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Wait…in the past life Caesars mom may have killed the queen with poison but because of what recently happened she chose not to do it. But because of the “changes” the fl caused the other kingdom decided to get revenge by killing the queen?? And now Caesars mom is the perfect scapegoat cuz of fl knowing the past life knowledge and using that to make sure the king is backed into a corner and forced him to punish her. They find the maid dead, they can just said she was tying up loose ends or whatever. Then at the end is the queen still just gonna end up dying anyway?? Does the other king just get revenge and none be the wiser like damn. Honestly she should have expected this or been cautious towards that kingdom I feel like. Like ik her name wasn’t talk about and her name was excluded but like she has no idea what that girl said once she got home. Fls kingdom basically threatened, spread rumors killed a duke etc to that kingdoms king and what thought he was just gonna let it go? And what are the adults doing honestly

Yanixi created a topic of Kidnapped Bride

Oh so now all of a sudden this mf can use his holy power? But couldn’t use it when that bitch was storming the capital, took his daughter hostage and took his grandchild all while he just stood there and let her walk pass him
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Uk what I saw the art and thought damn they cooking! And then the dark emperor damn THEY REALLY COOKING He so HOT…but uk what they decided to do ( ̄へ ̄)not make one single child look like the emperor, come on now. The disappointment I felt, just one only one, u got like what 4 or 5 I think idk I’m on chapter 2 man can’t even have one that looks like the emperor sad

Yanixi created a topic of Sam Plays the Game

To the person who is uploading, I hope ur milk is spoiled

Yanixi created a topic of My Glow Up Story

So she’s a user…sigh I don’t think she’d even be friends with her if she didn’t babysit for free ngl

Yanixi created a topic of The Tale of Oshin

Bitch really mad cuz he didn’t make her his queen ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Yanixi created a topic of Eleceed

No shot kayden basically sent her a love letter then tried to kill her XD

Yanixi created a topic of Princess Shuden

I honestly don’t even think what the red head girl said was that bad I get what mom is trying to do but locking her away/ sending her away for weeks obviously isn’t working. Especially just for fl cuz u made promises to fl like listen to ur daughter a bit more, mom didn’t even wanna hear the story about how she got the invite. Also she basically said I came in place in of my mother cuz she wasn’t feeling up to it oki, red head girl wasn’t causing no trouble, wasn’t even speaking till fl pointed her out then she said one syllable and everyone else decided they needed to talk over her. And fl really sent someone to snitch to her mama
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ I don’t think she’s that bad she’s a lil brat yea but like as far as villainess goes no if that’s what they are trying to paint her as. I’d be more worried about the brother

Yanixi created a topic of The Mistress Runs Away

Idc if she’s alone the rest of her life if the duke dies I don’t want her with Cedric. I’m a hater of Cedric I’ve said it time and time again and I’ll say it again! Why are they leaving the fact that he knows the dukes ex fiancé?? Is related to her?? Knows they look alike it’s what attracted him to fl in the first place, and this is STILL UNKNOWN TO HER EVEN WHEN THEY BASICALLY HAD A FREAKING WEDDING? Even when they was about to get on a boat before the explosion?? Everyone wants her to be with the 2nd ml but do y’all not find this weird?? She literally had insecurities about this cuz old dude used her and the dead ex fiancé likeness to fuck with her I’m pretty sure that old dude ( that got fired) the guys dad that just blew shit up if I’m not mistaken. Not to mention the duke NEVER cared for the dead ex fiancé she died very early he probably didn’t really even know her BUT Cedric knew knew her, that’s his niece( again it could be a mistranslation from the translation team(⊙…⊙ ) could be his friend”???) but still he freaking knew her bro. This is the only reason I’ve kept reading is to find out if dude was gonna tell her and it hasn’t not popped up once I feel like when Cedric first came to the house and he met the duke, the duke may have hinted at it a bit?? But like that was it. It hasn’t not been bought up at all. I’d rather she be alone then Cedric. I’ll die on this hill idc how nice he is or pretends to be

Yanixi created a topic of Solo Leveling

Yep still dislike the blonde

Elizabeth is so pretty like I’m more then fine with her being a lil psychotic
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ atm she is the only thing that’s keeping me reading this. I wanna see her reaction and whatever storyline they got planned out for her. I also hope she doesn’t die. While the fl and ml are just gonna do the run and chase, scandalous Affair, pregnancy, redemption arc usual stuff I’m not that interested in. Pretty sure fl is probably gonna end up being related to the royal family in some way as well like that can’t be seen from a mile away

Yanixi created a topic of The Tale of Oshin

The time line of events is fucked up I need ages. Cuz like how even
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) did the white hair ml go back in time or something?? Cuz fl is definitely like at least 15-18 in the last recent chapter she’s in her home being locked away or whatever, he’s 13 atm possibly?? When he came to marry pick her up and marry her in the future he was full grown man, how did she not recognize him in the first place? how many young boys she done met with white hair? I really thought that was the mom.

DONT U DARE GIVE HIM HOPE! Don’t force him to be a second male lead
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ my king ╥﹏╥

Yanixi created a topic of My Glow Up Story

So the guy just gets away with cheating on his fiancé? And the black haired guy nothing happens to him?
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Yanixi created a topic of The Mistress Runs Away

I still can’t rap my head around the fact that fl still doesn’t know the blonde guy has a connection to the female that the duke was supposed to marry but didn’t cuz she die. That’s his niece! Maybe it was a mistranslation and it was his friend and he had feelings for her. idk it’s weird, they have yet to bring it up to have her be informed about it. He’s so intent on marrying her but is leaving out that piece of info like no that’s sus either way. I will die on this hill (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Yanixi created a topic of Eleceed

I just don’t need for them to make her a love interest for the mc nor to kill her off! THATS IT PLZ!!

I really wonder if there’s gonna be a plot twist where the blue hair chick is an enemy. Idk why I just don’t completely trust her Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

I just don’t feel like reading more of this, I just need to know Does MC ever reunite with his master? The succubus, if so how and if not why doesn’t he?

Yanixi created a topic of Selena

I’m really gonna need them to explain those scenes with the lover cuz while they may have been under the sheets we didn’t see them really do any smut stuff but the fl and ml we will probably see them do smut stuff or at least enough to say and verify that they did the deed uk what I mean. Hence how she can be a virgin and not know what it is or at least the author can frame it that way in theory to the readers and ppl just won’t know unless it’s just outright said. Kinda like in horror movies when a character dies off camera but u don’t really know if that person is dead cuz they died off camera and that person always comes back, idk if I explained that well(⊙…⊙ ). I also think maybe the plot changed at some point possibly just so they have scenes like the elevator one ngl that was spicy (≧∀≦) imma be honest idk if anyone will understand what I mean xD I may just be talking nonsense ignore me Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)