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Limited Run

Complete | Eeej | 2019 released

i could cry from all this sexy hotness and i haven’t even started yet. #help

edit: i’m now up-to-date and HOLY FUCK WHAT A TOXIC MESS. jesus, this shit’s hot, too. and depressing… but mostly hot. equally as fucked up, naturally. goddammit… i know the author said we’ll be getting a happy ending, but… ohhh, man. i really can’t see it at this point in time. they have such an unhealthy dynamic going on. ;_;

edit #2: it’s finally complete… god, this was pretty messed up. (i still loved it, though, lol!) definitely not as bad as it could’ve been, knowing how miserable and violated some of the main characters in these stories end up. my one and only complaint is the rushed ending. it’s a shame we didn’t actually get to see them as a “happy couple” or whatever they would’ve been, but i’m hoping we’ll get a couple of side chapters showcasing that eventually.

Heeran Love Song

Complete | | 2019 released

whoa. this is fucking HEAVY, man… albeit in the best type of way. i don’t even know what to say. this is pretty damn dark; oh, so dark… but simultaneously, it’s so undeniably exquisite—genuinely enthralling writing. this is exactly what a graphic novel ought to be: art in the shape of words; a rare masterpiece. it almost has this… ‘dark maturity’ feel to it that just keeps pulling me further and further in. it’s intricate and pure and depressing and compelling and unique and delicate all at once and ughhh, fuck… the level of artistry’s strong with this one. not only is it beautifully complex, well-paced and so fucking well-written, but the art’s also out-of-this-world ETHEREAL… even my hollow heart feels heavy at this point.

whatever the case: ’twilight poem’ deserves so much more recognition than it’s currently receiving, and it sure as hell deserves a lot more than a couple of nice words from me. the overall quality’s definitely not something one comes across every day… knowing that, there should be much more high ratings for this; much much HIGHER ratings. so much depth, so much emotion with these characters… i can’t stress this enough. and i CANNOT understand why it hasn’t gotten as much attention as i feel it’s earned. truly, genuinely striking. my emotions are all over the place right now. this is art!

i wish there’d be a side story somewhere down the line, though. however much i appreciate the ending, i was informed of how lacking the manhwa’s ending was compared to the novel’s—which is somewhat understandable, now that i know the circumstances of said rushed ending to some degree… but i also won’t mind if this really is the end. i’m just so happy for soru to be at peace, honestly. and even more happy that she got to be with yato! ughhh, i love this match. good for them. <33

Thirst: To Fill

Complete | appeal,gyeokja 17 | 2019 released

this was HORRID. the fuck?? i only read ‘cause i was horny and now i’m questioning my own fucking sanity because of it. BLERGH

My Suha

Complete | Chahyun | 2019 released

dude, this one gave me whiplash like craaaazy. still, i loved it! although, it came a point quite late in the story where i really struggled to continue reading. things turned out so depressing and soooo fucking toxic—more so than i ever would’ve thought when i first started out. (i guess i should’ve known, sheesh. just look at the damn title… looking back, there were soooo many red flags i missed.)

nonetheless, in the end, i kept going… and i’m glad i did! i was reaaaally close to dropping this… for quite a few weeks, actually. but, as you know, i stuck with it and slowly adapted to the ‘fucked-up-slash-a-whole-lot-more-intense’ dynamic between our two mains. it kept things interesting, though—that’s for sure! i suppose i was just unprepared. (i’m not all that great with surprises.)

still, the story had an overall nice conclusion! really, the wholesomeness of it actually surprised me a little bit. but throughout the manhwa, i did appreciate the realism of the characters’ personalities and how they both (i guess?) learned how to set healthy boundaries and respect each other in the end. but before that, it was nice seeing each of them come to their own individual realizations, grow and mature in their lonesomeness and then eventually get back together—stronger than ever—AFTER they’d worked on themselves and talked things out. aaaand, of course, i liked that their relationship wasn’t anything even REMOTELY close to perfect. but hey, at least they’d solidified a much stronger foundation for themselves than before, and they finally had a real shot at being happy because of it. this was the healthy BL romance i wanted at the start, but was unable to get ‘til the very end, haha! (‘healthy’ might be too strong of a word, but at least it turned into something could work for them in the long-run.) anyway!!! it’s been a good run. i’ll be looking forward to the upcoming side stories!


omfg, y’all… siwoo actually violated do-hyeok. like, FULL-ON SEXUAL. FUCKING. ASSAULT??? genuinely, i never would’ve foreseen this. what an epic, twisted role-reversal!!! it’s surprisingly exciting… and satisfying, heh. (karma, anyone…?) revenge sure tastes sweet, ahhhh. <33 that’s a genuinely fucked up thing to say, i’m well aware, but at the end of the day, i 100% know that park do-hyeok caused lee suha soooo much more damage, both physical & emotional, than seo siwoo EVER could’ve done him. what he had to suffer (?) through was NOTHING compared to all the vile things he did to suha; pre- & post-relationship.

besides that, it’s not often you get to firsthand witness the infamously sadistic, ‘i’m-the-top-in-this-relationship’ villain slash ex-abuser get his asshole completely WRECKED by said ex’s best friend as a form of carnal retaliation. and apparently, the assault was satisfying enough for him to actually look him up afterwards to get want more of , too…? like, that is undoubtedly and irrevocably FUCKED, bro. so fucking wack, right?!

well, anyway… it’s surely, uh… an ‘interesting’ way of discovering he actually enjoys (even PREFERS) being a bottom… and not only that, but a bottom who now forces himself to become completely submissive in bed and let another man fully dominate him in bed. ahhh, the mere notion of it excites me so!!! what really tickles my pickle, though, is the fact that do-hyeok is WILLINGLY doing this much for a man who 1) went uno-reverse and used his own predatory tricks against him, 2) drugged him, 3) violated him, and 4) then went incognito on him—during their very first meeting, no less! that’s a seriously crazy fucking thing to get so turned on about and i motherfucking know it. even more so because i actually know the background and their circumstances!!! i comprehend the true extent of these wicked relationships, and i have an in-depth understanding of the characters in question as well. shit, man—i’m speechless. and horny. heeeelp. lmfao, i should be ashamed of myself. i AM ashamed of myself. more than anything, though, i’m actually more than a little surprised by the direction the story’s taking. it’s like i’m being introduced to two completely new characters, haha! i love it, and i love this dynamic!!! they have surprisingly good chemistry. sexual compatibility, too! (bet no one could’ve anticipated that, lol.)

P.S. right now, i’m over here QUIVERING at the mere notion of sporadically getting to see even one more round of this ‘hookup arrangement’ they’ve set in motion… like the sick fuck i am, goddammit. what’s next, i wonder? will they become romantically involved?? will suha and jiwoon figure it out??? or will they just continue to hate-fuck like bunnies in secret until they break it off and continue their lives like nothing ever happened???? fuck me if i know. what an incredible sticky (and needlessly sexy) situation they’ve got themselves in, heh. but either way, it’s an intriguing twist no one will ever see coming—no matter how you look at it!!! i’m all for any available routes heading towards a redemption arc, too, or even a FRACTION of a possibility of future reconciliation… and; well, character development—naturally. i can see the light, good sir!!! it’s shining so bright. <33

P.S.S. dear author, i beg of thee: PLEASE turn do-hyeok into a docile little lamb and let siwoo continue pulling the strings. i absolutely love to see it, and there’s so much unexpected potential in this union. so, so many possibilities… i’m so excited for the future of this story these days—i can’t help myself, lololol. all i know is that THE. SMUT. IT. TOP. NOTCH. QUALITY. and there’s no going back now. keep up the good work!!!

P.S.S.S. my dear, (please-fuck-me-you’re-so-hot) siwoo, whom i used to look at so natively… KEEP WRECKING OUR TOXIC REDHEAD WITH YOUR MONSTROUS GENITALS, GOOD SIR. just like he wrecked our precious little suha for absolutely no acceptable reason whatsoever. ahhh, how poetic this is!!! keep doing just like that, darlin’. he loves it. you love it. and WE love to see it. <33 this is the kind of toxicity i yearn for, haha.

…i can’t believe i’m actually ‘cheering’ for sexual violence. what have i become, hmm? oh, well… i really can’t help but to like siwoo’s character. he’s surprisingly enticing. and suave. and ATTRACTIVE!!! like, soooo fucking attractive it’s KILLINGGGG MEEEEE. god…


#final edit: aww, everything’s officially over now… i’m upset by the ending for siwoo and do-hyeok, even though i know it’s the ending that makes the most sense. :( didn’t really expect an open ending like THIS, though… i wonder if there’ll be another side story? or perhaps a whole different story set a couple of years from now?? do-hyeok’s last monologue seems to kinda leave that option open, but i don’t know… maybe i just don’t want to see it end like this. ;/ which is 100% true, too, lol.

anyway, i suppose that’s it! i’m just relieved i made it through this in one piece. didn’t really think i would at first, knowing how unnaturally attached to this latter couple i became… vey much unlike how things progressed with suha and jiwoon. quite odd, hmmm. despite everything, it’s definitely been a consistent 10/10 read, though! as always, i love the emotional complexity. <33


The Tyrant's Only Perfumer

Ongoing | Fairy dragon,Team dead shell | 2019 released

ughhh, this has been pretty freakin’ WHOLESOME, y’all. an overall enjoyable plot, too! i wouldn’t say that the plot itself was part in original, nor did the characters really stand out, but i’ve appreciated the nice and slow character development and all this lovey-dovey sweetness!!! heh, i quite dig it.

anyway. in every which way, i’ve always enjoyed this story, and i loved our mains’ relationship and its (relatively) slow progression. my god, they’re so freakin’ adorable together. <33 i hope there’ll be a few bonus chapters eventually, or even possible side stories!!! i’d love to see what their children are like as adults—or possibly even teenagers. but, the ending itself made sense to me, and i feel that things were wrapped out quite nicely!

99.99% Lovers

Ongoing | Original: lash,Nanna | 2019 released

kinda binge-read the korean version on another website (and i somehow managed to understand the majority of the story), so i guess it’s fair—TECHNICALLY—to say that i’ve already completed this one, heh.

i normally wouldn’t do this (since i haven’t actually read the english version), but the raws must’ve caught my attention to some degree considering that i actually marked it as finished on the website i use… can’t remember anything about it, though, but oh well.

Exclusive No-Love Zone

Complete | Mintran ,doojja | 2019 released

genuinely surprised by how exquisite and complex and intricate at his manhwa has been from start to finish. i’m so fucking in love with everything about this. it’s gotta be the most emotionally captivating omegaverse story i’ve ever read. just beautiful. surprisingly realistic, too! gosh, i’m so happy i decided to read this! (albeit on a whim.) one of the rare manhwa couples i can envision staying together for the rest of their lives while still being wholly enamored with each other decades later. gorgeous, intelligent writing. beautiful, expressive art. amazing, realistic character development… there are no complaints from me. i felt BUTTERFLIES. actual butterflies in my stomach. this couple just felt so real. love them. ADORE THEM. i hope they’ll stay together forever. such a pleasant reading experience.

Adapted Male Lead

Ongoing | Si ra bin | 2019 released

i’m low-key obsessed with this. seriously. their chemistryyyy, bro!!! and they don’t seem to even realize that themselves yet, ugh. i can’t WAIT for the actual romance to take off; it’s bound to be great. this is definitely exceeding my expectations! i don’t know if that says anything, but i just felt the need to make it known, lol. excitedly anticipating more updates!!! #blessed


My Sweet Dark Hero

Ongoing | Jin,Merry j | 2019 released

because the people in the comment section keeps bashing our amazing female lead:

i really, truly don’t get y’all. i’ve seen so much growth with these two, it’s actually INSANE. i love them together; they make each other better, and they have so much respect for each other and all of their baggage. the more i read, the more i fall in love with it. amazing writing!

My Daughter is a Music Genius

Ongoing | | 2019 released

wtf, did it seriously just end like this??? soooo not cool. there are WAY too many plot holes and unanswered questions left for this to be considered a proper ending. honestly, like, WHAT? ughhh, i’m just hoping i’m wrong... i would’ve never expected this manhwa to be anywhere CLOSE to being finished—there are so much left of their [potential] story to tell, what the hell!! sigh… simply ridiculous.

i’m gonna have to drop one star in the ratings because of this fiasco. i mean… it’s never been one of those amazing, ingeniously written stories or anything of the sort, so i wouldn’t say it’s rare quality content or whatever… but at least it’s kept me entertained ‘til now, and in the end, that’s what i base my final reviews on. overall, i had a good time. keyword: HAD.

P.S. bruh, i just can’t get over how stupid of an ending this is, lmfao. never seen anything like it.