   1 reply
17 10,2023
17 10,2023
got the urge to show my goofy fanart of guts (ik I drew his ass too twinky)   8 reply
17 10,2023
about question
People can be so mean on here!!! ┗( T﹏T )┛A little bit of compassion plez.... #-.-)   3 reply
17 10,2023
One Piece fans explaining how the animation will get better after the 500th episode:   2 reply
17 10,2023
[DELETED] 17 10,2023
  3 reply
17 10,2023
It wasn't even that deep mate settle down   3 reply
16 10,2023
about question
16 10,2023
Another OC drawn! Except it's one of my friends OC!   reply
16 10,2023

People are doing

did read all the yaoi in the world

i did this and i learned one thing.... yaoi authors need anti psychotics.

10 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

we went from wlw to mlm <3 then to besties lol

16 hours
want to do question

Guys, what do you think , if your male partner cries out of pleasure , while he's pleasuring you. Is it a turnoff ?

1 days

Search thing


What is a 'thing'?

'Things' are your daily life experiences by which you get to know the world around you. Tell others about the things you did, may it be cool, sad, crazy or funny. You can also find things that you might want to do and a friend to do it with!

In all the things that you have done
Recommend the most worthwhile thing