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Yours to Claim

Complete | WAJE, ZZIN-BAM | 2000 released

bro, the smut is RIDICULOUSLY hot!!! overall, jooin’s remained ‘consistently cute’. well, mostly. annoying and somewhat clingy (?), but cute nonetheless. weirdly enough, i quite liked yahwi from the start, though—despite him being an inconsiderate jerk, aloof and overall toxic af for the longest time. (i’m weak to emotionally unavailable men, i suppose.) on the other hand, i didn't like cain at all in the beginning. i found him low-key creepy-clingy rather than sweetly clingy, and waaaay too excessive when it comes to displaying his sudden affection… well, way back in the day, that is. as it so happens, i’ve changed my mind since then! i actually quite like the guy these days. he’s understanding and kind and super considerate towards jooin—which i suppose are among some of the more important aspects of any relationship. i just don’t like unnecessary drama, ugh… but what can one really expect for a story like this? lol. but, you know… i started reading this manhwa two years ago, and honestly, i definitely wasn’t one for love triangles back then. however, i’d like to think that i’ve grown a little since 2021, and i finally picked this up after 1,5 years of indulging in… other things. i’m definitely relieved that i held off for so long, though! i suspect i probably wouldn’t have continued reading this back then if i’d chosen to keep going; especially knowing how dead-set i was on yahwi and jooin being together.

…but anyway. as i’m nearing chapter 70 and yahwi’s FINALLY started to (somewhat) figure himself out emotionally, jooin is the one who pisses me off the most at this point in time. what a hypocrite, my god… yahwi can’t communicate, he says? i get that, but HE’S refusing to see things from yahwi’s perspective, too! he’s not even attempting to!!! yahwi probably suffers from alexithymia (emotional blindness) without realizing it. as someone who has it herself, his tells are pretty obvious. therefore, i’d like to think that his poor ways of expressing himself emotionally—as well as understanding his own feelings and thought-processes—wouldn't exactly be his fault. with that being said: how can jooin expect yahwi to read his mind flawlessly when he can’t seem to understand him, either…? jooin’s already aware of the fact that he's not on the same page as yahwi, man… at least yahwi’s been sincerely trying his best for a good while now. meanwhile, jooin has these IMPOSSIBLE expectations for someone who obviously doesn’t realize what the real problem is… and he won’t understand it unless he’s directly informed about what said issues are!!! he can’t read anyone’s mind.

something that frustrates me a lot is this: how come jooin can be so straightforward with cain—who, by the way, doesn’t even seem to need it considering he can clearly read jooin well enough by now either way—but you can’t be straightforward with yahwi; the one who actually NEEDS all the clarity and bluntness the can get? it’s so goddamn ironic i could cry. and even as jooin’s breaking up with yahwi, the latter STILL doesn’t know what the actual problems are. not only that, but jooin’s also insulting him to his face and purposely hurting him in the process. fuck me, yahwi’s completely fucking clueless, man!!! i get that you’re truly hurt, jooin, but you’re not exactly doing your best to salvage the situation you’re in. you’re not even trying—you’re simply judging him; making clueless assumptions about his feelings and emotional state, which you’re obviously unqualified to make. honestly, you deserved that fucking slap, homeboy… (i’m anti-violence, but he had that one coming.) you actively try to provoke him, expect him to get angry with you, and then you get upset because he did exactly what you wAnTeD him to do??? give me a fucking break and stop playing the victim here. you’re not the only one suffering. it takes two to fucking tango. yahwi did wrong by hitting you, undoubtedly, but you’re not any better yourself. don’t get me wrong, though—i’m not saying that yahwi’s always been the one in the right (he hasn’t), or that turning to violence is ever a proactive solution (it’s not.) however, it’s obvious that our two main characters both have major issues and very little self-insight. the way i see it, yahwi’s done a lot of hurtful things, but he wasn’t really ‘intending’ to, was he? well, most of the time, at least. what he needs is proper guidance and straightforwardness in order to ever build himself a solid foundation. he needs time and patience if he’s ever going to learn how to form proper relationships. (yahwi thinks he’s already good at that, by the way. WHICH. HE. ISN’T. that’s the problem.)

honestly, at this point, i hope yahwi finds someone else who’s at least (somewhat) understanding about his emotional blindness, blissful ignorance and commitment issues. it’s not his fault that he can’t read minds and do things exactly the exact way you expect him to. and i know i’ve stated this a hundred times already, but the poor guy seriously doesn’t even realize the predicament he’s in, man… i genuinely feel for him, and i get it. 100%. either way, from my perspective (and based on the fact that i’m now fully caught up), jooin’s the more selfish, entitled, immature one out of those two at this point in time. it’s almost as if he’s slowly and intentionally) beginning to turn into a vindictive asshole towards go yahwi. (then we’ll have two, yay!) however much i happen to understand jooin’s frustrations, i relate much more to yahwi’s. i despise it whenever people blame everything on one party and avoids all responsibility—which, in this case, would make kitty sunbae the sole villain with no possible redemption arc. it’s what ticks me off the most, really. simply put, they just shouldn’t be together. i suppose they both deserve better, honestly.

…aaaand that was a long ass rant, by the way, but who fucking cares at this point? lol. yahwi deserves his own happiness, too—which i truly hope he’ll find sometime, and i’m pretty sure jooin would be able to stay happy with cain… if they do choose to get together in the end, that is. at this point, i truly have no clue what to expect. it could go either way… jooin and cain seem to have a lot less communication issues as of right now. but hey, like i’ve said a billion times already: i sincerity hope that kitty sunbae finds someone who’ll come to love and appreciate him for who he is; someone who’ll embrace him, all of him, despite his flaws—including his ‘social difficulties’, so to speak. those are all things he can work on and improve with time! (speaking from experience on this one.) yahwi should be in therapy already, ugh. but hey, all in all, it’s been a pretty damn great story thus far! i guess that’s why i’m getting so easily worked up, lol. it’s relatable as hell. i wish these guys the best… i just want them all to be happy, the whole lot. that’d be good enough for me. i suppose we’ll see!

edit: man, things are fluctuating like craaazy right now. (ↁ_ↁ)

yahwi’s finally realized some things about himself and he’s making honest attempts to explain his point of view to a clueless jooin. jooin’s struggling with these new developments; not knowing how to deal with yahwi’s sudden change in behavior and cain’s inability to be completely upfront with him. cain left temporarily to take care of a ‘family matter’, only to end up being stuck with said family who’s now properly convinced he’s crazy for saying he wants to go back to SK and be with his ‘owner’ from a past life. (understandably so.)

man, i have no idea how this’ll end… send help.

edit #2: we went from sexy mess to full-on emotional distress throughout this journey... i’m absolute IN LOVE with this plot development, omfg. it feels like we’re nearing the ending now, but i genuinely hope we’ll get some more yahwi + jooin lovey-dovet content before the story’s wholly wrapped up. these past couple of chapters have been resonating with me like CRAAAAZY. i can’t wait for next week to arrive!

edit #3: every recent chapter has been a literal knockout. i have a feeling we’re on the last pages now, but wow… the artists are really doing this story justice. these past ten-ish chapters have been so meaningful and beautifully narrated that it almost feels like a different story altogether. don’t get me wrong, it’s always been an amazing reading experience, but never to THIS degree. it’s being wrapped up so nicely, and it’s been quite a long time since i genuinely felt a sense of closure when nearing the end of a fictional journey… and we’re not even at the end yet!!! man, i’m so happy right now. i applaud all of those involved in creating this masterpiece of a manhwa. whenever and however the final chapter is eventually released, i can tell for sure that there’ll be no plot holes or unanswered questions left. perfect closure. i’m so, so unbelievably impressed by the author’s ability to incorporate emotions into visual writing—thus allowing us readers to experience such an array of joys and sorrows in a way that isn’t that commonly experienced within this genre of manhwa. outstanding work, truly!


Complete | Jung Seokchan | 2019 released

ahhh, how lovely. this manhwa’s so much better than i thought it’d be. goddamn, that was a nice surprise.


they‘be had such amazing chemistry, ever since the very beginning… and quite interesting dynamics throughout!!! a surprisingly wholesome story, really. such a sweet couple; talk about perfect match, lololol. i’m obsessed! i’m pleased to know that an official english translation’s being released right now, too. i’ll certainly be reading those chapters as well!

P.S. seriously, i can’t wait to reread their story in eloquent 4D. <33

Full volume

Complete | 알버트,albert,양은지,yang eun ji | 2019 released

this shit is fucking wild and i’m LOVING it.

edit: can season 2 launch, like, right now??? please?????

edit #2: I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY THIS IS THE PERFECT COMBINATION OF SEXY AND FUNNY, Y’ALL. this shouldn’t happen!!! this shit just keeps getting better and better each chapter. kinda feels like i’m on an everlasting high, lol. (not that i’d know what that feels like, but it’s whatever.) this duo is just perfect. splendid. i love them together!!! and the art is simply gorgeous. i can’t see any flaws. none whatsoever. #blessed

edit #3: just finished chapter 39 and i’m literally holding in my screams as we speak, lmfao. they’re just the best duo, my god. i love how comfortable they are with each other now, too! it’s just as kinky as it is wholesome. just get married already!!! everyone’s waiting.

edit #4: it’s over… and so is my life. i’ve loved every minute of this one, truly. ABSOLUTELY A 10/10 RATING, ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. ALWAYS. i’ll definitely be rereading it at some point as well. if it’s not already obvious at this point: the smut is next level INCREDIBLE, seriously… the number of times i’ve used this shit as masturbation material is just… embarrassingly high at this point. it’s actually kind of concerning. am i a sex addict??? but anyway, it’s whatever!!! what a hilariously sexy masterpiece. so, so good. just know that i’ve absolutely ADORED these characters and all their wild interactions. it’s been a hoot. (that’s the understatement of the year.)

wowzaaaa. <33

edit #5: all these bonus chapters brought me back to life, omfg. I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. AND. THESE. PEOPLE.

My One and Only

Ongoing | 샨탈,Chantal,G. seasoning,Junseng | 2019 released

aww, super sweet!!! it was a short but quite enjoyable read. not a whole lot of emotional complexity or anything like that, but that’s not what i came here for in the first place. so, with that in mind, i’m going to give this a 5 star rating—despite the plot holes that still remained after the last chapter! mainly because i really appreciate ten as a character and as a male lead for our female lead. HE’S. SO. EFFORTLESSLY. FUCKING. ATTRACTIVE. i mean, he obviously knows he is, but every single gesture he made in arim’s close proximity left me swooning, omfg. other than that, the 100% wholesomeness (and their immediate chemistry) left me no choice but to enjoy myself throughout!

No Reason

Complete | salty | 2019 released

absolutely and irredeemably fucking ABHORRENT. ohhh, my god. i thought i’d seen the worst of this site. i was wrong. this is just… grotesque. tragic!

this is one horrible story. well-written, but detestable nonetheless. i’d say that this is a fair representation of the darkest side of humanity. worse than hell, i’d imagine. fuuuck.

edit: officially one of the worst things i’ve ever fucking read in my whole entire life. just sheer travesty and depravity. stockholm syndrome hit us hard with this one… ohhh, man. absolutely HORRID characters, all around. (with the exception of MC who was CONSTANTLY being beaten and raped and manipulated and broken. reading this physically hurt me. honestly, i’m a pretty tolerant person when it comes to fiction and what i’d deem redeemable and irredeemable… but this just makes me so, so sad. on SO many levels. there’s no winner in this. well, except for yunjae, i guess. ༼ಢ_ಢ༽ fucking psycho, seriously…

i mean, if fucked up was a visual presentation, i’d be this ↑ story. 100%. fuuuuck. meeeee.

My Butler, Not Lover

Ongoing | Xuann (슈안) | 2000 released

i’m already in fucking HYSTERICS. this is so funny, omfg.

edit: honestly, this is great writing. excellent plot line and overall development, truly!!! it’s so intoxicating and engaging that i just kept binging nonstop all night, lol. now i have nothing else to do. FML.

If you don't do it, you can't go out?!

Ongoing | Sanhae kwon (권산해님) | 2022 released

FUUUUCK, HE’S HOT. that was some sexy ass smut, goddamn. it’s a shame the manhwa’s so freakin’ short, though. :(

The Moon On The Cliff

Ongoing | Hyeon min ye,Cube,Potato chips,Jae yul lang | 2019 released

I'm Engaged to an Obsessive Male Lead

Ongoing | Shuroop | 2019 released

hmm, well… i’m not too sure how i should be reviewing this one. the first 50-ish chapters had me completely hooked! i found it quite refreshing and overall enjoyable a vast majority of the time. (quite likable characters, these ones!!!) however, the author kinda lost me a bit after that. like, what was even going on after that point?? and once the story was finally over, there were still so many unanswered questions and plot holes that were necessary in order to get a sense of closure. man, i really don’t know anymore…

i genuinely liked the male lead and daddy archduke throughout the story, though. as well as blunt bestie dorel!!! undiagnosed ADHD squad assemble, lololol. <33 our female lead had some interesting moments as well, but some of the decisions she made during the latter half of the story made me seriously question her sanity at times. :| it was such a mess. i was also somewhat disappointed to realize that our supposed yandere male lead never went into yandere mode with our gal veillyn. ;_; i was really looking forward to that aspect of the story, too... jellard has such yandere potential!!!

oh, well. i suppose that’s a good thing, after all—knowing how jellard never ever felt THAT kind of insecurity with himself, nor their relationship. i love how it was mostly based on trust and respect from the very start! the fact that he never felt the need to ‘disregard’ her emotional or physical well-being in order to sate his own desperate need for control and domination says a whole lot about how secure he felt with her. honestly, it appeared to me as if he never even had such depraved thoughts about her in the first place! the jellard from the original novel ceased to exist when they met, it’d seem. all that goes to prove just how every single person you meet will know a version of you that no one else ever will. i honestly love that! nothing is written in stone. circumstances, behavior and intent can affect so much of a person’s fate.