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The Duke's Teddy Bear

Ongoing | Choi seong-ha | 2019 released

Crows like Shiny Things

Ongoing | Mr.C,Mijoo | 2000 released

wow. i actually grew to really love this one. truly didn’t think i would. gorgeous writing, man!!! and excellent character development, too. absolutely enthralled by the bond these two developed throughout the story, omfg. i genuinely didn’t think i’d come this far; i originally only wanted to check out what the smut was skit, lmfao. i’m glad i stuck around! things just kept getting better and better by the chapter—not just the plot, but the art as well. ugh, i love emotional complexity. <33

not totally surprised by the mediocre reviews, though. i probably would’ve agreed with them if i’d ended up dropping this like i considered doing initially, but oh well. these characters grew on me, clearly!! (which is also kind of surprising in retrospect, haha.)

[GwangGong Industrial Complex] Trap

Complete | boseu , 보스 | 2019 released

well… that was fucked up. can’t say i expected much else.

Your wish is my command

Complete | Sagold | 2000 released

oooh, smutty goodness. <33

edit: wow. that was one fucked up story, i won’t lie. i genuinely don’t even know what to make of it... on one hand, it was RIDICULOUSLY toxic. hwan was a manipulative piece of trash (and a PREDATOR, too!!!) with a seriously terrifying personality once you go below the surface. i can’t believe he got away with his schemes for so long, omfg. sigh…

nonetheless, i found the ending to be… well, surprisingly sweet and very wholesome. it’s kinda strange, though... i actually quite like the fact that hwan got a real chance to both do and be better. REDEMPTION WINS this time, yay!!! i mean, it really sucks that the old chiwoo was completely erased from the first timeline and that hwan’s the only one to remember 20+ years of memories—good or bad… but in the end, chiwoo’s “new” life ended up being a whole lot better in each and every way, and at least hwan recognizes that. now, they’ve got a chance to build a relationship together that’s actually HEALTHY and stable. and from scratch, at that—a completely clean slate!!! no more codependency, no more regrets… it doesn’t yet exist in this reality for them. as a reader who really struggled to accept their unhealthy relationship dynamics up ‘til a certain point, i’m so relieved to know that they (hwan in particular) got a re-do.

…but ohh, man. hwan of the OG reality was a real piece of work, i won’t lie. talk about having issues… and that’s putting it lightly! he got what he deserved for a time, he really did, but like i said—i’m glad he didn't have to spend the rest of his life in misery, full of regrets. he got the opportunity to become a person deserving of chiwoo—someone he could be proud of… and he now fully realizes exactly what NOT to do. so yeah, all’s well that ends well! these newer “versions” of hwan and chiwoo seem to be doing so much better than they ever did before. with that in mind, i’m excited for their sake! i just hope it stays that way, and that hwan doesn’t let his insecurities take over again and ruin this now-healthy dynamic they’ve got going.

this has been an interesting read, that’s for sure! definitely not something i’d read again (for MULTIPLE reasons), but oh well, lol.

The Lady's Law of Survival

Ongoing | Irim,Yeyoung,Yumyum | 2019 released

my god, this seriously fucking EPICCCC!!! which i expected, in all fairness, knowing that this is the same creator as the maker of ‘miss not-so sidekick’—which is also a personal favorite of mine. but oh my god, i freakin’ LOVE lukila. <33 she’s strong and wonderful and clever and committed and just full-on admirable. rafel is a great character, too. he’s pretty much a prefect specimen of a man, omfgggg. and the two princes—especially yuri—both hold a piece of my heart. great characters!

honestly, it kinda makes me want to reread ‘miss not-so sidekick’ again. it brings back all them good memories. just the art-style itself makes the whole atmosphere feel both reminiscent and content to me. i welcome this feeling. <33 but i don’t want to undermine this amazing story by comparing it to said OTHER story too much… ‘cause this one’s pretty damn excellent all on its own. excited to see how things’ll turn out for her and her boys, too!!! she’ll definitely become a knight, though. i mean, come on…! she HAS to.

with that being said, this is a solid 10/10! you go, author.

edit: goddamn, it’s already over. :( this was such a good read, though!!! i love this creator and their lovely, ethereal art-style. gosh, it’s gorgeous. i’m super excited for their next work!!!

(i expect there’ll be more at some point, yes? i certainly hope so.)

The Good Teacher

Complete | Eeej | 2020 released

kinda browsed through the ENTIRETY of the raws… so i feel like i kinda read this one already, lol. i enjoyed it, but i would’ve appreciated it much more if the entire story was colored—not just the side story!

The Fake Princess' OP Bunny

Ongoing | Han seram | 2021 released

aww, this is wholesome AF. <33 it’s a shame they had to wrap up the ending so suddenly like that, but i understand that there aren't too many options to choose from when the publisher wants to drop the comic. overall, they did a decent job! i LIVE for all the fluff & everlasting wholesomeness. this was just what i needed today!

Semantic Error

Complete | Jeosuri,Angy | 2019 released

ohhhh, finally an autistic MC!!! i’m loving the (so far unofficial) ASD-representation!

oh, and FYI? i’m completely OBSESSED with this manhwa. i can’t believe how turned on i’ve been for the past… two hours or something. the sexual tension is NO JOKE!!! they’re so awkward and clumsy with each other, i love it. and, once again, it’s so refreshing seeing some ASD-representation! even though they haven’t explicitly said anything about that or whatever… but as someone with autism herself, it’s been clear as day since chapter one, lol. amazing. this just keeps getting better and better! so excited for the future. <3

edit: it’s finally complete now! reading this has been such a joy. i adore this couple.


Ongoing | Honey | 2000 released

omg. this is comedy GOLD. and smutty gold, to be completely frank with you… ugh, this is exactly what i needed right now. thank you, author!!! i don’t know where i’d be without you. literally. #blessed

edit: i just completed the story. heh, still love it! we’ve had some ups and downs with these two for sure (with some real heavy elements here and there, too), but elia and daniel eventually pulled through together and kept us, the readers, invested ‘til the very end. a very impressive feat, author! i hope i’ll be able to read more of your work in the future. <33