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daddyrie created a topic of Exclusive No-Love Zone

i don’t know i read the side stories properly, please tell me the omega left his abusive ex for good and that they’re just coparenting. surely he’s not thinking of getting back together with him again? what did he mean by the fact he’s “patient” at the end of their side story?

daddyrie created a topic of The Foul

honestly i very rarely like toxic romances and toxic MLs but have grown to love this story so much because of its realism. it’s not one of those trashy stories that tries to romanticise red flags and shoves rape in your face every other chapter. it shows you the dark side of the world as it is, no rose tinted glasses. yeah there’s some dubcon but out of like 78 chapters, the MC and ML have only had sex like 3 times while most of it is very plot heavy. considering the situation the MC is in, literally being millions in debt, i expected worse and a lot of noncon smut thrown in our faces. the whole character ensemble works really well with this kind of story and i like how they all feel like real people with real motivations and desires. the author doesn’t try to make the MC or ML a hero, they’re just people who have been shaped by the environments and experiences they’ve faced.

ugh it’s just the spoilers have absolutely ruined this for me. the one thing i wanted was this to not go down the cliche route of MC suffering at the hands of the ML but still forgiving him and ending up together with him. taeha’s not a good person, i accept that, but was i delusional to expect him to be at least a decent person to the MC? somewhere in the back of my mind i was thinking of the possibility that taeha would be responsible for the MC’s debt and that he would be trying to take his revenge out on the MC instead of his father but i really wanted to trust taeha when he said he had no interest in that thing. i wanted this to be a story where two messed up individuals who have suffered because of the same man (the MC having to deal with the debt his father left behind him and the ML having to deal with the trauma the MC’s father gave him) find some sort of peace together. was it too much for me to want the wikileaks to be taeha’s only desire and not revenge?

but no, taeha lied. he is indeed trying to take his revenge out on the MC, he’s the cause of his debt, he’s the reason the MC had to suffer in place of his father, he’s been manipulating and using the MC this whole time and he is the reason the MC will suffer even more in the future. in the future chapters the ML’s cousin rapes the MC and sends the video to the ML, for some reason the ML assumes this is consensual and then rapes the MC as punishment. then the MC gets shot and falls into water (i don’t know why but it’s apparently the MLs fault), the ML saves him but the MC is permanently damaged because of this. the ML is sorry (

daddyrie created a topic of High Pulse

he’s literally the only one who’s been consistently sabotaging their relationship and refuses to be honest with the ML about anything, the ML has always been the one putting the work in with their relationship. i almost dropped this during those chapters when they were on “break”, the MC was saying nonsense like how the ML doesn’t care about him and that the ML has already forgotten about him. what???? like YOU were literally the one who refused to even breathe in his direction even after saying that you guys would still interact with each other, YOU were the one who initiated being on break, YOU were the one who made up nonsense in your head about how the ML supposedly isn’t into you and now he’s once again trying to cut off contact from the ML without speaking to him. it’s so shitty and lame, almost all of their relationship problems are caused by him overthinking to the point of delusion. i just scrolled past some of these pointless disputes between them, giving me a headache for no good reason. i need MC to be mature and initiate communication with the ML for once because this is getting ridiculous. being this horrifically insecure when you’re in a relationship is a red flag. yeah ML is at fault too for saying he hates omegas but i think anyone with half a brain could tell he just said that so the MC would stop being insecure about him wanting an omega, in this world it’s clear that male omegas are super rare so he probably didn’t even conceptualise the idea that MC could be an omega. but considering that he was willing to be with him even if they were both alphas, he’ll definitely accept MC being an omega so JUST TALK

daddyrie created a topic of Half of Me

couldn’t stand waiting for updates anymore and read the MTL of the novel and well… the ending was interesting to say the least, i wonder if the webtoon author will keep it the same

daddyrie created a topic of Serious Joke

ever since that scene where sunbae was trash talking with that delinquent at school, i’ve started to think there’s a lot about him that he’s hidden. he’s giving major yandere vibes… i think he’s also a delinquent, that scene where he pulled out a box cutter totally gave it away. that’s a classic delinquent weapon in korea. also he knew the other delinquent well enough to already know about as scar on his elbow that was hidden but he just glossed over it when seungha asked about it… he’s probably what they call an iljin — “the bullies that are also often delinquents within a school setting”. it doesn’t seem like it now but i feel like this season is about to get so messy

daddyrie created a topic of Serious Joke

long rant incoming

when i started reading this, i liked the first couple much more even though i always had mixed feelings about the way seok would kind of force his feelings on kiwoon. still, it was clear kiwoon wasn’t actually bothered by it and that seok had his boundaries so it wasn’t that much of a big deal for me. but ngl i ended up disliking both of them A LOT as we got through the second couple’s story. honestly, i feel very weird about how the author makes jaeha seem like this crazy bad guy in the first story just for it to be revealed in the second story that jaeha has been done incredibly dirty by the two people who he believed to be the only ones he could rely on during his middle school years. i like hyun but him not clearing up the fact that he knew jaeha didn’t kill kiwoon’s cat and basically letting their relationship go to shit is pretty fucked up. i understand he was jealous of their relationship but jaeha basically being abandoned by one of only two people he could trust was not worth it. but honestly the root of the issue was kiwoon, i don’t understand how he saw jaeha wrap a dead cat with his blazer and automatically assumed his own friend killed it. there is literally no logic or sense behind this thought and just shows how he had negative biases against jaeha just because he’s mentally ill. yes it sucked how jaeha would just trauma dump on kiwoon, and kiwoon has every right to protect his own mental health but there is something so evil about knowing your friend is in a horrible place mentally and that he is dealing with domestic violence just to decide to abandon him. the way seok speaks about jaeha and calls him an “evil psycho” completely ruined his character for me. because of personal reasons, i take mental health issues very seriously and seeing a character basically reduce a domestic abuse victim who is obviously suicidal into an “evil psycho” made me sick to my stomach. considering seok wasn’t even personally involved in the situation and is only chatting shit about jaeha because he is overly obsessed with kiwoon gave me a huge ick. i’m not into characters who don’t give a fuck about anyone except their significant other and that’s basically how seok ended up.

ngl my feelings towards seungha have been weird since the second couple’s story. he came across as a nice person at times but when jaeha dropped the bomb that was seungha’s crush on kiwoon, it suddenly became incredibly obvious that he was only helping out jaeha because he didn’t want jaeha to cause problems for kiwoon which just comes across as pretty callous. ever since then, i haven’t been able to look at him the same. it just became clear that no one except hyun has given a fuck about jaeha and even then, hyun fucked up big time by taking two years to clear things between kiwoon and jaeha. i know jaeha’s mental health issues and domestic abuse don’t excuse some of his actions but i feel like he hasn’t done anything crazy bad? everyone makes the fight he had with kiwoon in middle school sound like a big deal, but we’ve never been shown it from jaeha’s pov. tbh the whole fight just seems like an excuse from the author for kiwoon to be traumatised and closed off towards other people because the author has literally never portrayed jaeha as the type of person to start randomly attacking people, especially not his closest friend. from what i can understand it seems like kiwoon just assumed jaeha killed his cat just because he was holding it (kiwoon assuming the worst about his own friend is shitty of him) and this somehow escalated into a fight with jaeha (sorry but this literally makes no sense). considering hyun cleared up that jaeha never killed kiwoon’s cat, it just seems like that whole situation was comepletely kiwoon’s fault and that jaeha lost two friends over a situation where he was massively misunderstood. even when kiwoon is told the truth, he never apologised to jaeha about seriously misunderstanding him and it just comes across as kiwoon only giving a damn about how he’s hurt and nothing else

daddyrie created a topic of Salt Friend

i feel like this story low-key brushed past the fact that tong yang’s brother is very much controlling and verbally abusive towards him. he purposefully isolated tong yang, faked his cat’s death in order to crush his spirits so that he can listen to him, acts like he knows best for tong yang, had someone pretend to be friends with him and keep tabs on him, hits tong yang when he doesn’t listen to what he says, tried to break his friendships behind his back, controls what he can and cannot do, guilt trips him into thinking everything is tong yang’s fault, constantly tells tong yang that he’s the only one who cares about him. i’m still not over the fact he really pretended the cat had died so he could manipulate him into abandoning his friendships and going overseas

honestly i’m mad at myself for judging this by its title for months and putting it off because i assumed it was some cringy and cliche story, this is genuinely one of the best isekais i’ve read. both the FL and ML are complex, flawed but likeable characters, the ML might be the best ML i’ve ever seen in this kind of genre (i thought he was going to be your typical cold duke but he’s so much more than that, he’s sensitive, considerate, shy and hardworking), the slow burn was so masterfully and carefully done, the couple’s dynamic is so heartwarming, all the characters are so interesting, both of the main pairing’s backstories are heartbreaking, the angst gets so painful but the fluff can be so sweet. this was worth staying up all night reading, ugh but now i want more

daddyrie created a topic of Boy Girlfriend

onyx cannot be serious rn. i understand that he went through a traumatic experience with his father and ended up getting outed but that still no excuse for how he’s treating keane right now. he’s clearly gone and talked shit about keane to kai but that’s so unfair considering keane literally gave him a place to say after basically being disowned by his dad and was ready to support him after all he went through. in fact, onyx should be the one apologising to keane since he made keane feel like shit for not wanting to have sex with him when they last saw each other, which comes across as so manipulative to me.

i get that onyx may have wanted space and some time alone from everyone after what he went through, but it’s been 4 months since he last saw keane and now he should be ready to have a mature and honest conversation with him. instead he’s just lying and avoiding keane as if he’s the only one hurting and not taking into consideration keane’s feelings at all. i don’t understand how you can treat someone you’ve been best friends with for over 10 years like this. i’m gonna be really annoyed if this season is just keane chasing after onyx while he runs for him because keane honestly deserves better. not liking the direction this story is going in at all

daddyrie created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

cirrus literally had no one to lean on when he was growing up, it’s no wonder why his personality has ended up the way it is. in fact, i’m surprised he’s not even more unhinged considering the fact that almost every adult figure in his life has traumatised and failed him

now there’s 4 different translations that have been mixed up together, which makes it a bit difficult to read from beginning to end. both the official and the new chapters labelled “better translation” are good quality and in order, so there’s no issue with them. but the manhwa clan translation honestly should just be deleted, it’s sounds machine translated, the resolution is poor and it has been placed in between the asura scans translation for some reason

it’s so funny seeing everyone jumping with joy now that kallisto is back, i remember how so many people hated the fact that he was the ML a few years ago when he was first introduced and everyone loved eclise back then. how times have changed

daddyrie created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

i’m genuinely baffled, i can’t believe the first season just ended like that… we have literally been given like 5 chapters of plot with 19 chapters of ugly porn that has basically gone nowhere. the pacing was just awful. i was honestly thinking that the story might finally start picking up here but no, it just abruptly ends ☠ and now we’ve been thrown some cliche and boring mommy issues about the ml to explain why he’s such a dick, it’s so corny and lazy. doo down needs to stick to working with authors because her talent is limited to art, her writing is just not good

i feel like the seme is gonna react badly when he finds out the uke hasn’t actually been into him like that from the start

i’m rereading this story and honestly it’s so frustrating having to watch penelope constantly have to play nice and lower herself just so she doesn’t get killed by the people within the duchy who have never bothered to care for her. i wish this was more like the villainess turns the hourglass and that penelope would just get revenge on all of them without forgiveness. they’re treating her better now but after all they’ve done they don’t deserve anything good from her. even emily used to prick her with needles and feed her rotten food for no good reason, i don’t like how they’re all getting redemption arcs that they don’t deserve. all these “sweet” moments leave a bad taste in my mouth considering how they insulted, neglected and abused her before. derrick is shit but reynold doesn’t deserve to be forgiven either, he made penelope’s life a living hell before she changed and watched silently as even the servants disrespected her. now he’s trying to act like all his behaviour towards her in the past never happened, has he even apologised properly? no one tried to understand her and she was basically forced into being a villainess by a family who took her in just to neglect her. now that she’s acting servile towards them, suddenly they care…honestly can’t wait until she leaves the duchy with the ML

daddyrie created a topic of Untouchable Lady

just binged this and i really enjoyed it at the beginning but it got so messy and convoluted in the last 40 chapters. even the ending felt pretty abrupt idk

daddyrie created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

i don’t get why the MC views the ML as some heartless playboy, he has never been shown to act like that at all??? he keeps on calling him an asshole because of some misunderstandings he’s made up in his head but like where is he getting these ideas from because the ML is very obviously into him and has only shown interest in him

daddyrie created a topic of Lady Baby

i dropped this 3 and a half years ago because the MC was basically a mary sue and the plot just comprised of everyone being wowed at how smart and kind she is while some lame repetitive minor villains get humiliated by her. also it was weird how the author was trying to build up some romance plots even though she was only like 8 back then so i wanted to wait for her to at least be 16. but it seems now very little has changed, except the story has gone even more off the rails and the revenge plot has basically been forgotten. welp i’ll come back in another 3 years lol

i’m surprised so many people thought yayul was the ML? he is the typical 2nd ML who gets saved by the FL and forms an almost unhealthy obsession over her, those types almost never end up with the FL. i just hope he doesn’t go down the yandere route later. he is cute though so it’s a bit of a shame but i can’t see the FL falling for someone who slit her throat in her past life, that past trauma would make it impossible for them to be together even if he’s different in their current life. i wish the FL and him could have a beautiful platonic friendship since i like their dynamic already but it seems like he’ll end up developing feelings for her sigh…

(and honestly once you guys find out why he killed her in their past life, you’ll realise how nice the FL is for taking care of him in their current life…)

as soon as ryu cheong and the FL were introduced in their present life it was so obvious that they’re endgame, the way the artist drew flowers everywhere and made it look like they were the only people in the room just spelt it out. i’m not mad at ryu cheong being the ML even if he’s bratty now, he looked hot in that panel from her past life where he was crying at her dad’s funeral so good enough for me lol. from what the spoilers say, they end up having a lot of chemistry together. i think people are judging too soon, this is still very early on in the story and how the characters are now is obviously not gonna be how they’ll stay in the future. i mean the MC is literally 6 years old, the rest are no older than 10

daddyrie created a topic of Concentration of Malice

it’s nice that the author gave an alternate “what if” ending to satisfy those who shipped van and verta but honestly i couldn’t take the extras seriously because it’s so clear to me that van does not suit verta.

blaine and verta are literally cut from the same cloth, no one suits them like they suit each other as they have similarly wicked personalities. even if van said he still loves verta after knowing what she would do to people who get in her way, there’s no way he knows the true extent to how evil verta could be. he’s just way too nice of a person to be with her in the long run and i feel like he could never truly understand her, he fell for her because of her beautiful appearance and her innocent facade. blaine knew verta’s true side but even then he took dozens of chapters that take place over months within the story for her to return his feelings, but somehow it took van only 2 weeks???

i just wasn’t convinced, it felt forced if anything. for someone as crafty as verta, i don’t think she’d just casually tell van she loves him as for all she knows this guy has just randomly decided he loves her when they’ve had like 2 interactions together before that point. she should be more suspicious of him. and i don’t like how her revenge was basically left in the hands of a man, it was better when she took control of her plans while getting help from blaine and many others. i do like stories where villainesses get with good guys (ariadne and alphonso are a great example) but the way these characters are written, i felt like the extras didn’t even make sense. at the same time, it just shows how well the author wrote blaine and verta’s relationship since it doesn’t feel right when they’re not together